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XamlTypeIndex Enum


Enum that lists all the supported types in XamlDirect.

Equivalent WinUI 2 API for UWP: Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct.XamlTypeIndex (for WinUI in the Windows App SDK, see the Windows App SDK namespaces).

public enum class XamlTypeIndex
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct.XamlDirectContract, 65536)]
enum class XamlTypeIndex
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct.XamlDirectContract), 65536)]
public enum XamlTypeIndex
Public Enum XamlTypeIndex

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 10, version 1809 (introduced in 10.0.17763.0)
API contract
Windows.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct.XamlDirectContract (introduced in v1.0)


Name Value Description
AutoSuggestBoxSuggestionChosenEventArgs 34

The AutoSuggestBoxSuggestionChosenEventArgs type.

AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs 35

The AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs type.

CollectionViewSource 41

The CollectionViewSource type.

ColumnDefinition 44

The ColumnDefinition type.

GradientStop 64

The GradientStop type.

InputScope 74

The InputScope type.

InputScopeName 75

The InputScopeName type.

KeySpline 78

The KeySpline type.

PathFigure 93

The PathFigure type.

PrintDocument 100

The PrintDocument type.

RowDefinition 106

The RowDefinition type.

Style 114

The Style type.

TimelineMarker 126

The TimelineMarker type.

VisualState 137

The VisualState type.

VisualStateGroup 138

The VisualStateGroup type.

VisualStateManager 139

The VisualStateManager type.

VisualTransition 140

The VisualTransition type.

AddDeleteThemeTransition 177

The AddDeleteThemeTransition type.

ArcSegment 178

The ArcSegment type.

BackEase 179

The BackEase type.

BeginStoryboard 180

The BeginStoryboard type.

BezierSegment 181

The BezierSegment type.

BindingBase 182

The BindingBase type.

BitmapCache 183

The BitmapCache type.

BounceEase 186

The BounceEase type.

CircleEase 187

The CircleEase type.

ColorAnimation 188

The ColorAnimation type.

ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames 189

The ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames type.

ContentThemeTransition 190

The ContentThemeTransition type.

ControlTemplate 191

The ControlTemplate type.

CubicEase 192

The CubicEase type.

DataTemplate 194

The DataTemplate type.

DiscreteColorKeyFrame 195

The DiscreteColorKeyFrame type.

DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame 196

The DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame type.

DiscreteObjectKeyFrame 197

The DiscreteObjectKeyFrame type.

DiscretePointKeyFrame 198

The DiscretePointKeyFrame type.

DoubleAnimation 200

The DoubleAnimation type.

DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames 201

The DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames type.

EasingColorKeyFrame 204

The EasingColorKeyFrame type.

EasingDoubleKeyFrame 205

The EasingDoubleKeyFrame type.

EasingPointKeyFrame 206

The EasingPointKeyFrame type.

EdgeUIThemeTransition 207

The EdgeUIThemeTransition type.

ElasticEase 208

The ElasticEase type.

EllipseGeometry 209

The EllipseGeometry type.

EntranceThemeTransition 210

The EntranceThemeTransition type.

EventTrigger 211

The EventTrigger type.

ExponentialEase 212

The ExponentialEase type.

Flyout 213

The Flyout type.

GeometryGroup 216

The GeometryGroup type.

ItemsPanelTemplate 227

The ItemsPanelTemplate type.

LinearColorKeyFrame 230

The LinearColorKeyFrame type.

LinearDoubleKeyFrame 231

The LinearDoubleKeyFrame type.

LinearPointKeyFrame 232

The LinearPointKeyFrame type.

LineGeometry 233

The LineGeometry type.

LineSegment 234

The LineSegment type.

Matrix3DProjection 236

The Matrix3DProjection type.

MenuFlyout 238

The MenuFlyout type.

ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames 240

The ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames type.

PaneThemeTransition 241

The PaneThemeTransition type.

PathGeometry 243

The PathGeometry type.

PlaneProjection 244

The PlaneProjection type.

PointAnimation 245

The PointAnimation type.

PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames 246

The PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames type.

PolyBezierSegment 248

The PolyBezierSegment type.

PolyLineSegment 249

The PolyLineSegment type.

PolyQuadraticBezierSegment 250

The PolyQuadraticBezierSegment type.

PopupThemeTransition 251

The PopupThemeTransition type.

PowerEase 252

The PowerEase type.

QuadraticBezierSegment 254

The QuadraticBezierSegment type.

QuadraticEase 255

The QuadraticEase type.

QuarticEase 256

The QuarticEase type.

QuinticEase 257

The QuinticEase type.

RectangleGeometry 258

The RectangleGeometry type.

