Move, remove, and install an asset


You can create individual assets that have no relations to other assets or you can create a multi-level asset that includes a parent asset (top-level asset) and related child assets (sub assets). Now that you know how to create assets, this topic explains how to move, remove, and install them in Asset Management.

  • Move to parent asset – Moves an asset either to another asset structure or to another location in the same asset structure.
  • Remove from parent asset – Removes an asset from a parent asset structure.
  • Install asset at location – Installs a parent asset and any related child assets on a functional location.


The asset that you move, replace, or install might be related to another functional location. In that case, the asset might use financial dimensions of the functional location. On the Functional location types page, you can set up the handling of financial dimensions on functional locations.

Move to parent asset

Use the Move to parent asset function to move an asset to a parent asset structure.

  1. Go to Asset Management > Assets > All assets or Active assets and select the asset that you want to move. If the asset has child assets associated with it, you will also be moving those assets.
  2. Select Move to parent asset. The Move to parent asset dialog box appears. Because you already selected the asset that you want to move, the information about that asset automatically populates the Asset, Name, Structure change, and Functional location fields.
  3. Select the New parent asset from the drop-down menu. The information that is related to the parent automatically populates the Name, Effective, and Target functional location fields. If needed, you can select a different target functional location.
  4. By default, the Effective field is set to the current date and time. However, you can change the date to accurately reflect when the asset was moved or updated.
  5. Select OK.

The following image is an example of the Move to parent asset dialog box:

Screenshot of the Move to parent asset dialog box.

Remove from parent asset

The Remove from parent asset function is used to replace sub assets in an existing asset structure. This process is done in connection with repairs, refurbishment, or permanent replacement of a worn-out asset by a new asset.


For parent assets, or assets that don't currently have an assigned parent asset, replacements are performed on the functional location. For more information about how to replace parent assets on a functional location, see Move, replace, and install assets.

To use the Remove from parent asset function, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Asset Management > Assets > All assets or Active assets and select the sub asset that you want to remove. If that asset has child assets, you will also remove those assets.

  2. Select Remove from parent asset to open the dialog box. Because you have already selected the sub asset, the information that is related to the asset automatically appears in the Asset, Name, Structure change, Target functional location, Parent asset, Name, Effective, and Functional location fields. You can select another Target functional location from the drop-down menu.

    The Effective field shows the last date and time that the parent asset and related child assets were installed or moved on the current functional location.

  3. In the New asset section, select the asset where you want to move the current asset to from the Asset field drop-down menu. That asset’s Name and Functional location will automatically appear.

  4. By default, the current date and time automatically appear in the Effective from section. However, you can select the exact date and time when the asset replacement took place.

  5. Select OK.

Asset Management > Assets > All assets

Screenshot of the Remove from parent asset dialog box.

Install asset at location

The Install asset at location function is used to install an asset structure on a functional location.


This function only applies to parent assets or assets that don't currently have an assigned parent asset; the parent asset and related child assets will be moved to the selected functional location.

To use the Install asset at location function, follow these steps.

  1. Select Asset Management > Assets > All assets or Active assets, and select the asset that you want to install at a functional location.
  2. Select Install asset at location. The Install at location dialog box appears.
  3. Because you already selected an asset, the information that is related to that asset automatically appears in the Asset, Functional location, and Latest install/move fields.
  4. In the Functional location field, select the new location.
  5. By default, the current date and time automatically appear in the Effective from section. However, you can select a different date and time that the installation on the asset structure is valid from.
  6. The Attributes section shows the asset attributes that are set up on the parent asset.
  7. Select OK.