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RetailInfo.Properties Property


Gets an object that represents the set of available retail demo properties and their values.

 static property IMapView<Platform::String ^, Platform::Object ^> ^ Properties { IMapView<Platform::String ^, Platform::Object ^> ^ get(); };
static IMapView<winrt::hstring, IInspectable const&> Properties();
public static IReadOnlyDictionary<string,object> Properties { get; }
var iMapView =;
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Properties As IReadOnlyDictionary(Of String, Object)

Property Value





A read-only collection of key-value pairs, each pair representing an available retail demo property. This is an instance of a collection interface, not a strongly typed collection, so use the interface APIs to work with the items.


These properties include specific information that is useful for apps that are running or otherwise available as pre-installed demo apps in a retail setting. For example, you can get a ManufacturerName, ScreenSize, and so on.

If IsDemoModeEnabled is false, Properties might contain a zero-length collection or null. Verify that IsDemoModeEnabled is true before getting the Properties value.

Once you have a valid collection, this collection is a map/dictionary where each property is identified by a property name. These property names are predefined, and each known property name is represented by a static string property of the KnownRetailInfoProperties class. So whenever you attempt to get a specific property, use a KnownRetailInfoProperties property to supply the string key value, rather than hard-coded strings. That will assure you aren't asking for values that don't exist in the collection.

The collection is represented by a different interface/object depending on which programming language you are using.

The values you get for the properties are technically untyped objects (variants) because they are being reported directly from registry info (HKLM). Here are the types that you can use as type-casting options (which might be needed for UI display) for each of the properties:

Property Type
BatteryLifeDescription String
DisplayDescription String
DisplayModelName String
FormFactor String
FrontCameraDescription String
GraphicsDescription String
HasNfc Boolean
HasOpticalDrive Boolean
HasSdSlot Boolean
IsFeatured Boolean
IsOfficeInstalled Boolean
ManufacturerName String
Memory String
ModelName String
Price Double
ProcessorDescription String
RearCameraDescription String
RetailAccessCode String
ScreenSize String
StorageDescription String
Weight String
WindowsEdition String

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