The IOCTL_GNSS_GET_FIXDATA control code is used by the GNSS adapter to register to receive the next fix data from an active fix session. This IOCTL provides the GNSS driver with a pending I/O request, the asynchronous resolution of which notifies the adapter that data is being provided through the overlapped structures GnssEvent member as a data buffer. The GnssEvent member is a GNSS_EVENT structure.

Major code


Input buffer

Pointer to a DWORD value that represents the fix session ID.

Input buffer length

Set to sizeof(DWORD).

Output buffer

Set to NULL

Output buffer length

Set to 0.

Status block

Irp->IoStatus.Status is set to STATUS_SUCCESS if the request is successful. Otherwise, Status to the appropriate error condition as a NTSTATUS code.



FixSessionID: Session ID for an active fix.



The EventType element must be set to GNSS_Event_FixAvailable.

The data associated with this event is of type GNSS_FIXDATA.

GNSS adapter notes

The GNSS adapter issues one or more get fix request after starting a fix session. This call creates a pending I/O against which the GNSS driver can return fix data when it is available from the underlying GNSS engine or cache value.

GNSS driver notes

Whenever a fix data is ready, the driver fills the buffer and completes the I/O. The driver must ensure that the data is returned for the specified fix session ID.

Whenever fix data is ready, the driver must fill the buffer and complete the I/O request. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the data is returned for the specified fix session ID. Additionally, when a fix session is stopped by the GNSS adapter issuing an IOCTL_GNSS_STOP_FIXSESSION, the driver must cancel all pending get fix requests for the given fix session ID.


Requirement Value
Header gnssdriver.h

See also

Creating IOCTL Requests in Drivers


