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AppRecordingManager.StartRecordingToFileAsync(StorageFile) Method


Writes audio and video content of the current app to the specified destination file, beginning at the current time and ending when the operation is cancelled or storage space has been exceeded.

 virtual IAsyncOperation<AppRecordingResult ^> ^ StartRecordingToFileAsync(StorageFile ^ file) = StartRecordingToFileAsync;
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.RemoteAsync]
IAsyncOperation<AppRecordingResult> StartRecordingToFileAsync(StorageFile const& file);
public IAsyncOperation<AppRecordingResult> StartRecordingToFileAsync(StorageFile file);
function startRecordingToFileAsync(file)
Public Function StartRecordingToFileAsync (file As StorageFile) As IAsyncOperation(Of AppRecordingResult)



The file to which the recorded media is written.


An asynchronous operation that returns an AppRecordingResult object upon completion, which contains information about the status of the recording operation.

Before calling this method, call GetStatus and check the value of the CanRecord to determine if the current app is currently able to make an app recording.

To end an app recording that was initiated with this method, cancel the operation by calling Cancel on the IAsyncOperation returned by this method.


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