RelativeSource 259

The RelativeSource type.

RenderTargetBitmap 260

The RenderTargetBitmap type.

ReorderThemeTransition 261

The ReorderThemeTransition type.

RepositionThemeTransition 262

The RepositionThemeTransition type.

Setter 263

The Setter type.

SineEase 264

The SineEase type.

SolidColorBrush 265

The SolidColorBrush type.

SplineColorKeyFrame 266

The SplineColorKeyFrame type.

SplineDoubleKeyFrame 267

The SplineDoubleKeyFrame type.

SplinePointKeyFrame 268

The SplinePointKeyFrame type.

BitmapImage 285

The BitmapImage type.

Border 286

The Border type.

CaptureElement 288

The CaptureElement type.

CompositeTransform 295

The CompositeTransform type.

ContentPresenter 296

The ContentPresenter type.

DragItemThemeAnimation 302

The DragItemThemeAnimation type.

DragOverThemeAnimation 303

The DragOverThemeAnimation type.

DropTargetItemThemeAnimation 304

The DropTargetItemThemeAnimation type.

FadeInThemeAnimation 306

The FadeInThemeAnimation type.

FadeOutThemeAnimation 307

The FadeOutThemeAnimation type.

Glyphs 312

The Glyphs type.

Image 326

The Image type.

ImageBrush 328

The ImageBrush type.

InlineUIContainer 329

The InlineUIContainer type.

ItemsPresenter 332

The ItemsPresenter type.

LinearGradientBrush 334

The LinearGradientBrush type.

LineBreak 335

The LineBreak type.

MatrixTransform 340

The MatrixTransform type.

MediaElement 342

The MediaElement type.

Paragraph 349

The Paragraph type.

PointerDownThemeAnimation 357

The PointerDownThemeAnimation type.

PointerUpThemeAnimation 359

The PointerUpThemeAnimation type.

PopInThemeAnimation 361

The PopInThemeAnimation type.

PopOutThemeAnimation 362

The PopOutThemeAnimation type.

Popup 363

The Popup type.

RepositionThemeAnimation 370

The RepositionThemeAnimation type.

ResourceDictionary 371

The ResourceDictionary type.

RichTextBlock 374

The RichTextBlock type.

RichTextBlockOverflow 376

The RichTextBlockOverflow type.

RotateTransform 378

The RotateTransform type.

Run 380

The Run type.

ScaleTransform 381

The ScaleTransform type.

SkewTransform 389

The SkewTransform type.

Span 390

The Span type.

SplitCloseThemeAnimation 391

The SplitCloseThemeAnimation type.

SplitOpenThemeAnimation 392

The SplitOpenThemeAnimation type.

Storyboard 393

The Storyboard type.

SwipeBackThemeAnimation 394

The SwipeBackThemeAnimation type.

SwipeHintThemeAnimation 395

The SwipeHintThemeAnimation type.

TextBlock 396

The TextBlock type.

TransformGroup 411

The TransformGroup type.

TranslateTransform 413

The TranslateTransform type.

Viewbox 417

The Viewbox type.

WebViewBrush 423

The WebViewBrush type.

AppBarSeparator 427

The AppBarSeparator type.

BitmapIcon 429

The BitmapIcon type.

Bold 430

The Bold type.

Canvas 432

The Canvas type.

ContentControl 435

The ContentControl type.

DatePicker 436

The DatePicker type.

DependencyObjectCollection 437

The DependencyObjectCollection type.

Ellipse 438

The Ellipse type.

FontIcon 440

The FontIcon type.

Grid 442

The Grid type.

Hub 445

The Hub type.

HubSection 446

The HubSection type.


The Hyperlink type.

Italic 449

The Italic type.

ItemsControl 451

The ItemsControl type.

Line 452

The Line type.

MediaTransportControls 458

The MediaTransportControls type.

PasswordBox 462

The PasswordBox type.

Path 463

The Path type.

PathIcon 464

The PathIcon type.

Polygon 465

The Polygon type.

Polyline 466

The Polyline type.

ProgressRing 468

The ProgressRing type.

Rectangle 470

The Rectangle type.

RichEditBox 473

The RichEditBox type.

ScrollContentPresenter 476

The ScrollContentPresenter type.


The SearchBox type.

SemanticZoom 479

The SemanticZoom type.

StackPanel 481

The StackPanel type.

SymbolIcon 482

The SymbolIcon type.

TextBox 483

The TextBox type.

Thumb 485

The Thumb type.

TickBar 486

The TickBar type.

TimePicker 487

The TimePicker type.

ToggleSwitch 489

The ToggleSwitch type.

Underline 490

The Underline type.

UserControl 491

The UserControl type.

VariableSizedWrapGrid 492

The VariableSizedWrapGrid type.

