Exercise - Add a preview stage to your pipeline


You want to add an extra stage to your pipeline so you can check what changes will be made to your Azure environment.

During the process, you'll:

  • Update the pipeline YAML file to add a new preview stage.
  • Add an environment to Azure Pipelines.
  • Configure the environment to require an approval.
  • Update the pipeline YAML file to use the environment for the deployment stage.
  • View the what-if results and approve a pipeline run.

Update the pipeline definition to add a preview stage

Here, you'll add a new stage to your pipeline that runs the what-if operation.

  1. In Visual Studio Code, open the azure-pipelines.yml file in the deploy folder.

  2. Between the Validate and Deploy stages, add the following definition for the Preview stage:

    - stage: Preview
      - job: PreviewAzureChanges
        displayName: Preview Azure changes
          - task: AzureCLI@2
            name: RunWhatIf
            displayName: Run what-if
              azureSubscription: $(ServiceConnectionName)
              scriptType: 'bash'
              scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
              inlineScript: |
                az deployment group what-if \
                  --resource-group $(ResourceGroupName) \
                  --template-file deploy/main.bicep \
                  --parameters environmentType=$(EnvironmentType)
  3. Save your changes to the file.

Add an environment

  1. In your browser, go to Pipelines > Environments.

    Screenshot of the Azure DevOps interface that shows the Pipelines menu, with the Environments item highlighted.

  2. Select Create environment.

    Screenshot of the Azure DevOps interface that shows the Environments page, with the button for creating an environment highlighted.

  3. Enter Website as the environment name.

    Leave the description blank. For Resource, select None.


    In Azure Pipelines, environments are used to enable deployment features. Some of these features apply only when you're deploying to Kubernetes or to virtual machines. In this module, we don't use these features and you can ignore them.

  4. Select Create.

    Screenshot of the Azure DevOps page for a new environment, with the details completed and the Create button highlighted.

Add an approval check to the environment

  1. Select the Approvals and checks tab at the top-left of the screen.

    Screenshot of the Azure DevOps interface that shows the Website environment, with the Approvals and checks tab highlighted.

  2. Select Approvals.

    Screenshot of the Azure DevOps interface that shows the page for adding a check, with the Approvals item highlighted.

  3. In the Approvers text box, type your own name and select yourself.

  4. Select the arrow button next to Advanced.

    Notice that, by default, approvers are allowed to approve the runs that they've triggered. Because you're the only person who will work with this pipeline, leave this checkbox selected.

  5. Select Create.

    Screenshot of the Azure DevOps interface that shows the page for adding an approval check, with the details completed and the Create button highlighted.

Update the pipeline definition to require an environment and approval

Here, you'll configure the Deploy stage to run against the Website environment that you created previously. You'll convert the Deploy stage to run a deployment job instead of a standard job and configure it to deploy to the environment.

  1. In the azure-pipelines.yml file in Visual Studio Code, replace the Deploy stage definition with the following code:

    - stage: Deploy
      - deployment: DeployWebsite
        displayName: Deploy website
        environment: Website
                - checkout: self
                - task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3
                  name: DeployBicepFile
                  displayName: Deploy Bicep file
                    connectedServiceName: $(ServiceConnectionName)
                    deploymentName: $(Build.BuildNumber)
                    location: $(deploymentDefaultLocation)
                    resourceGroupName: $(ResourceGroupName)
                    csmFile: deploy/main.bicep
                    overrideParameters: >
                      -environmentType $(EnvironmentType)

    Notice that you defined a new checkout step. Unlike normal jobs, deployment jobs need to be configured to check out (download) the files from your Git repository. If you don't do this step, the deployment job won't be able to read your Bicep file. You could instead consider using pipeline artifacts to send files between pipeline stages. We link to more information about artifacts in the summary.

