ndis.h header
This header is used by network. For more information, see:
ndis.h contains the following programming interfaces:
FILTER_SYNCHRONOUS_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterSynchronousOidRequest function to preview a Synchronous OID request before the request is given to the underlying miniport driver. |
FILTER_SYNCHRONOUS_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE NDIS calls a filter driver’s FilterSynchronousOidRequestComplete function after a Synchronous OID request has been completed from an underlying driver. |
MINIPORT_SYNCHRONOUS_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportSynchronousOidRequest callback function to issue a Synchronous OID request. |
NDIS_DECLARE_SWITCH_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CONTEXT_TYPE Hyper-V extensible switch extensions use the NDIS_DECLARE_SWITCH_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CONTEXT_TYPE macro to define the context type that is used by the SetNetBufferListSwitchContext and GetNetBufferListSwitchContext functions to attach and retrieve context from a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. Extensions can define as many context types as they want within their driver. |
NDIS_GET_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CANCEL_ID The NDIS_GET_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CANCEL_ID macro gets the cancellation identifier from a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_INIT_MUTEX The NDIS_INIT_MUTEX macro initializes a mutex object and sets it to a signaled state. |
NDIS_LOWER_IRQL The NDIS_LOWER_IRQL macro sets the IRQL on the current processor to the specified value. |
NDIS_MAKE_RID The NDIS_MAKE_RID macro builds an NDIS_VF_RID value from PCI Express (PCIe) segment, bus, device, and function numbers. The miniport driver uses this value as a PCIe Requestor ID (RID) for a network adapter's PCIe Virtual Function (VF). |
NDIS_NBL_ADD_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO The NDIS_NBL_ADD_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO macro adds a media-specific information data structure to the beginning of a linked list of such structures that are associated with a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_NBL_ADD_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO_EX The NDIS_NBL_ADD_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO_EX macro adds a media-specific information data structure to the beginning of a linked list of such structures that are associated with a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_NBL_GET_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO The NDIS_NBL_GET_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO macro gets a media-specific information data structure from a linked list of such structures that are associated with a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_NBL_GET_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO_EX The NDIS_NBL_GET_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO_EX macro gets a media-specific information data structure from a linked list of such structures that are associated with a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_NBL_REMOVE_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO The NDIS_NBL_REMOVE_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO macro removes a media-specific information data structure from a linked list of such structures that are associated with a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_NBL_REMOVE_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO_EX The NDIS_NBL_REMOVE_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO_EX macro removes a media-specific information data structure from a linked list of such structures that are associated with a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_RAISE_IRQL_TO_DISPATCH The NDIS_RAISE_IRQL_TO_DISPATCH macro raises the current IRQL to DISPATCH_LEVEL on the current processor. |
NDIS_RELEASE_MUTEX The NDIS_RELEASE_MUTEX macro releases the specified mutex object. |
NDIS_SET_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CANCEL_ID The NDIS_SET_NET_BUFFER_LIST_CANCEL_ID macro marks a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure with a cancellation identifier that a driver can later use to cancel the pending transmission of the associated data. |
NDIS_WAIT_FOR_MUTEX The NDIS_WAIT_FOR_MUTEX macro puts the current thread into the wait state until the specified mutex object is set to the signaled state. |
NdisAcquireReadWriteLock The NdisAcquireReadWriteLock function acquires a lock that the caller uses for either write or read access to the resources that are shared among driver threads.Note The read-write lock interface is deprecated for NDIS 6.20 and later drivers, which should use NdisAcquireRWLockRead or NdisAcquireRWLockWrite instead of NdisAcquireReadWriteLock. |
NdisAcquireRWLockRead The NdisAcquireRWLockRead function obtains a read lock that the caller uses for read access to resources that are shared among driver threads. |
NdisAcquireRWLockWrite The NdisAcquireRWLockWrite function obtains a write lock that the caller uses for write access to resources that are shared between driver threads. |
NdisAcquireSpinLock The NdisAcquireSpinLock function acquires a spin lock so the caller gains exclusive access to the resources, shared among driver functions, that the spin lock protects. |
NdisActiveGroupCount The NdisActiveGroupCount function returns the number of processor groups that are currently active in the local computer system. |
NdisAdjustMdlLength The NdisAdjustMdlLength function modifies the length of the data that is associated with an MDL. |
NdisAllocateBuffer NdisAllocateBuffer creates a buffer descriptor mapping a specified virtual (sub)range within an already allocated, nonpaged memory block. |
NdisAllocateBufferPool This function returns a handle with which the caller can allocate buffer descriptors by calling NdisAllocateBuffer. |
NdisAllocateCloneOidRequest The NdisAllocateCloneOidRequest function allocates memory for a new NDIS_OID_REQUEST structure and copies all the information from an existing NDIS_OID_REQUEST structure to the newly allocated structure. |
NdisAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList The NdisAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList function removes the first entry from the given lookaside list head. If the lookaside list currently is empty, an entry is allocated from nonpaged pool. |
NdisAllocateGenericObject Components that do not have an NDIS handle use the NdisAllocateGenericObject function to allocate a generic NDIS object. |
NdisAllocateIoWorkItem NDIS drivers call the NdisAllocateIoWorkItem function to allocate a work item. For more information, see NDIS I/O Work Items. |
NdisAllocateMemoryWithTagPriority NDIS drivers call the NdisAllocateMemoryWithTagPriority function to allocate a pool of memory from the non-paged pool. |
NdisAllocatePacketPoolEx This function allocates and initializes a block of storage for a pool of packet descriptors. |
NdisAllocateRWLock The NdisAllocateRWLock function allocates a read/write lock variable of type NDIS_RW_LOCK_EX. |
NdisAllocateSharedMemory The NdisAllocateSharedMemory function allocates shared memory from a shared memory provider. |
NdisAllocateSpinLock The NdisAllocateSpinLock function initializes a variable of type NDIS_SPIN_LOCK, used to synchronize access to resources shared among non-ISR driver functions. |
NdisAllocateTimerObject The NdisAllocateTimerObject function allocates and initializes a timer object for use with subsequent NdisXxx timer functions. |
NdisAnsiStringToUnicodeString The NdisAnsiStringToUnicodeString function converts a given counted ANSI string into a counted Unicode string. The translation conforms to the current system locale information. |
NdisBuildScatterGatherList The NdisBuildScatterGatherList function builds a scatter/gather list by using the specified parameters. |
NdisCancelDirectOidRequest Protocol drivers call the NdisCancelDirectOidRequest function to cancel a previous direct OID request to the underlying drivers. |
NdisCancelOidRequest Protocol drivers call the NdisCancelOidRequest function to cancel a previous request to the underlying drivers. |
NdisCancelSendNetBufferLists Protocol drivers call the NdisCancelSendNetBufferLists function to cancel the transmission of network data. |
NdisCancelSendPackets NdisCancelSendPackets cancels transmission of all packets marked with the specified cancellation identifier on the miniport driver identified by the binding handle. |
NdisCancelTimerObject The NdisCancelTimerObject function cancels a timer object that is associated with a previous call to the NdisSetTimerObject function. |
NdisClAddParty NdisClAddParty adds a party on the client's multipoint VC. |
NdisClCloseAddressFamily NdisClCloseAddressFamily releases the association between a client protocol and a call manager's or MCM driver's registered AF for a particular NIC to which the client is bound. |
NdisClCloseCall NdisClCloseCall requests that a call on the specified VC be torn down. |
NdisClDeregisterSap NdisClDeregisterSap releases a previously registered SAP. |
NdisClDropParty NdisClDropParty drops a party from the client's multipoint VC. |
NdisClGetProtocolVcContextFromTapiCallId NdisClGetProtocolVcContextFromTapiCallId retrieves the client context for a virtual connection (VC) identified by a TAPI Call ID string. |
NdisClIncomingCallComplete NdisClIncomingCallComplete returns a client's acceptance or rejection of an offered incoming call, for which the client's ProtocolClIncomingCall function previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisClMakeCall NdisClMakeCall sets up an outgoing call on a client-created VC. |
NdisClModifyCallQoS NdisClModifyCallQoS requests a change in the quality of service on a connection. |
NdisClNotifyCloseAddressFamilyComplete The NdisClNotifyCloseAddressFamilyComplete function returns the final status of an address family (AF) close operation for which the caller's ProtocolClNotifyCloseAf function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisClOpenAddressFamilyEx The NdisClOpenAddressFamilyEx function registers an address family (AF) that is associated with a call manager for a connection-oriented client. |
