
Represents a COM+ symbol provider with methods that are specific to managed code and extends the IDebugComPlusSymbolProviderIDebugComPlusSymbolProvider.


IDebugComPlusSymbolProvider2 : IDebugComPlusSymbolProvider


In addition to the methods on the IDebugComPlusSymbolProvider interface, this interface implements the following methods:

Method Description
FunctionHasLineInfo Determines if the specified method has line information.
GetTypesByName Retrieves a type given its name.
GetTypeFromToken Retrieves a type given its token.
IsAddressSequencePoint Determines if the specified debug address is a sequence point.
LoadSymbolsFromCallback Loads debug symbols using the specified callback method.
LoadSymbolsFromStreamWithCorModule Load debug symbols from a data stream given the ICorDebugModule object.
LoadSymbolsWithCorModule Loads debug symbols given the ICorDebugModule object.


Header: Sh.h

Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop

Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll