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MobileBroadbandSarManager.RevertSarToHardwareControlAsync Method


Sets the device back to hardware control mode. The relevant SAR configuration values are reset to the hardware default settings.


To use this API you will need to contact Microsoft to request the custom capability microsoft.cellularSARConfiguration_8wekyb3d8bbwe. For more info, see the Custom capabilities section in the App capability declarations topic, and Creating a custom capability to pair a driver with a Hardware Support App.

 virtual IAsyncAction ^ RevertSarToHardwareControlAsync() = RevertSarToHardwareControlAsync;
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.RemoteAsync]
IAsyncAction RevertSarToHardwareControlAsync();
public IAsyncAction RevertSarToHardwareControlAsync();
function revertSarToHardwareControlAsync()
Public Function RevertSarToHardwareControlAsync () As IAsyncAction


An asynchronous action.


Windows requirements

App capabilities
cellularDeviceControl cellularDeviceIdentity microsoft.cellularSARConfiguration_8wekyb3d8bbwe

Applies to