  2. Save the file.

Verify and commit your pipeline definition

  1. Verify that your azure-pipelines.yml file looks like the following code:

      batch: true
        - main
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
      - name: deploymentDefaultLocation
        value: westus3
    - stage: Lint
      - job: LintCode
        displayName: Lint code
          - script: |
              az bicep build --file deploy/main.bicep
            name: LintBicepCode
            displayName: Run Bicep linter
    - stage: Validate
      - job: ValidateBicepCode
        displayName: Validate Bicep code
          - task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3
            name: RunPreflightValidation
            displayName: Run preflight validation
              connectedServiceName: $(ServiceConnectionName)
              location: $(deploymentDefaultLocation)
              deploymentMode: Validation
              resourceGroupName: $(ResourceGroupName)
              csmFile: deploy/main.bicep
              overrideParameters: >
                -environmentType $(EnvironmentType)
    - stage: Preview
      - job: PreviewAzureChanges
        displayName: Preview Azure changes
          - task: AzureCLI@2
            name: RunWhatIf
            displayName: Run what-if
              azureSubscription: $(ServiceConnectionName)
              scriptType: 'bash'
              scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
              inlineScript: |
                az deployment group what-if \
                  --resource-group $(ResourceGroupName) \
                  --template-file deploy/main.bicep \
                  --parameters environmentType=$(EnvironmentType)
    - stage: Deploy
      - deployment: DeployWebsite
        displayName: Deploy website
        environment: Website
                - checkout: self
                - task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3
                  name: DeployBicepFile
                  displayName: Deploy Bicep file
                    connectedServiceName: $(ServiceConnectionName)
                    deploymentName: $(Build.BuildNumber)
                    location: $(deploymentDefaultLocation)
                    resourceGroupName: $(ResourceGroupName)
                    csmFile: deploy/main.bicep
                    overrideParameters: >
                      -environmentType $(EnvironmentType)

    If it doesn't, update it to match this example, then save it.

  2. Commit and push your changes to your Git repository by running the following commands in the Visual Studio Code terminal:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add preview stage"
    git push

Run the pipeline and review the what-if outputs

  1. In your browser, go to your pipeline.

  2. Select the most recent run of your pipeline.

    Wait until the pipeline completes the Lint, Validate, and Preview stages. Although Azure Pipelines automatically updates the page with the latest status, it's a good idea to refresh your page occasionally.

  3. If you're asked to grant permission to access a resource, select View and then select Permit.

  4. Notice that Azure Pipelines prompts you for an approval. You also receive an email informing you that the pipeline needs your approval.

    Screenshot of the Azure DevOps interface that shows the pipeline run, with the approval requirement highlighted.

    Before you approve the continuation of the pipeline, you'll review the what-if results to ensure that they match your expectations.

  5. Select the Preview stage.

  6. Select the Run what-if step to inspect the changes that the what-if command reports on.

  7. Notice that the pipeline log provides what-if results similar to the following code:

    Resource and property changes are indicated with these symbols:
      + Create
      ~ Modify
      = Nochange
    The deployment will update the following scope:
    Scope: /subscriptions/f0750bbe-ea75-4ae5-b24d-a92ca601da2c/resourceGroups/ToyWebsiteTest
      ~ Microsoft.Web/sites/toy-website-nbfnedv766snk [2021-01-15]
        + properties.siteConfig.localMySqlEnabled:   false
        + properties.siteConfig.netFrameworkVersion: "v4.6"
      = Microsoft.Insights/components/toywebsite [2020-02-02]
      = Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/mystoragenbfnedv766snk [2021-04-01]
      = Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/toy-website [2021-01-15]
    Resource changes: 1 to modify, 3 no change.

    The what-if operation has detected a change to the website resource. However, the changes that it has detected are noise. They don't represent real changes to your resource. Over time, the Azure team works to reduce noise. In the meantime, for these two specific properties, you can ignore the detected changes.

    You might also see an item in the what-if output for the resource type microsoft.alertsmanagement/smartDetectorAlertRules/Failure Anomalies - toywebsite. Application Insights creates this resource automatically. The what-if command detects that no change will be made to the resource.

Approve the pipeline run

  1. Select the left arrow to return to the details for the pipeline run.

    Screenshot of the Azure DevOps interface that shows the pipeline log menu, with the back arrow highlighted.

  2. Select the Review button on the approval panel.

  3. In the Comment box, enter Reviewed what-if results.

  4. Select Approve.

    Screenshot of the Azure DevOps interface that shows the pipeline approval page, with the Approve button highlighted.

Observe the successful deployment

  1. After you've approved the pipeline run, notice that the Deploy stage starts running.

    Wait for the stage to finish.

  2. Notice that the pipeline run finishes successfully.