Create an asset


Now that you know what an asset record looks like, you can create one.

  1. Go to Asset Management > Asset > All assets, Active assets, or My active assets.
    1. My assets - Contains assets that are related to the functional locations to which you (the maintenance worker who is signed in to the system) might be allocated. If no functional locations are set up on a maintenance worker in the Maintenance workers and worker groups module, the My assets tab will not be visible.
    2. Active assets - Contains a list of all assets with an asset lifecycle state of Active.
    3. Asset view - Displays a tree view of functional locations and assets that are installed on those locations.
  2. Select New to open the Create asset dialog box.
  3. If the asset is associated with another asset, the asset ID will automatically appear; otherwise, you can manually enter the identification information.
  4. In the Name field, enter the asset name.
  5. The Effective field automatically adds the current date and time and enters the date and time for the asset. You can manually change the date to reflect when the asset will actually be installed at a functional location.
  6. In the Asset type field, select the asset type that is associated with this asset. This field is mandatory.
  7. If needed, you can select the Manufacturer and Model for the asset. These selections depend on how they are set up in Asset manufacturers and models.
  8. In the Parent asset group, you can select the parent from the drop-down menu. After the parent has been entered, the name and effective fields will automatically be entered.
  9. The Functional location field automatically enters the default location. You can change the location by selecting another location from the drop-down menu.
  10. When you are finished, select OK.

The following image is an example of the Create asset dialog box. Asset Management > Assets > All assets, Active assets, or My active assets

Screenshot of the Create asset dialog box.

Watch the following video to learn how to create a new asset.

A few notes about functional locations:

After you have created an asset, you can continue to add more information that is related to the asset by going to the All assets page, selecting the asset, and then selecting the Edit button to make your changes. On the All assets page, you will see multiple FastTabs where you can enter the additional information.

General FastTab

The following image shows an example of the General FastTab.

Screenshot of an example of the General FastTab.

The General FastTab shows you the basic information regarding the asset, including asset identification, asset name, and asset type.

  • If it is a parent asset, the Children field shows you the number of children assets that are related to the parent asset.
  • The Functional location field shows you where the asset is located.
  • If the asset is a sub asset to an existing asset, the Parent Asset section shows you the Parent and Name.
  • If the asset is associated with a particular manufacturer, the Manufacturer section shows you the Manufacturer, Model, Model year, and Serial number. This information helps to manage the spare parts and job defaults that are associated with the manufacturer. For more information, go to Asset manufacturers and models.
  • Current lifecycle state shows you the current state that the asset is in. Because this asset is new, it is set to the first stage in the asset stage group.
  • If you need to activate an asset, in the upper menu under Lifecycle state, select Update asset state, select the active lifecycle state, and then select OK.
  • The Service level and Criticality fields relate to work orders that were created for the asset. For more information, go to Asset service levels and Asset criticality types.


An asset must be in an Active state to create work orders or schedule preventive maintenance jobs.

Fixed Asset FastTab

The Fixed Asset FastTab is where you can select a Resource and Fixed asset number for the asset. The type of resource that you select determines which calendar is used for work order scheduling. To see which resources are available, go to Organization administration > Resources > Resource groups or Resources.

In the Fixed assets number field, you can select which fixed assets should be related to this asset. This step is important if the asset is related to an investment project so you can create a work order type for any work orders that are related to the investment project. Go to Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Fixed assets to get an overview of the Asset Management projects that are related to a fixed asset by selecting the asset in the list and viewing the contents in Related information > Associated projects section.

Details FastTab

The Details FastTab shows you when the asset was activated or replaced.

  • The Active from field shows the date when the asset lifecycle state was set to active.
  • The Active to field shows when the asset was set to an inactive lifecycle state. You can manually change the date if needed.
  • The Replacement date field is where you can enter the date when you expect a replacement asset.
  • The Replacement value field is where you can enter an estimated value for replacing the asset. This field could be helpful if you want to use replacement information to compare it with the costs of maintaining the asset and then subsequently make a decision to purchase a new asset if maintenance costs on the existing asset increase.

Notes FastTab

The Notes FastTab is where you can add notes that are related to the asset. Select the Add timestamp button before you write the note to add user information and a date/timestamp to the note.

Attributes FastTab

The Attributes FastTab is where you can set asset attribute values. These attributes are used to describe properties or characteristics that are related to the asset, such as size, weight, or machine configuration.

  • Select Add and the Attribute type from the drop-down menu. After the attribute type has been selected, the Description field will automatically appear.
  • Enter the Value that is related to the attribute type.


Go to Asset attribute overview for more information about asset attribute types and their relation to assets.

Vendor FastTab

On the Vendor FastTab, you can select a vendor account for the asset.

  1. In the Vendor account field, select the vendor name from the drop-down menu. The vendor name and purchase order information will automatically appear, if they are set up in the system. Example: Acme Office Supplies.
  2. In the Acquisition price field, enter the acquisition price. Example: 5000.00
  3. In the Acquisition date field, enter the date. Example: 20 January 2020
  4. In the Vendor warranty section, if required, you can select the warranty from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the warranty start date in the Warranty start field.

Address FastTab

On the Address FastTab, select New to enter a description and the address.

  • If no address is added, the asset uses the address of a parent asset (if the parent asset has an address).
  • If no address is related to the asset or any parents in the asset hierarchy, the address of the functional location where the asset is installed is used.
  • If the functional location does not have an address related to it, the address of the parent functional location is used on the asset.

Asset maintenance plans FastTab

The Asset maintenance plans FastTab is where you add maintenance plans, which are used for scheduling preventive maintenance jobs at regular intervals.

  1. Select Add line.
  2. In the Maintenance plan field, select the maintenance plan from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the Active field, enter Yes.
  4. In the Start date field, enter the start date.


If you delete a maintenance plan line or a maintenance round that is related to the asset, you also automatically delete all maintenance schedules with a status of Created that have been created for an asset based on that maintenance plan or maintenance round.

Functional location maintenance plan FastTab

The Functional location maintenance plan FastTab provides you with an overview of the maintenance plans that are related to the functional location where the asset is installed.

Maintenance rounds FastTab

In the Maintenance rounds FastTab, you can add or remove maintenance rounds that are related to the asset.

  1. Select Add line.
  2. In the Maintenance round field, select the appropriate maintenance round. Example: Daily. The Line number automatically populates.
  3. In the Maintenance job type field, select the appropriate maintenance job type from the drop-down menu. Example: Inspection.
  4. In the Period type field, select the period type. Example: Month.
  5. Enter the Period frequency. Example: 1.
  6. Enter the Start date. Example: 20 January 2020.

Financial dimensions FastTab

In the Financial dimensions FastTab, you can choose which financial dimensions apply to the asset.

Asset management and Fixed asset integration

In Asset management, integration with the Fixed assets module allows for fixed asset and maintenance assets to be linked.

Users can create a Maintenance asset easily, from a new or existing fixed asset, by going to Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Fixed assets, selecting the fixed asset that the maintenance asset will be associated with and selecting Maintenance asset on the Asset Management tab. This feature also allows fixed assets users to easily view the costs posted from work orders for the related maintenance asset within fixed assets by selecting the Maintenance cost button on the Action Pane of the Asset management tab on the fixed asset.

Screenshot of the Create maintenance asset option.