Understand the roles and responsibilities for setting up Workplace Analytics


The following is required to successfully onboard Workplace Analytics for Viva Insights:

  1. Assign licenses
  2. Assign user roles
  3. Make privacy and configuration settings
  4. Prepare and upload organizational data

Before you learn about these steps in detail, it's important to understand what the various roles are required to do for onboarding.

Companies that are onboarding Workplace Analytics will typically set up a working group with an executive sponsor, a project leader, a proposed Workplace Analytics admin, analysts (such as from HR, IT, or a related People analytics team), and the Microsoft 365 admin.

This group will:

  • Determine which employees are assigned Workplace Analytics licenses.
  • Determine which team members are assigned roles in Workplace Analytics, which give them access to the system.
  • Provide input to the Workplace Analytics admin on appropriate privacy and configuration settings.
  • Identify necessary data fields to include in the org data file, based on the scope of analyses.

The Microsoft 365 admin assigns licenses and user roles (steps 1 and 2). The Workplace Analytics admin confirms Workplace Analytics settings and uploads the organizational data file (steps 3 and 4).

A graphic shows the required steps for onboarding. Under the heading Microsoft 365 tenant admin are steps 1, Scope the analysis population, and 2, Control who has what access. Under the heading Workplace Analytics Admin are steps 3, Manage protection of sensitive data, and 4, Adjust availability of employee descriptive data.