NdisCloseAdapter NdisCloseAdapter releases the binding established and the resources allocated when the protocol called NdisOpenAdapter. |
NdisCloseAdapterEx A protocol driver calls the NdisCloseAdapterEx function to release the binding and the resources that were allocated when the driver called the NdisOpenAdapterEx function. |
NdisCloseConfiguration The NdisCloseConfiguration function releases the handle to the registry key that was returned by the NdisOpenConfigurationEx, NdisOpenConfigurationKeyByIndex, or NdisOpenConfigurationKeyByName function. |
NdisCloseFile The NdisCloseFile function releases a handle returned by the NdisOpenFile function and frees the memory allocated to hold the file contents when it was opened. |
NdisClRegisterSap NdisClRegisterSap registers a SAP on which the client can receive incoming calls from a remote node. |
NdisCmActivateVc NdisCmActivateVc passes CM-supplied call parameters, including media parameters, for a particular VC down to the underlying miniport driver. |
NdisCmAddPartyComplete NdisCmAddPartyComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the call manager previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to add a party on an established multipoint VC. |
NdisCmCloseAddressFamilyComplete NdisCmCloseAddressFamilyComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the CM's ProtocolCmCloseAf function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to close the AF. |
NdisCmCloseCallComplete NdisCmCloseCallComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the call manager previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to tear down a call. |
NdisCmDeactivateVc NdisCmDeactivateVc notifies NDIS and the underlying miniport driver that there will be no further transfers on a particular active VC. |
NdisCmDeregisterSapComplete NdisCmDeregisterSapComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the call manager previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to deregister a SAP. |
NdisCmDispatchCallConnected NdisCmDispatchCallConnected notifies NDIS and the client that data transfers can begin on a VC that the call manager created for an incoming call initiated on a remote node. |
NdisCmDispatchIncomingCall NdisCmDispatchIncomingCall informs the client of an incoming call on a SAP previously registered by that client. |
NdisCmDispatchIncomingCallQoSChange NdisCmDispatchIncomingCallQoSChange notifies a client that a request to change the quality of service on that client's active connection has been received over the network. |
NdisCmDispatchIncomingCloseCall NdisCmDispatchIncomingCloseCall tells a client to tear down an active or offered call, usually because the call manager has received a request from the network to close the connection. |
NdisCmDispatchIncomingDropParty NdisCmDispatchIncomingDropParty notifies a client that it should remove a particular party on a multipoint VC, usually because the call manager has received a request over the network to close an active multipoint connection. |
NdisCmDropPartyComplete NdisCmDropPartyComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the call manager previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to remove a party from a multipoint VC. |
NdisCmMakeCallComplete NdisCmMakeCallComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the call manager previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to make an outgoing call. |
NdisCmModifyCallQoSComplete NdisCmModifyCallQoSComplete indicates the completion of the client's request, for which the call manager previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to modify the quality of service on a VC. |
NdisCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily The NdisCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily function notifies NDIS that a call manager is unbinding from an underlying miniport adapter and that any associated CoNDIS clients should close the specified address family (AF). |
NdisCmOpenAddressFamilyComplete NdisCmOpenAddressFamilyComplete returns the final status of a stand-alone call manager's open of a given AF for a particular client after the call manager returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING in response to that client's original open-AF request. |
NdisCmRegisterAddressFamilyEx The NdisCmRegisterAddressFamilyEx function registers an address family (AF) for communication between CoNDIS drivers. |
NdisCmRegisterSapComplete NdisCmRegisterSapComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the CM previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to register a SAP. |
NdisCoAssignInstanceName NdisCoAssignInstanceName assigns an instance name to a VC and causes NDIS to register a GUID (globally unique identifier) for the assigned name with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). |
NdisCoCreateVc NdisCoCreateVc sets up a connection endpoint from which a client can make outgoing calls or on which a stand-alone call manager can dispatch incoming calls. |
NdisCoDeleteVc NdisCoDeleteVc destroys a caller-created VC. |
NdisCoGetTapiCallId NdisCoGetTapiCallId retrieves a string that TAPI applications can use to identify a particular NDIS virtual connection (VC). |
NdisCompleteBindAdapterEx A protocol driver calls the NdisCompleteBindAdapterEx function to complete a binding operation for which the driver's ProtocolBindAdapterEx function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisCompleteNetPnPEvent Protocol drivers call the NdisCompleteNetPnPEvent function to complete a response to a Plug and Play or Power Management event for which the caller's ProtocolNetPnPEvent function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisCompleteUnbindAdapterEx A protocol driver calls the NdisCompleteUnbindAdapterEx function to complete an unbind operation for which the driver's ProtocolUnbindAdapterEx function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisCoOidRequest The NdisCoOidRequest function forwards a request to targeted CoNDIS drivers to query or set OID-specified information of the target driver. |
NdisCoOidRequestComplete The NdisCoOidRequestComplete function returns the final status of an OID request that a CoNDIS client's or stand-alone call manager's ProtocolCoOidRequest function previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING for. |
NdisCopyFromPacketToPacketSafe NdisCopyFromPacketToPacket copies a specified range of data from one packet to another. |
NdisCoSendNetBufferLists The NdisCoSendNetBufferLists function sends network data that is contained in a specified list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures. |
NdisCurrentGroupAndProcessor The NdisCurrentGroupAndProcessor function returns the group-relative processor number and group number of the current processor. |
NdisCurrentProcessorIndex The NdisCurrentProcessorIndex function returns the system-assigned number of the current processor that the caller is running on. |
NdisDeleteNPagedLookasideList The NdisDeleteNPagedLookasideList function removes a nonpaged lookaside list from the system. |
NdisDeregisterDeviceEx The NdisDeregisterDeviceEx function removes, from the system, a device object that was created by the NdisRegisterDeviceEx function. |
NdisDeregisterProtocol NdisDeregisterProtocol releases the resources allocated when the driver called NdisRegisterProtocol. |
NdisDeregisterProtocolDriver A protocol driver calls the NdisDeregisterProtocolDriver function to release the resources that NDIS allocated when the driver called the NdisRegisterProtocolDriver function. |
NdisDirectOidRequest The NdisDirectOidRequest function forwards a direct OID request to the underlying drivers to query the capabilities or status of an adapter or set the state of an adapter. |
NdisDprAcquireReadWriteLock The NdisDprAcquireReadWriteLock function acquires a lock that the caller uses for either write or read access to the resources that are shared among driver threads.Note The read-write lock interface is deprecated for NDIS 6.20 and later drivers, which should use NdisAcquireRWLockRead or NdisAcquireRWLockWrite (setting NDIS_RWL_AT_DISPATCH_LEVEL in the Flags parameter) instead of NdisDprAcquireReadWriteLock. |
NdisDprAcquireSpinLock The NdisDprAcquireSpinLock function acquires a spin lock so the caller can synchronize access to resources shared among non-ISR driver functions in a multiprocessor-safe way. |
NdisDprReleaseReadWriteLock The NdisDprReleaseReadWriteLock function releases a lock that was acquired in a preceding call to NdisDprAcquireReadWriteLock.Note The read-write lock interface is deprecated for NDIS 6.20 and later drivers, which should use NdisReleaseRWLock instead of NdisDprReleaseReadWriteLock. |
NdisDprReleaseSpinLock The NdisDprReleaseSpinLock function releases a spin lock acquired in the immediately preceding call to the NdisDprAcquireSpinLock function. |
NdisEnumerateFilterModules The NdisEnumerateFilterModules function enumerates all the filters modules and filter intermediate driver instances in a filter stack. |
NdisEqualMemory The NdisEqualMemory function compares a specified number of characters in one block of memory with the same number of characters in a second block of memory. |
NdisEqualString The NdisEqualString function compares two strings, in the OS-default character set, to determine whether they are equal. |
NdisEqualUnicodeString The NdisEqualUnicodeString function compares two Unicode strings and returns whether they are equal. |
NdisFCancelDirectOidRequest Filter drivers call the NdisFCancelDirectOidRequest function to cancel a previous direct OID request to the underlying drivers. |
NdisFCancelOidRequest Filter drivers call the NdisFCancelOidRequest function to cancel a previous request to the underlying drivers. |
NdisFCancelSendNetBufferLists Filter drivers call the NdisFCancelSendNetBufferLists function to cancel the transmission of network data. |
NdisFDeregisterFilterDriver A filter drivers calls the NdisFDeregisterFilterDriver function to release resources that it previously allocated with the NdisFRegisterFilterDriver function. |
