
Provides an extended query context for debug symbols.


IDiaSessionEx : IDiaSession


The following table shows the methods of IDiaSessionEx.

Method Description
IDiaSessionEx::isFastLinkPDB Retrieves a Boolean indicating that the source debug information was produced with /DEBUG:fastlink.
IDiaSessionEx::isPortablePDB Retrieves a Boolean indicating that the source debug information is using the Portable PDB format.
`IDiaSessionEx::getSourceLinkInfo' Retrieves an enumeration of source link information.


It is important to call the IDiaSession::put_loadAddress method after creating the IDiaSession object — and the value passed to the put_loadAddress method must be non-zero — for any virtual address (VA) properties of symbols to be accessible. The load address comes from whatever program loaded the executable being debugged. For example, you can call the Win32 function GetModuleInformation to retrieve the load address for the executable, given a handle to the executable.

Because IDiaSessionEx inherits from IDiaSession, it alos has all the same methods, and can be passed to any function that accepts an IDiaSession.


This example shows how to obtain the IDiaSessionEx interface as part of a general initialization of the Debug Interface Access (DIA) SDK.

CComPtr<IDiaDataSource> pSource;
ComPtr<IDiaSessionEx> psessionex;

void InitializeDIA(const char *szFilename)
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DiaSource,
                                   __uuidof( IDiaDataSource ),
                                  (void **) &pSource);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        Fatal("Could not CoCreate CLSID_DiaSource. Register msdia140.dll." );
    wchar_t wszFilename[ _MAX_PATH ];
    mbstowcs( wszFilename,
              sizeof( wszFilename )/sizeof( wszFilename[0] ) );
    if ( FAILED( pSource->loadDataFromPdb( wszFilename ) ) )
        if ( FAILED( pSource->loadDataForExe( wszFilename, NULL, NULL ) ) )
            Fatal( "loadDataFromPdb/Exe" );

    ComPtr<IDiaSession> psession;
    if ( FAILED( pSource->openSession( &psession ) ) )
        Fatal( "openSession" );

    if ( FAILED( psession.QueryInterface(&psessionex) ) )
        Fatal( "Failed to upgrade from IDiaSession to IDiaSessionEx, are you using an older version of msdia140.dll?" );


Header: Dia2.h

Library: diaguids.lib

DLL: msdia140.dll

See also