
Returns the addresses and lengths of discontiguous fragments for the function at the specified virtual address (VA).


HRESULT getFunctionFragmentsVA(
    ULONGLONG vaFunc,
    DWORD cbFunc,
    DWORD cFragments,
    ULONGLONG *pVaFragment,
    DWORD *pLenFragment


[in] vaFunc

The virtual address of the function.

[in] cbFunc

The total size in bytes of the function (that is, the length of the function).

[in] cFragments

The count of elements allocated for pVaFragment and pLenFragment.

[out] pVaFragment

Array buffer to receive the virtual addresses of each fragment. This buffer must be at least cFragments elements long.

[out] pLenFragment

Array buffer to receive the length, in bytes, of each fragment. This buffer must be at least cFragments elements long.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.

See also