NdisFDevicePnPEventNotify A filter driver can call the NdisFDevicePnPEventNotify function to forward a device Plug and Play (PnP) or Power Management event to underlying drivers. |
NdisFDirectOidRequest Filter drivers call the NdisFDirectOidRequest function to forward a direct OID request to underlying drivers or to originate such a request. |
NdisFDirectOidRequestComplete Filter drivers call the NdisFDirectOidRequestComplete function to return the final status of a direct OID request for which the driver's FilterDirectOidRequest function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisFGetOptionalSwitchHandlers Hyper-V extensible switch extensions call the NdisFGetOptionalSwitchHandlers function to obtain a list of pointers to the Hyper-V extensible switch handler functions. |
NdisFillMemory The NdisFillMemory function fills a caller-supplied buffer with the given character. |
NdisFIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists A filter driver calls NdisFIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists to indicate that it has received network data. For more information, see Receiving Data in a Filter Driver. |
NdisFIndicateStatus The NdisFIndicateStatus function passes on a filtered status indication from an underlying driver or originates a status indication. |
NdisFNetPnPEvent A filter driver can call the NdisFNetPnPEvent function to forward a network Plug and Play (PnP) or Power Management event to overlying drivers. |
NdisFOidRequest Filter drivers call the NdisFOidRequest function to forward an OID request to underlying drivers or to originate such a request. |
NdisFOidRequestComplete Filter drivers call the NdisFOidRequestComplete function to return the final status of an OID request for which the driver's FilterOidRequest function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisFPauseComplete A filter driver must call the NdisFPauseComplete function to complete a pause operation if the driver returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING from its FilterPause function. |
NdisFreeCloneOidRequest The NdisFreeCloneOidRequest function frees a cloned NDIS_OID_REQUEST structure. |
NdisFreeGenericObject Call the NdisFreeGenericObject function to free a generic object that was created with the NdisAllocateGenericObject function. |
NdisFreeIoWorkItem NDIS drivers call the NdisFreeIoWorkItem function to free a specified work item. |
NdisFreeMemory The NdisFreeMemory function releases a block of memory that was previously allocated with the NdisAllocateMemoryWithTagPriority function. |
NdisFreeMemoryWithTag The NdisFreeMemoryWithTag function is deprecated for all NDIS versions. Use NdisAllocateMemoryWithTagPriority instead. |
NdisFreeMemoryWithTagPriority The NdisFreeMemoryWithTagPriority function releases memory that was allocated with the NdisAllocateMemoryWithTagPriority function. |
NdisFreePacketPool This function releases a handle to a block of packet pool that was allocated with the NdisAllocatePacketPool function. |
NdisFreeRWLock The NdisFreeRWLock function frees a read/write lock that was previously allocated with the NdisAllocateRWLock function. |
NdisFreeScatterGatherList The NdisFreeScatterGatherList function frees a scatter/gather list. |
NdisFreeSharedMemory The NdisFreeSharedMemory function frees shared memory that a driver allocated from a shared memory provider. |
NdisFreeSpinLock The NdisFreeSpinLock function releases a spin lock initialized in a preceding call to the NdisAllocateSpinLock function. |
NdisFreeString The NdisFreeString function releases storage that was allocated by NdisInitializeString for a buffered string. |
NdisFreeTimerObject The NdisFreeTimerObject function frees a timer object that was allocated with the NdisAllocateTimerObject function. |
NdisFreeToNPagedLookasideList The NdisFreeToNPagedLookasideList function returns an entry to the given lookaside list. |
NdisFRegisterFilterDriver A filter driver calls the NdisFRegisterFilterDriver function to register its FilterXxx functions with NDIS. |
NdisFRestartComplete A filter driver must call the NdisFRestartComplete function to complete a restart operation if the driver returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING from its FilterRestart function. |
NdisFRestartFilter A filter driver calls the NdisFRestartFilter function to request NDIS to initiate a restart operation for a filter module. |
NdisFReturnNetBufferLists Filter drivers call NdisFReturnNetBufferLists to release the ownership of one or more NET_BUFFER_LIST structures and their associated NET_BUFFER structures. |
NdisFSendNetBufferLists Filter drivers call the NdisFSendNetBufferLists function to send a list of network data buffers. |
NdisFSendNetBufferListsComplete Filter drivers call the NdisFSendNetBufferListsComplete function to return a linked list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures to an overlying driver and to return the final status of a send request. |
NdisFSetAttributes A filter driver calls the NdisFSetAttributes function to specify a filter module context area. |
NdisFSynchronousOidRequest Filter drivers call the NdisFSynchronousOidRequest function to originate a new Synchronous OID request and issue it to underlying drivers. |
NdisGeneratePartialCancelId The NdisGeneratePartialCancelId function returns a value that the calling driver must use as the high-order byte of a cancellation ID. |
NdisGetCurrentProcessorCounts The NdisGetCurrentProcessorCounts function returns counts for the current processor that a driver can use to determine CPU usage for a particular time interval. |
NdisGetCurrentProcessorCpuUsage The NdisGetCurrentProcessorCpuUsage function returns the average amount of activity on the current processor since boot as a percentage.Note This function is deprecated. |
NdisGetCurrentSystemTime The NdisGetCurrentSystemTime function returns the current system time, suitable for setting timestamps. |
NdisGetDeviceReservedExtension The NdisGetDeviceReservedExtension function gets a pointer to the device extension that is associated with a device object. |
NdisGetHypervisorInfo Important Starting with Windows 10 Version 1703, NdisGetHypervisorInfo is deprecated and should not be used. |
NdisGetPhysicalAddressHigh NdisGetPhysicalAddressHigh returns the high-order part of a given physical address. |
NdisGetPhysicalAddressLow NdisGetPhysicalAddressLow returns the low-order part of a given physical address. |
NdisGetProcessorInformation The NdisGetProcessorInformation function retrieves information about the CPU topology of the local computer and the set of processors that a miniport driver must use for receive side scaling (RSS). |
NdisGetProcessorInformationEx The NdisGetProcessorInformationEx function retrieves information about the CPU topology of the local computer. |
NdisGetReceivedPacket NdisGetReceivedPacket retrieves a packet that was received from the underlying driver. |
NdisGetRoutineAddress The NdisGetRoutineAddress function returns the address of a routine given the routine's name. |
NdisGetRssProcessorInformation The NdisGetRssProcessorInformation function retrieves information about the set of processors that a miniport driver must use for receive side scaling (RSS). |
NdisGetSharedDataAlignment NdisGetSharedDataAlignment returns the preferred alignment for memory structures that can be shared by more than one processor. |
NdisGetSystemUpTimeEx The NdisGetSystemUpTimeEx function returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the computer was restarted. |
NdisGetVersion The NdisGetVersion function returns the version number of NDIS. |
NdisGroupActiveProcessorCount The NdisGroupActiveProcessorCount function returns the number of processors that are currently active in a specified group. |
NdisGroupActiveProcessorMask The NdisGroupActiveProcessorMask function returns the currently active processor mask for the specified group. |
NdisGroupMaxProcessorCount The NdisGroupMaxProcessorCount function determines the maximum number of processors in a specified processor group. |
NdisIfAddIfStackEntry The NdisIfAddIfStackEntry function specifies the ordering of two network interfaces in the NDIS network interface stack. |
NdisIfAllocateNetLuidIndex The NdisIfAllocateNetLuidIndex function allocates a NET_LUID index for an NDIS network interface provider. |
NdisIfDeleteIfStackEntry The NdisIfDeleteIfStackEntry function deletes information about the ordering of two network interfaces in the NDIS interface stack. |
NdisIfDeregisterInterface The NdisIfDeregisterInterface function deregisters an NDIS network interface that was previously registered by a call to the NdisIfRegisterInterface function. |
NdisIfDeregisterProvider The NdisIfDeregisterProvider function deregisters an interface provider that was previously registered by a call to the NdisIfRegisterProvider function. |
NdisIfFreeNetLuidIndex The NdisIfFreeNetLuidIndex function frees a network interface NET_LUID index that was previously allocated by a call to the NdisIfAllocateNetLuidIndex function. |
NdisIfGetInterfaceIndexFromNetLuid The NdisIfGetInterfaceIndexFromNetLuid function gets the network interface index that is associated with a NET_LUID value. |
NdisIfGetNetLuidFromInterfaceIndex The NdisIfGetNetLuidFromInterfaceIndex function gets the NET_LUID value that is associated with a network interface index. |
NdisIfQueryBindingIfIndex The NdisIfQueryBindingIfIndex function retrieves the network interface indexes and NET_LUID values for the highest and lowest layered network interfaces that are associated with a specified protocol binding. |
NdisIfRegisterInterface The NdisIfRegisterInterface function registers an NDIS network interface. |
NdisIfRegisterProvider The NdisIfRegisterProvider function registers an NDIS network interface provider. |
NdisIMAssociateMiniport The NdisIMAssociateMiniport function informs NDIS that the specified lower and upper interfaces for miniport and protocol drivers respectively belong to the same intermediate driver. |
NdisIMCancelInitializeDeviceInstance The NdisIMCancelInitializeDeviceInstance function cancels a preceding call to the NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstanceEx function. |
