IDebugHostSymbol2::EnumerateChildren method (dbgmodel.h)

The EnumerateChildren method returns an enumerator which will enumerate all children of a given symbol. For a C++ type, for example, the base classes, fields, member functions, and the like are all considered children of the type symbol.


HRESULT EnumerateChildren(
  SymbolKind                 kind,
  PCWSTR                     name,
  IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator **ppEnum



Indicates what kinds of child symbols the caller wishes to enumerate. If the flat value Symbol is passed, all kinds of child symbols will be enumerated.


If specified, only child symbols with a name as given in this argument will be enumerated.


An enumerator which enumerates child symbols of the specified kind and name will be returned here.

Return value

This method returns HRESULT that indicates success or failure.


Code Sample

ComPtr<IDebugHostType2> spType; /* get the type of an object */

// Enumerate every field of this type.  Note that this *WILL NOT* enumerate 
// fields of base classes!
ComPtr<IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator> spEnum;
if (SUCCEEDED(spType->EnumerateChildren(SymbolField, nullptr, &spEnum)))
    ComPtr<IDebugHostSymbol> spFieldSymbol;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    while (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = spEnum->GetNext(&spFieldSymbol);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            ComPtr<IDebugHostField> spField;
            if (SUCCEEDED(spFieldSymbol.As(&spField))) /* should always succeed */
                // spField is each field of the type in turn

    // hr == E_BOUNDS : we hit the end of the enumerator
    // hr == E_ABORT  : user requested interruption, propagate upwards immediately


Requirement Value
Header dbgmodel.h

See also

IDebugHostSymbol2 interface