WebView 494

The WebView type.

AppBar 495

The AppBar type.

AutoSuggestBox 499

The AutoSuggestBox type.

CarouselPanel 502

The CarouselPanel type.

ContentDialog 506

The ContentDialog type.

FlyoutPresenter 508

The FlyoutPresenter type.

Frame 509

The Frame type.

GridViewItemPresenter 511

The GridViewItemPresenter type.

GroupItem 512

The GroupItem type.

ItemsStackPanel 514

The ItemsStackPanel type.

ItemsWrapGrid 515

The ItemsWrapGrid type.

ListViewItemPresenter 520

The ListViewItemPresenter type.

MenuFlyoutItem 521

The MenuFlyoutItem type.

MenuFlyoutPresenter 522

The MenuFlyoutPresenter type.

MenuFlyoutSeparator 523

The MenuFlyoutSeparator type.

Page 525

The Page type.

ProgressBar 528

The ProgressBar type.

ScrollBar 530

The ScrollBar type.

SettingsFlyout 533

The SettingsFlyout type.

Slider 534

The Slider type.

SwapChainBackgroundPanel 535

The SwapChainBackgroundPanel type.

SwapChainPanel 536

The SwapChainPanel type.

ToolTip 538

The ToolTip type.

Button 540

The Button type.

ComboBoxItem 541

The ComboBoxItem type.

CommandBar 542

The CommandBar type.

FlipViewItem 543

The FlipViewItem type.

GridViewHeaderItem 545

The GridViewHeaderItem type.

HyperlinkButton 546

The HyperlinkButton type.

ListBoxItem 547

The ListBoxItem type.

ListViewHeaderItem 550

The ListViewHeaderItem type.

RepeatButton 551

The RepeatButton type.

ScrollViewer 552

The ScrollViewer type.

ToggleButton 553

The ToggleButton type.

ToggleMenuFlyoutItem 554

The ToggleMenuFlyoutItem type.

VirtualizingStackPanel 555

The VirtualizingStackPanel type.

WrapGrid 556

The WrapGrid type.

AppBarButton 557

The AppBarButton type.

AppBarToggleButton 558

The AppBarToggleButton type.

CheckBox 559

The CheckBox type.

GridViewItem 560

The GridViewItem type.

ListViewItem 561

The ListViewItem type.

RadioButton 562

The RadioButton type.

Binding 564

The Binding type.

ComboBox 566

The ComboBox type.

FlipView 567

The FlipView type.

ListBox 568

The ListBox type.

GridView 570

The GridView type.

ListView 571

The ListView type.

CalendarView 707

The CalendarView type.

CalendarViewDayItem 709

The CalendarViewDayItem type.

CalendarPanel 723

The CalendarPanel type.

SplitView 728

The SplitView type.

CompositeTransform3D 732

The CompositeTransform3D type.

PerspectiveTransform3D 733

The PerspectiveTransform3D type.

RelativePanel 744

The RelativePanel type.

InkCanvas 748

The InkCanvas type.

MenuFlyoutSubItem 749

The MenuFlyoutSubItem type.

AdaptiveTrigger 757

The AdaptiveTrigger type.

SoftwareBitmapSource 761

The SoftwareBitmapSource type.

StateTrigger 767

The StateTrigger type.

CalendarDatePicker 774

The CalendarDatePicker type.

AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs 778

The AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs type.

CommandBarOverflowPresenter 781

The CommandBarOverflowPresenter type.

DrillInThemeAnimation 782

The DrillInThemeAnimation type.

DrillOutThemeAnimation 783

The DrillOutThemeAnimation type.

AutomationAnnotation 789

The AutomationAnnotation type.

AutomationPeerAnnotation 790

The AutomationPeerAnnotation type.

MediaPlayerPresenter 828

The MediaPlayerPresenter type.

MediaPlayerElement 829

The MediaPlayerElement type.

XamlLight 855

The XamlLight type.

SvgImageSource 860

The SvgImageSource type.

KeyboardAccelerator 897

The KeyboardAccelerator type.

HandwritingView 920

The HandwritingView type.


The ContentLink type.

BitmapIconSource 929

The BitmapIconSource type.

FontIconSource 930

The FontIconSource type.

PathIconSource 931

The PathIconSource type.

SymbolIconSource 933

The SymbolIconSource type.

IconSourceElement 939

The IconSourceElement type.

AppBarElementContainer 945

The AppBarElementContainer type.

ColorPaletteResources 952

The ColorPaletteResources type.

StandardUICommand 961

The StandardUICommand type.

ThemeShadow 964

The ThemeShadow type.

XamlUICommand 969

The XamlUICommand type.

Applies to

See also