NdisIMCopySendCompletePerPacketInfo NdisIMCopySendCompletePerPacketInfo copies per-packet information from a packet returned up by a lower miniport driver into a new packet that is to be returned to an upper-level driver. |
NdisIMCopySendPerPacketInfo NdisIMCopySendPerPacketInfo copies per-packet information from a packet that was sent down by an upper-level driver into a new packet to be sent down to a lower miniport driver. |
NdisIMDeInitializeDeviceInstance The NdisIMDeInitializeDeviceInstance function calls an NDIS intermediate driver's MiniportHaltEx function to tear down the driver's virtual miniport. |
NdisIMDeregisterLayeredMiniport NdisIMDeregisterLayeredMiniport releases a previously registered intermediate driver. |
NdisIMGetBindingContext The NdisIMGetBindingContext function allows an NDIS protocol driver to access the device context area, which was created by an underlying intermediate driver, for a virtual miniport to which the higher level protocol driver is bound. |
NdisIMGetDeviceContext This function allows an NDIS intermediate driver's MiniportInitialize function to access the device context area allocated by its ProtocolBindAdapter function. |
NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstanceEx The NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstanceEx function initiates the initialization operation for a virtual miniport and optionally sets up state information about the virtual miniport for subsequently bound protocol drivers. |
NdisIMNotifyPnPEvent NdisIMNotifyPnPEvent propagates notification of a Plug and Play or Power Management event to an overlying driver. |
NdisIMRegisterLayeredMiniport NdisIMRegisterLayeredMiniport registers an intermediate driver's MiniportXxx entry points and name with the NDIS library when the driver initializes. |
NdisInitAnsiString The NdisInitAnsiString function initializes a counted ANSI string. |
NdisInitializeEvent The NdisInitializeEvent function sets up an event object during driver initialization to be used subsequently as a synchronization mechanism. |
NdisInitializeListHead The NdisInitializeListHead function initializes a doubly linked, driver-maintained queue. |
NdisInitializeNPagedLookasideList The NdisInitializeNPagedLookasideList function initializes a lookaside list. After a successful initialization, nonpaged fixed-size blocks can be allocated from and freed to the lookaside list. |
NdisInitializeReadWriteLock The NdisInitializeReadWriteLock function initializes a read or write lock variable of type NDIS_RW_LOCK.Note The read-write lock interface is deprecated for NDIS 6.20 and later drivers, which should use NdisAllocateRWLock instead of NdisInitializeReadWriteLock. |
NdisInitializeSListHead The NdisInitializeSListHead function initializes the head of a sequenced, interlocked, singly linked list. |
NdisInitializeString The NdisInitializeString function allocates storage for and initializes a counted string in the system-default character set. |
NdisInitUnicodeString The NdisInitUnicodeString function initializes a counted Unicode string. |
NdisInterlockedAddLargeStatistic The NdisInterlockedAddLargeStatistic function performs an interlocked addition of a ULONG increment value to a LARGE_INTEGER addend value. |
NdisInterlockedAddUlong The NdisInterlockedAddUlong function adds an unsigned long value to a given unsigned integer as an atomic operation, using a caller-supplied spin lock to synchronize access to the integer variable. |
NdisInterlockedDecrement The NdisInterlockedDecrement function decrements a caller-supplied variable of type LONG as an atomic operation. |
NdisInterlockedIncrement The NdisInterlockedIncrement function increments a caller-supplied variable as an atomic operation. |
NdisInterlockedInsertHeadList The NdisInterlockedInsertHeadList function inserts an entry, usually a packet, at the head of a doubly linked list so that access to the list is synchronized in a multiprocessor-safe way. |
NdisInterlockedInsertTailList The NdisInterlockedInsertTailList function inserts an entry, usually a packet, at the tail of a doubly linked list so that access to the list is synchronized in a multiprocessor-safe way. |
NdisInterlockedPopEntrySList The NdisInterlockedPopEntrySList function removes the first entry from a sequenced, singly linked list. |
NdisInterlockedPushEntrySList The NdisInterlockedPushEntrySList function inserts an entry at the head of a sequenced, singly linked list. |
NdisInterlockedRemoveHeadList The NdisInterlockedRemoveHeadList function removes an entry, usually a packet, from the head of a doubly linked list so that access to the list is synchronized in a multiprocessor-safe way. |
NdisMAllocateNetBufferSGList Bus-master miniport drivers call the NdisMAllocateNetBufferSGList function to obtain a scatter/gather list for the network data that is associated with a NET_BUFFER structure. |
NdisMAllocatePort The NdisMAllocatePort function allocates an NDIS port that is associated with a miniport adapter. |
NdisMAllocateSharedMemory NdisMAllocateSharedMemory allocates and maps a host memory range so that the memory range is simultaneously accessible from both the host system and a DMA NIC. |
NdisMAllocateSharedMemoryAsyncEx Miniport drivers call the NdisMAllocateSharedMemoryAsyncEx function to allocate additional memory shared between the driver and its bus-master DMA NIC, usually when the miniport driver is running low on available NIC receive buffers. |
NdisMapFile The NdisMapFile function maps an already open file into a caller-accessible buffer if the file is currently unmapped. |
NdisMaxGroupCount The NdisMaxGroupCount function returns the maximum number of processor groups in the local computer system. |
NdisMCloseLog NdisMCloseLog releases resources that were used for logging. |
NdisMCmActivateVc NdisMCmActivateVc notifies NDIS that an MCM driver is ready to make transfers on a particular VC. |
NdisMCmAddPartyComplete NdisMCmAddPartyComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the MCM driver previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to add a party on an established multipoint VC. |
NdisMCmCloseAddressFamilyComplete NdisMCmCloseAddressFamilyComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the MCM driver returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to close the AF. |
NdisMCmCloseCallComplete NdisMCmCloseCallComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the MCM driver previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to tear down a call. |
NdisMCmCreateVc NdisMCmCreateVc sets up a connection endpoint on which an MCM driver can dispatch an incoming-call offer to a client. |
NdisMCmDeactivateVc NdisMCmDeactivateVc notifies NDIS that there will be no further transfers on a particular active VC. |
NdisMCmDeleteVc NdisMCmDeleteVc destroys a caller-created VC. |
NdisMCmDeregisterSapComplete NdisMCmDeregisterSapComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the MCM driver previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to deregister a SAP. |
NdisMCmDispatchCallConnected NdisMCmDispatchCallConnected notifies NDIS and the client that data transfers can begin on a VC that the MCM driver created for an incoming call initiated on a remote node. |
NdisMCmDispatchIncomingCall NdisMCmDispatchIncomingCall informs the client of an incoming call on a SAP previously registered by that client with the MCM driver. |
NdisMCmDispatchIncomingCallQoSChange NdisMCmDispatchIncomingCallQoSChange notifies a client that a request to change the quality of service on that client's active connection has been received over the network. |
NdisMCmDispatchIncomingCloseCall NdisMCmDispatchIncomingCloseCall tells a client to tear down an active or offered call, usually because the MCM driver has received a request from the network to close the connection. |
NdisMCmDispatchIncomingDropParty NdisMCmDispatchIncomingDropParty notifies a client that it should remove a particular party on a multipoint VC. |
NdisMCmDropPartyComplete NdisMCmDropPartyComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the MCM driver previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to remove a party from a multipoint VC. |
NdisMCmMakeCallComplete NdisMCmMakeCallComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the MCM driver previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to make an outgoing call. |
NdisMCmModifyCallQoSComplete NdisMCmModifyCallQoSComplete indicates the completion of the client's request, for which the MCM driver previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to modify the quality of service on a VC. |
NdisMCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily The NdisMCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily function notifies NDIS that a specified address family (AF) that is associated with a miniport call manager (MCM) should be closed and NDIS should notify any affected CoNDIS clients. |
NdisMCmOidRequest The NdisMCmOidRequest function sends an OID request from a miniport call manager (MCM) driver to a CoNDIS client. |
NdisMCmOidRequestComplete The NdisMCmOidRequestComplete function returns the final status of a CoNDIS OID request that a miniport call manager (MCM) driver's ProtocolCoOidRequest function previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING for. |
NdisMCmOpenAddressFamilyComplete NdisMCmOpenAddressFamilyComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the MCM driver's ProtocolCmOpenAf function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to open the MCM driver's address family. |
NdisMCmRegisterAddressFamilyEx The NdisMCmRegisterAddressFamilyEx function registers an address family (AF) for communication between a miniport call manager (MCM) and CoNDIS clients. |
NdisMCmRegisterSapComplete NdisMCmRegisterSapComplete returns the final status of a client's request, for which the MCM driver's ProtocolCmRegisterSap function previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING, to register a SAP. |
