L2CAP_CONFIG_OPTION structure (bthddi.h)

An array of L2CAP_CONFIG_OPTION structures is used to specify values for the ExtraOptions member of the CHANNEL_CONFIG_PARAMETERS, _BRB_L2CA_OPEN_CHANNEL, and INDICATION_PARAMETERS structures.


typedef struct _L2CAP_CONFIG_OPTION {
  CO_HEADER Header;
  VOID      *DynamicBuffer;
  UCHAR     FixedBuffer[4];
  USHORT    Flags;



A CO_HEADER structure that specifies information about vendor-specific configuration options.


A pointer to a buffer that contains additional L2CAP channel parameters that are defined either by the profile driver or the remote device. The Flags member is set to CO_DYNAMIC to indicate that this member contains the extra parameters.


A buffer that contains additional L2CAP channel parameters that are defined either by the profile driver or the remote device if they fit into 4 bytes. The Flags member is set to CO_FIXED to indicate that this member contains the extra parameters.


A combination of flags that determines which of this structure's buffer members contain parameters. Multiple flags can be set at once. Valid flag values are listed in the following table.

Flag Description
CO_DYNAMIC If set, the DynamicBuffer member points to the extra parameters.
CO_FIXED If set, the FixedBuffer member contains the extra parameters.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Versions:_Supported in Windows Vista, and later.
Header bthddi.h (include Bthddi.h)

See also