BTH_SDP_CONNECT structure (bthioctl.h)

The BTH_SDP_CONNECT structure contains input and output information about a connection between the local Bluetooth system and a remote SDP server. This structure is passed as the input buffer and output buffer of IOCTL_BTH_SDP_CONNECT.


typedef struct _BTH_SDP_CONNECT {
  BTH_ADDR        bthAddress;
  ULONG           fSdpConnect;
  UCHAR           requestTimeout;



The address of the remote SDP server that the local system connects to. This address cannot be to the local radio.


A flag or combination of flags that determines how to handle the connection request. Valid flag values are listed in the following table.

Flag Description
SDP_CONNECT_ALLOW_PIN If requested, perform a pin exchange with the remote device.
SDP_CONNECT_CACHE Requests are serviced out of the local cache of the SDP record.


When the connect request returns, this specifies the handle to the SDP connection to the remote server.


Timeout, in seconds, for the requests on this SDP channel. If the request times out, the SDP connection represented by the HANDLE_SDP must be closed. The values for this field are bound by SDP_REQUEST_TO_MIN and SDP_REQUEST_MAX. If SDP_REQUEST_TO_DEFAULT is specified, the timeout is 30 seconds.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Versions:_Supported in Windows Vista, and later.
Header bthioctl.h (include Bthioctl.h)

See also