NdisMCoActivateVcComplete NdisMCoActivateVcComplete notifies NDIS and the call manager that the miniport driver has finished processing a CM-initiated activate-VC request, for which the miniport driver previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisMCoDeactivateVcComplete NdisMCoDeactivateVcComplete notifies NDIS and the call manager that the miniport driver has finished processing a CM-initiated deactivate-VC request, for which the miniport driver previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisMCoIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists The NdisMCoIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists function indicates that the miniport driver received data from the network. |
NdisMCoIndicateStatusEx The NdisMCoIndicateStatusEx function reports a change in the status of a CoNDIS miniport adapter. |
NdisMCompleteDmaTransfer The NdisMCompleteDmaTransfer function indicates that a system DMA transfer operation has completed. It resets the system DMA controller in preparation for further DMA transfers. |
NdisMConfigMSIXTableEntry The NdisMConfigMSIXTableEntry function performs configuration operations for MSI-X table entries for device-assigned MSI-X messages. |
NdisMCoOidRequestComplete The NdisMCoOidRequestComplete function returns the final status of an OID request that a miniport driver's MiniportCoOidRequest function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING for. |
NdisMCoSendNetBufferListsComplete The NdisMCoSendNetBufferListsComplete function returns a linked list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures to an overlying driver and returns the final status of a CoNDIS send request. |
NdisMCreateLog NdisMCreateLog allocates and opens a log file in which a miniport driver can write data to be displayed by a driver-dedicated Win32 application. |
NdisMDeregisterDevice The NdisMDeregisterDevice function removes from the system a device object that was created with NdisMRegisterDevice. |
NdisMDeregisterDmaChannel The NdisMDeregisterDmaChannel function releases a miniport driver's claim on a DMA channel for a NIC. |
NdisMDeregisterInterruptEx Miniport drivers call NdisMDeregisterInterruptEx to release resources that were previously allocated with the NdisMRegisterInterruptEx function. |
NdisMDeregisterIoPortRange NdisMDeregisterIoPortRange releases a mapping that was set up with NdisMRegisterIoPortRange during driver initialization. |
NdisMDeregisterMiniportDriver A miniport driver calls the NdisMDeregisterMiniportDriver function to release resources that it allocated with a previous call to the NdisMRegisterMiniportDriver function. |
NdisMDeregisterScatterGatherDma Bus-master miniport drivers call NdisMDeregisterScatterGatherDma to release DMA resources that were allocated with the NdisMRegisterScatterGatherDma function. |
NdisMDirectOidRequestComplete Miniport drivers call the NdisMDirectOidRequestComplete function to return the final status of a direct OID request for which the driver's MiniportDirectOidRequest function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisMEnableVirtualization A miniport driver calls the NdisMEnableVirtualization function during the creation or deletion of a NIC switch on the network adapter. |
NdisMFlushLog NdisMFlushLog clears the log file. |
NdisMFreeNetBufferSGList Bus-master miniport drivers call the NdisMFreeNetBufferSGList function to free scatter/gather list resources that were allocated by calling the NdisMAllocateNetBufferSGList function. |
NdisMFreePort The NdisMFreePort function frees an NDIS port that was previously allocated with the NdisMAllocatePort function. |
NdisMFreeSharedMemory NdisMFreeSharedMemory frees memory that was previously allocated by NdisMAllocateSharedMemory or NdisMAllocateSharedMemoryAsyncEx by the driver of a DMA NIC. |
NdisMGetBusData NDIS drivers call the NdisMGetBusData function to read the configuration space of a device. |
NdisMGetDeviceProperty The NdisMGetDeviceProperty function retrieves device objects required to set up communication with a miniport driver through a bus driver. |
NdisMGetDmaAlignment The NdisMGetDmaAlignment function returns the alignment requirements of the DMA system for a NIC. |
NdisMGetVirtualFunctionBusData A miniport driver calls the NdisMGetVirtualFunctionBusData function to read data from the PCI Express (PCIe) configuration space of a specified Virtual Function (VF) on the network adapter. |
NdisMGetVirtualFunctionLocation A miniport driver calls the NdisMGetVirtualFunctionLocation function to query the device location of a PCI Express (PCIe) Virtual Function (VF) on a PCI bus. The driver uses the device location to construct the PCIe Requestor ID (RID) for the VF. |
NdisMIdleNotificationComplete Miniport drivers call NdisMIdleNotificationComplete to complete a pending idle notification for an NDIS selective suspend operation. NDIS begins the operation when it calls the driver's MiniportIdleNotification handler function. |
NdisMIdleNotificationConfirm Miniport drivers call NdisMIdleNotificationConfirm to notify NDIS that the idle network adapter can safely be suspended and transitioned to a low-power state.Miniport drivers call this function during an NDIS selective suspend operation. |
NdisMIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists Miniport drivers call the NdisMIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists function to indicate the receipt of data from the network. |
NdisMIndicateStatus NdisMIndicateStatus indicates changes in the status of a NIC to higher-level NDIS drivers. |
NdisMIndicateStatusEx The NdisMIndicateStatusEx function reports a change in the status of a miniport adapter. |
NdisMInitializeWrapper NdisMInitializeWrapper notifies NDIS that a new miniport driver is initializing. |
NdisMInvalidateConfigBlock A miniport driver calls the NdisMInvalidateConfigBlock function to notify NDIS that the data for one or more Virtual Function (VF) configuration blocks has been changed. |
NdisMMapIoSpace NdisMMapIoSpace maps a given bus-relative "physical" range of device RAM or registers onto a system-space virtual range. |
NdisMNetPnPEvent NDIS miniport drivers (and intermediate drivers that are registered as miniport drivers) call the NdisMNetPnPEvent function to originate a network Plug and Play event, an NDIS PnP event, or Power Management event or propagate it to overlying drivers. |
NdisMOidRequestComplete Miniport drivers call the NdisMOidRequestComplete function to return the final status of an OID request for which the driver's MiniportOidRequest function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisMoveMemory The NdisMoveMemory function copies a specified number of bytes from one caller-supplied location to another. |
NdisMPauseComplete A miniport driver must call the NdisMPauseComplete function to complete a pause operation if the driver returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING from its MiniportPause function. |
NdisMQueryAdapterInstanceName The NdisMQueryAdapterInstanceName function retrieves the friendly name of a miniport adapter. |
NdisMQueryProbedBars A miniport driver calls the NdisMQueryProbedBars function to obtain the values of a network adapter's PCI Express (PCIe) Base Address Registers (BARs). |
NdisMQueueDpc NDIS miniport drivers call the NdisMQueueDpc function to schedule DPC calls on CPUs. |
NdisMQueueDpcEx NDIS miniport drivers call the NdisMQueueDpcEx function to schedule DPC calls on CPUs. |
NdisMReadConfigBlock A miniport driver for a PCI Express (PCIe) Virtual Function (VF) calls the NdisMReadConfigBlock function to read data from a VF configuration block. |
NdisMReadDmaCounter The NdisMReadDmaCounter function returns the current value of the system DMA controller's counter. |
NdisMRegisterDevice The NdisMRegisterDevice function creates a named device object and a symbolic link between the device object and a user-visible name for that device. |
NdisMRegisterDmaChannel The NdisMRegisterDmaChannel function claims a system DMA controller channel during initialization for DMA operations on a subordinate NIC or on an ISA bus-master NIC. |
NdisMRegisterInterruptEx NDIS miniport drivers call the NdisMRegisterInterruptEx function to register an interrupt. |
NdisMRegisterIoPortRange NdisMRegisterIoPortRange sets up driver access to device I/O ports with the NdisRawReadPortXxx and NdisRawWritePortXxx functions and claims the range of I/O port addresses in the registry for that driver's NIC. |
NdisMRegisterMiniportDriver A miniport driver calls the NdisMRegisterMiniportDriver function to register MiniportXxx entry points with NDIS as the first step in initialization. |
NdisMRegisterScatterGatherDma Bus master miniport drivers call the NdisMRegisterScatterGatherDma function from MiniportInitializeEx to initialize a scatter/gather DMA channel. |
NdisMRegisterUnloadHandler The NdisMRegisterUnloadHandler function registers an unload handler for a driver. |
NdisMRemoveMiniport The NdisMRemoveMiniport function removes the specified miniport driver adapter that the miniport driver has determined is unrecoverable from the system. |
NdisMResetComplete The NdisMResetComplete function returns the final status of a reset request for which the miniport driver previously returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. |
NdisMResetComplete Learn more about: NdisMResetComplete function (NDIS 6.x) |
NdisMResetMiniport A miniport driver calls the NdisMResetMiniport function to trigger a later reset operation from NDIS. |
NdisMRestartComplete A miniport driver must call the NdisMRestartComplete function to complete a restart operation if the driver returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING from its MiniportRestart function. |
NdisMSendNetBufferListsComplete Miniport drivers call the NdisMSendNetBufferListsComplete function to return a linked list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures to an overlying driver and to return the final status of a send request. |
NdisMSetAttributesEx NdisMSetAttributesEx informs the NDIS library about significant features of the caller's NIC or virtual NIC during initialization. |
NdisMSetBusData NDIS drivers call the NdisMSetBusData function to write to the configuration space of a device. |
NdisMSetMiniportAttributes A miniport driver must call the NdisMSetMiniportAttributes function from its MiniportInitializeEx function to identify a context area for miniport adapter to NDIS, and to provide NDIS with information about the miniport adapter. |
