Exercise - Set up and explore the sample project


In this unit, you get the existing application's code from GitHub, prepare the code, and set up your development environment.

Get and prepare the code

  1. In a bash terminal, clone the code repository.

    git clone https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-module-shifting-nodejs-express-apis-to-serverless learn-functions
  2. Change to the code repository directory.

    cd learn-functions
  3. Install the npm package dependencies.

    npm install
  4. Build the Node.js Express and Angular code.

    npm run full:build

Understand application structure

The sample application is a conventional Node.js and Express API with four methods that serve the following endpoints:

Method Route endpoint
GET vacations
POST vacations
PUT vacations:id
DELETE vacations/:id

Open the project in Visual Studio Code, and open the server folder to explore the structure of the API.

 | - data
 | | - vacations.json
 | - models
 | | - vacation.model.ts
 | - routes
 | | - index.ts            👈 1. Entry point
 | | - vacation.routes.ts  👈 2. The vacation routes
 | - services
 | | - index.ts
 | | - vacation.service.ts 👈 3. The logic and data 
 | - index.ts
 | - server.ts             👈 The Express server
 | - tsconfig.json
  1. The entry point is the server/index.ts file, which runs the server.ts code to start the Express server.
  2. Then the routes, such as /vacations, are loaded from the /routes folder.
  3. The routes execute the appropriate code in the /services folder. The data store configuration is defined in the vacation.service.ts file.

The Angular client app makes an HTTP GET request to the /api/vacations route, and the route in routes/vacation.routes.ts calls the data logic in the services/vacation.service.ts file to get the vacations.

Proxy configuration

The Angular application needs to be able to make requests to the Node.js Express API. The Angular application uses a proxy to forward requests to the Express server. Setting up a proxy enables the browser to locate the Express server. Open proxy.conf.json and notice that the port is set to 7070, the Express app's port.

  "/api": {
    "target": "http://localhost:7070",
    "secure": false