NdisMSetupDmaTransfer The NdisMSetupDmaTransfer function sets up the host DMA controller for a DMA transfer. |
NdisMSetVirtualFunctionBusData A miniport driver calls the NdisMSetVirtualFunctionBusData function to write data to the PCI Express (PCIe) configuration space of a Virtual Function (VF) on the network adapter. |
NdisMSleep The NdisMSleep function delays execution of the caller for a given interval in microseconds. |
NdisMSynchronizeWithInterruptEx The NdisMSynchronizeWithInterruptEx function synchronizes the execution of a miniport driver-supplied function with the MiniportInterrupt function. |
NdisMUnmapIoSpace NdisMUnmapIoSpace releases a virtual range mapped by an initialization-time call to NdisMMapIoSpace. |
NdisMWriteConfigBlock A miniport driver for a PCI Express (PCIe) Virtual Function (VF) calls the NdisMWriteConfigBlock function to write data to a VF configuration block. |
NdisMWriteLogData NdisMWriteLogData transfers driver-supplied information into the log file for consumption and display by a driver-dedicated Win32 application. |
NdisOidRequest The NdisOidRequest function forwards a request to the underlying drivers to query the capabilities or status of an adapter or set the state of an adapter. |
NdisOpenAdapter NdisOpenAdapter sets up a binding between the calling protocol and a particular underlying NIC driver or NDIS intermediate driver. |
NdisOpenAdapterEx A protocol driver calls the NdisOpenAdapterEx function from its ProtocolBindAdapterEx function to set up a binding between the protocol driver and an underlying driver. |
NdisOpenConfigurationEx NDIS drivers call the NdisOpenConfigurationEx function to get a configuration handle that allows access to configuration parameters in the registry. |
NdisOpenConfigurationKeyByIndex The NdisOpenConfigurationKeyByIndex function opens a subkey of a given open registry key that is designated by a caller-supplied handle. |
NdisOpenConfigurationKeyByName The NdisOpenConfigurationKeyByName function opens a named subkey of a given open registry key that is designated by a caller-supplied handle. |
NdisOpenFile The NdisOpenFile function returns a handle for an opened file. |
NdisOpenProtocolConfiguration NdisOpenProtocolConfiguration returns a handle for the registry key in which a protocol driver's per-adapter information is stored. |
NdisPacketPoolUsage This function returns the number of packet descriptors currently allocated from a packet pool. |
NdisQueryAdapterInstanceName The NdisQueryAdapterInstanceName function retrieves the friendly name of a physical NIC or a virtual adapter that the calling protocol driver is bound to. |
NdisQueryBindInstanceName The NdisQueryBindInstanceName function retrieves the friendly name of a physical NIC or a virtual adapter that the calling protocol driver will bind to. |
NdisQueryDepthSList The NdisQueryDepthSList function returns the current number of entries in a given sequenced, singly linked list. |
NdisQueueIoWorkItem NDIS drivers call the NdisQueueIoWorkItem function to queue a work item. |
NdisRawReadPortBufferUchar NdisRawReadPortBufferUchar reads a specified number of bytes into a caller-supplied buffer. |
NdisRawReadPortBufferUlong NdisRawReadPortBufferUlong reads a specified number of ULONGs into a caller-supplied buffer. |
NdisRawReadPortBufferUshort NdisRawReadPortBufferUshort reads a specified number of USHORTs into a caller-supplied buffer. |
NdisRawReadPortUchar NdisRawReadPortUchar reads a byte from a given I/O port on the NIC. |
NdisRawReadPortUlong NdisRawReadPortUlong reads a ULONG value from a given I/O port on the NIC. |
NdisRawReadPortUshort NdisRawReadPortUshort reads a USHORT value from a given I/O port on the NIC. |
NdisRawWritePortBufferUchar NdisRawWritePortBufferUchar writes a specified number of bytes from a caller-supplied buffer to a given I/O port. |
NdisRawWritePortBufferUlong NdisRawWritePortBufferUlong writes a specified number of ULONG values from a caller-supplied buffer to a given I/O port. |
NdisRawWritePortBufferUshort NdisRawWritePortBufferUshort writes a specified number of USHORT values from a caller-supplied buffer to a given I/O port. |
NdisRawWritePortUchar NdisRawWritePortUchar writes a byte to an I/O port on the NIC. |
NdisRawWritePortUlong NdisRawWritePortUlong writes a ULONG value to an I/O port on the NIC. |
NdisRawWritePortUshort NdisRawWritePortUshort writes a USHORT value to an I/O port on the NIC. |
NdisReadConfiguration The NdisReadConfiguration function returns the value of a named entry of the specified type from the registry, given the handle to an open registry key. |
NdisReadNetworkAddress The NdisReadNetworkAddress function returns the software-configurable network address that was stored in the registry for a NIC when it was installed in the machine. |
NdisReadRegisterUchar NdisReadRegisterUchar is called by the miniport driver to read a UCHAR from a memory-mapped device register. |
NdisReadRegisterUlong NdisReadRegisterUlong is called by the miniport driver to read a ULONG from a memory-mapped device register. |
NdisReadRegisterUshort NdisReadRegisterUshort is called by the miniport driver to read a USHORT from a memory-mapped device register. |
NdisReEnumerateProtocolBindings The NdisReEnumerateProtocolBindings function causes NDIS to call a protocol driver's ProtocolBindAdapterEx function one time for each miniport adapter for which the driver is configured to bind but to which the driver is not currently bound. |
NdisRegisterDeviceEx The NdisRegisterDeviceEx function creates a device object that is based upon the specified attributes. |
NdisRegisterProtocol NdisRegisterProtocol registers an NDIS driver's ProtocolXxx entry points and name with the NDIS library when the driver initializes. |
NdisRegisterProtocolDriver A protocol driver calls the NdisRegisterProtocolDriver function to register its ProtocolXxx functions with NDIS. |
NdisReleaseReadWriteLock The NdisReleaseReadWriteLock function releases a lock that was acquired in a preceding call to NdisAcquireReadWriteLock.Note The read-write lock interface is deprecated for NDIS 6.20 and later drivers, which should use NdisReleaseRWLock instead of NdisReleaseReadWriteLock. |
NdisReleaseRWLock The NdisReleaseRWLock function releases a read/write lock that the caller uses to gain access to resources that are shared between driver threads. |
NdisReleaseSpinLock The NdisReleaseSpinLock function releases a spin lock that was acquired in a preceding call to the NdisAcquireSpinLock function. |
NdisRequest NdisRequest forwards a request to the underlying driver that it query the capabilities or status of its NIC or that it set the state of its NIC. |
NdisResetEvent The NdisResetEvent function clears the Signaled state of a given event. |
NdisRetrieveUlong The NdisRetrieveUlong function retrieves a ULONG value from the source address, avoiding alignment faults. |
NdisReturnNetBufferLists NDIS drivers call the NdisReturnNetBufferLists function to release ownership of a list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures, along with the associated NET_BUFFER structures and network data. |
NdisScheduleWorkItem NdisScheduleWorkItem inserts a given work item into a queue from which a system worker thread removes the item and gives control to the callback function that the driver previously supplied to NdisInitializeWorkItem. |
NdisSendNetBufferLists Protocol drivers call the NdisSendNetBufferLists function to send network data that is contained in a list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures. |
NdisSetCoalescableTimerObject The NdisSetCoalescableTimerObject function sets a timer object that the operating system coordinates with other timers, typically to reduce power consumption, when the exact expiration of the timer is not important to driver operation. |
NdisSetEvent The NdisSetEvent function sets a given event to the signaled state if it was not already Signaled. |
NdisSetOptionalHandlers NDIS drivers can call the NdisSetOptionalHandlers function to set or change the entry points of driver functions. |
NdisSetPhysicalAddressHigh NdisSetPhysicalAddressHigh sets the high-order part of a given physical address to a given value. |
NdisSetPhysicalAddressLow NdisSetPhysicalAddressLow sets the low-order part of a given physical address to a given value. |
NdisSetTimerObject The NdisSetTimerObject function sets a timer object to fire after a specified interval or periodically. |
NdisStallExecution The NdisStallExecution function stalls the caller on the current processor for a given interval. |
NdisStoreUlong The NdisStoreUlong function stores a ULONG value at a particular address, avoiding alignment faults. |
NdisSynchronousOidRequest Protocol drivers call the NdisSynchronousOidRequest function to originate a new Synchronous OID request and issue it to underlying drivers. |
NdisSystemActiveProcessorCount The NdisSystemActiveProcessorCount function returns the number of currently active processors in the local computer. |
NdisSystemProcessorCount The NdisSystemProcessorCount function determines whether the caller is running on a uniprocessor or multiprocessor computer. |
NdisTerminateWrapper NdisTerminateWrapper releases system resources allocated when the NIC driver called NdisMInitializeWrapper. |
NdisUnbindAdapter Protocol drivers call the NdisUnbindAdapter function to request NDIS to close a binding to an underlying miniport adapter. |
NdisUnchainBufferAtBack NdisUnchainBufferAtBack removes the buffer descriptor at the end of the chain of buffer descriptors for a given packet. |
NdisUnicodeStringToAnsiString The NdisUnicodeStringToAnsiString function converts a given counted Unicode string into a counted ANSI string. The translation conforms to the current system locale information. |
NdisUnmapFile The NdisUnmapFile function releases a virtual address mapping of a file previously set up with the NdisMapFile function. |
NdisUpcaseUnicodeString The NdisUpcaseUnicodeString function converts a copy of a given Unicode string to upper case and returns the converted string.Note This function is deprecated for NDIS 6.0 and later. |
NdisWaitEvent The NdisWaitEvent function puts the caller into a wait state until the given event is set to the Signaled state or the wait times out. |
NdisWriteConfiguration The NdisWriteConfiguration function writes a caller-supplied value for a specified entry into the registry. This function must be invoked serially with respect to itself and the NdisReadConfiguration function. |
NdisWriteErrorLogEntry NdisWriteErrorLogEntry writes an entry to the system I/O error log file. |
NdisWriteEventLogEntry NdisWriteEventLogEntry logs an event to the Win32 event log. |
NdisWriteRegisterUchar NdisWriteRegisterUchar is called by the miniport driver to write a UCHAR to a memory-mapped device register. |
NdisWriteRegisterUlong NdisWriteRegisterUlong is called by the miniport driver to write a ULONG to a memory-mapped device register. |
NdisWriteRegisterUshort NdisWriteRegisterUshort is called by the miniport driver to write a USHORT to a memory-mapped device register. |
NdisZeroMappedMemory NdisZeroMappedMemory fills a block of memory that was mapped with a preceding call to NdisMMapIoSpace with zeros. |
NdisZeroMemory The NdisZeroMemory function fills a block of memory with zeros. |
NET_BUFFER_LIST_RECEIVE_FILTER_ID The NET_BUFFER_LIST_RECEIVE_FILTER_ID macro gets a receive filter identifier from the out-of-band (OOB) data in a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NET_BUFFER_LIST_RECEIVE_FILTER_VPORT_ID The NET_BUFFER_LIST_RECEIVE_FILTER_VPORT_ID macro sets or gets the identifier of a virtual port (VPort) within the out-of-band (OOB) data in a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NET_BUFFER_LIST_RECEIVE_QUEUE_ID The NET_BUFFER_LIST_RECEIVE_QUEUE_ID macro sets or gets the identifier of a virtual machine queue (VMQ) or single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) receive queue identifier within the out-of-band (OOB) data of a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NET_BUFFER_LIST_SWITCH_FORWARDING_DETAIL Hyper-V extensible switch extensions use the NET_BUFFER_LIST_SWITCH_FORWARDING_DETAIL macro to access the NDIS_SWITCH_FORWARDING_DETAIL_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO union in the extensible switch context area in a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
Callback functions
ALLOCATE_SHARED_MEMORY_HANDLER The NetAllocateSharedMemory function (ALLOCATE_SHARED_MEMORY_HANDLER entry point) is called by NDIS when a driver allocates shared memory from a shared memory provider. |
FILTER_ATTACH NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterAttach function to allocate and initialize a filter module's data structures.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_ATTACH type. |
FILTER_CANCEL_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterCancelDirectOidRequest function to cancel a direct OID request.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_CANCEL_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST type. |
FILTER_CANCEL_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterCancelOidRequest function to cancel an OID request.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_CANCEL_OID_REQUEST type. |
FILTER_CANCEL_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterCancelSendNetBufferLists function to cancel the transmission of all NET_BUFFER_LIST structures that are marked with a specified cancellation identifier.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_CANCEL_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
FILTER_DETACH NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterDetach function to release all the resources that are associated with a filter module.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_DETACH type. |
FILTER_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT_NOTIFY NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterDevicePnPEventNotify function to notify the driver of device Plug and Play (PnP) and Power Management events.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT_NOTIFY type. |
FILTER_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterDirectOidRequest function to process a direct OID request that is associated with the specified filter module.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST type. |
FILTER_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE NDIS calls the FilterDirectOidRequestComplete function to complete a filter driver direct OID request that queried or set information in an underlying driver.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE type. |
FILTER_NET_PNP_EVENT NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterNetPnPEvent function to notify the driver of network Plug and Play (PnP) and Power Management events.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_NET_PNP_EVENT type. |
FILTER_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterOidRequest function to process an OID request that is associated with the specified filter module.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_OID_REQUEST type. |
FILTER_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE NDIS calls the FilterOidRequestComplete function to complete a filter driver request that queried or set information in an underlying driver.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE type. |
FILTER_PAUSE NDIS calls a filter driver's FilterPause function to initiate a pause operation for the specified filter module.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_PAUSE type. |
FILTER_RECEIVE_NET_BUFFER_LISTS NDIS calls the FilterReceiveNetBufferLists function to request a filter driver to process a receive indication.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_RECEIVE_NET_BUFFER_LISTS type. |
FILTER_RESTART The FilterRestart function initiates a restart operation for the specified filter module.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_RESTART type. |
FILTER_RETURN_NET_BUFFER_LISTS NDIS calls the FilterReturnNetBufferLists function to return a linked list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures and associated data to a filter driver.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_RETURN_NET_BUFFER_LISTS type. |
FILTER_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS NDIS calls the FilterSendNetBufferLists function to allow a filter driver to filter a linked list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS type. |
FILTER_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS_COMPLETE NDIS calls the FilterSendNetBufferListsComplete function to complete a send request that a filter driver started by calling the NdisFSendNetBufferLists function.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS_COMPLETE type. |
FILTER_SET_MODULE_OPTIONS The FilterSetModuleOptions function changes the set of optional services that are associated with a specified filter module.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_SET_MODULE_OPTIONS type. |
FILTER_STATUS The FilterStatus function indicates status changes that are reported by NDIS or an underlying driver.Note You must declare the function by using the FILTER_STATUS type. |
FREE_SHARED_MEMORY_HANDLER The NetFreeSharedMemory function (FREE_SHARED_MEMORY_HANDLER entry point) is called by NDIS when a driver frees shared memory from a shared memory provider. |
IF_QUERY_OBJECT The ProviderQueryObject function retrieves information about a network interface. |
IF_SET_OBJECT The ProviderSetObject function sets information that is associated with a network interface. |
MINIPORT_ADD_DEVICE The MiniportAddDevice function enables a miniport driver to establish a context area for an added device. |
MINIPORT_ALLOCATE_SHARED_MEM_COMPLETE NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportSharedMemoryAllocateComplete function to complete a shared memory allocation request that the miniport driver started by calling the NdisMAllocateSharedMemoryAsyncEx function. |
MINIPORT_CANCEL_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportCancelDirectOidRequest function to cancel a direct OID request. |
MINIPORT_CANCEL_IDLE_NOTIFICATION NDIS calls the MiniportCancelIdleNotification handler function to notify the miniport driver that NDIS has detected activity on the suspended network adapter. |
MINIPORT_CANCEL_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportCancelOidRequest function to cancel an OID request. |
MINIPORT_CANCEL_SEND NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportCancelSend function to cancel the transmission of all NET_BUFFER_LIST structures that are marked with a specified cancellation identifier. |
MINIPORT_CHECK_FOR_HANG NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportCheckForHangEx function to check the operational state of the miniport adapter that represents a network interface card (NIC). |
MINIPORT_CO_ACTIVATE_VC The MiniportCoActivateVc function is required for connection-oriented miniports. |
MINIPORT_CO_CREATE_VC The MiniportCoCreateVc function is required for connection-oriented miniports. |
MINIPORT_CO_DEACTIVATE_VC The MiniportCoDeactivateVc function is required for connection-oriented miniports. |
MINIPORT_CO_DELETE_VC The MiniportCoDeleteVc function is required for connection-oriented miniports. |
MINIPORT_CO_OID_REQUEST The MiniportCoOidRequest function handles an OID request to query or set information in CoNDIS miniport driver.Note You must declare the function by using the MINIPORT_CO_OID_REQUEST type. |
MINIPORT_CO_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS The MiniportCoSendNetBufferLists function transmits network data that is contained in a specified linked list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures.Note You must declare the function by using the MINIPORT_CO_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS type. |
MINIPORT_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT_NOTIFY NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportDevicePnPEventNotify function to notify the driver of Plug and Play (PnP) events. |
MINIPORT_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportDirectOidRequest function to handle a direct OID request to query or set information in the driver. |
MINIPORT_DISABLE_INTERRUPT NDIS can call a miniport driver's MiniportDisableInterruptEx handler to disable interrupts for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes. |
MINIPORT_DISABLE_MESSAGE_INTERRUPT NDIS can call a miniport driver's MiniportDisableMessageInterrupt handler to disable a message interrupt for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes. |
MINIPORT_ENABLE_INTERRUPT NDIS can call a miniport driver's MiniportEnableInterruptEx handler to enable interrupts for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes. |
MINIPORT_ENABLE_MESSAGE_INTERRUPT NDIS can call a miniport driver's MiniportEnableMessageInterrupt function to enable a message interrupt for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes. |
MINIPORT_HALT NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportHaltEx function to free resources when a miniport adapter is removed, and to stop the hardware. |
MINIPORT_IDLE_NOTIFICATION NDIS calls the MiniportIdleNotification handler function to start the NDIS selective suspend operation on an idle network adapter. Through this operation, the network adapter is suspended and transitioned to a low-power state. |
MINIPORT_INITIALIZE NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportInitializeEx function to initialize a miniport adapter for network I/O operations. |
MINIPORT_INTERRUPT_DPC A miniport driver must provide a MiniportInterruptDPC function if the driver calls the NdisMRegisterInterruptEx function to register an interrupt. |
MINIPORT_ISR NDIS calls the MiniportInterrupt function when a NIC, or another device that shares the interrupt with the NIC, generates an interrupt. |
MINIPORT_MESSAGE_INTERRUPT NDIS calls the MiniportMessageInterrupt function when a NIC generates a message-based interrupt. |
MINIPORT_MESSAGE_INTERRUPT_DPC A miniport driver must provide a MiniportMessageInterruptDPC handler if the driver calls the NdisMRegisterInterruptEx function to register an interrupt. |
MINIPORT_OID_REQUEST NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportOidRequest function to handle an OID request to query or set information in the driver. |
MINIPORT_PAUSE NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportPause function to stop the flow of network data through a specified miniport adapter. |
MINIPORT_PNP_IRP The MiniportPnpIrp function enables a miniport driver to optionally manage its Plug and Play (PnP) resources. |
MINIPORT_PROCESS_SG_LIST A bus-master miniport driver provides a MiniportProcessSGList function to process scatter/gather lists for network data. |
MINIPORT_REMOVE_DEVICE The MiniportRemoveDevice function releases resources that the MiniportAddDevice function allocated. |
MINIPORT_RESET NDIS calls an NDIS miniport driver's MiniportResetEx function to initiate a reset of a network interface card (NIC). For more information, see Miniport Adapter Check-for-Hang and Reset Operations and Miniport Driver Hardware Reset. |
MINIPORT_RESTART The MiniportRestart function initiates a restart request for a miniport adapter that is paused. |
MINIPORT_RETURN_NET_BUFFER_LISTS NDIS calls the MiniportReturnNetBufferLists function to return ownership of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures, associated NET_BUFFER structures, and any attached MDLs to a miniport driver. |
MINIPORT_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS NDIS calls the MiniportSendNetBufferLists function to transmit network data that is contained in a linked list of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures. |
MINIPORT_SHUTDOWN NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportShutdownEx function when the system is shutting down. |
MINIPORT_SYNCHRONIZE_INTERRUPT A miniport driver must provide a MiniportSynchronizeInterrupt handler if any driver function that runs at less than DIRQL shares resources with the MiniportInterrupt function. |
MINIPORT_UNLOAD NDIS calls a miniport driver's MiniportDriverUnload function to request the driver to release resources before the system completes a driver unload operation. |
NDIS_PD_ALLOCATE_COUNTER The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's NdisPDAllocateCounter function to allocate a counter object. |
NDIS_PD_ALLOCATE_QUEUE The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's NdisPDAllocateQueue function to allocate a queue. |
NDIS_PD_CLEAR_RECEIVE_FILTER The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's NdisPDClearReceiveFilter function to clear this filter from the PD platform. |
NDIS_PD_FLUSH_QUEUE The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's PDFlushQueue function to flush a specified queue, ensuring that any items that are not yet in a complete state in the queue will be completed imminently. |
NDIS_PD_FREE_COUNTER The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's NdisPDFreeCounter function to free a counter object. |
NDIS_PD_FREE_QUEUE The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's NdisPDFreeQueue function to free a queue. |
NDIS_PD_POST_AND_DRAIN_BUFFER_LIST The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's PDPostAndDrainBufferList function to post PD_BUFFER structures to PD transmit/receive queues and draining any previously posted PD_BUFFER structures that have been completed. |
NDIS_PD_QUERY_COUNTER The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's NdisPDQueryCounter function to query the current values stored in a counter object. |
NDIS_PD_QUERY_QUEUE_DEPTH The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's PDQueryQueueDepth function to return the number of unprocessed PD_BUFFER structures that are posted to the Queue. |
NDIS_PD_SET_RECEIVE_FILTER The PacketDirect (PD) platform calls a PD-capable miniport driver's NdisPDSetReceiveFilter function to direct specific flows of packets to a specific PD receive queue. |
NDIS_PROCESS_SG_LIST The NetProcessSGList function (NDIS_PROCESS_SG_LIST_HANDLER entry point) processes a scatter/gather list. |
NDIS_SWITCH_ADD_NET_BUFFER_LIST_DESTINATION The AddNetBufferListDestination function adds a single destination port for a packet that is specified by a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_SWITCH_ALLOCATE_NET_BUFFER_LIST_FORWARDING_CONTEXT The AllocateNetBufferListForwardingContext function prepares a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure for send or receive operations within the extensible switch. |
NDIS_SWITCH_COPY_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO The Hyper-V extensible switch extension calls the CopyNetBufferListInfo function to copy the out-of-band (OOB) forwarding context from a source packet's NET_BUFFER_LIST structure to a destination packet's NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_SWITCH_DEREFERENCE_SWITCH_NIC The DereferenceSwitchNic function decrements the Hyper-V extensible switch reference counter for a network adapter that is connected to an extensible switch port. The reference counter was incremented through a previous call to ReferenceSwitchNic. |
NDIS_SWITCH_DEREFERENCE_SWITCH_PORT The DereferenceSwitchPort function decrements the Hyper-V extensible switch reference counter for an extensible switch port. The reference counter was incremented through a previous call to ReferenceSwitchPort. |
NDIS_SWITCH_FREE_NET_BUFFER_LIST_FORWARDING_CONTEXT The FreeNetBufferListForwardingContext function releases resources in the out-of-band (OOB) extensible switch forwarding context of a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_SWITCH_GET_NET_BUFFER_LIST_DESTINATIONS The GetNetBufferListDestinations function returns the Hyper-V extensible switch destination ports of a packet that is specified by a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_SWITCH_GET_NET_BUFFER_LIST_SWITCH_CONTEXT The Hyper-V extensible switch extension calls the GetNetBufferListSwitchContext function to retrieve the switch context previously set on the NET_BUFFER_LIST. |
NDIS_SWITCH_GROW_NET_BUFFER_LIST_DESTINATIONS The GrowNetBufferListDestinations function adds space for additional Hyper-V extensible switch destination ports to a packet that is specified by a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_SWITCH_REFERENCE_SWITCH_NIC The ReferenceSwitchNic function increments the Hyper-V extensible switch reference counter for a network adapter that is connected to an extensible switch port. |
NDIS_SWITCH_REFERENCE_SWITCH_PORT The ReferenceSwitchPort function increments the Hyper-V extensible switch reference counter for an extensible switch port. |
NDIS_SWITCH_REPORT_FILTERED_NET_BUFFER_LISTS The ReportFilteredNetBufferLists function reports on one or more network packets that were dropped or excluded from port delivery by the extensible switch extension. Each network packet is defined through a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_SWITCH_SET_NET_BUFFER_LIST_SOURCE The SetNetBufferListSource function sets the Hyper-V extensible switch source port identifier and network adapter index for a packet that is specified by a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_SWITCH_SET_NET_BUFFER_LIST_SWITCH_CONTEXT The Hyper-V extensible switch extension calls the SetNetBufferListSwitchContext function to attach an extension-allocated context buffer to the NET_BUFFER_LIST. |
NDIS_SWITCH_UPDATE_NET_BUFFER_LIST_DESTINATIONS The Hyper-V extensible switch extension calls the UpdateNetBufferListDestinations function to commit modifications that the extension made to a packet that contains multiple extensible switch destination ports. |
NDIS_TIMER_FUNCTION The NdisTimerFunction function is called by NDIS after a driver sets a one-shot or periodic timer when a timer fires.Note You must declare the function by using the NDIS_TIMER_FUNCTION type. |
PROTOCOL_BIND_ADAPTER_EX NDIS calls a protocol driver's ProtocolBindAdapterEx function to request the driver to bind to a miniport adapter.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_BIND_ADAPTER_EX type. |
PROTOCOL_CL_ADD_PARTY_COMPLETE The ProtocolClAddPartyComplete function is required for connection-oriented NDIS clients that set up multipoint connections. |
PROTOCOL_CL_CALL_CONNECTED The ProtocolClCallConnected function is used by connection-oriented NDIS clients that accept incoming calls. |
PROTOCOL_CL_CLOSE_AF_COMPLETE The ProtocolClCloseAfComplete function is used by connection-oriented NDIS clients. |
PROTOCOL_CL_CLOSE_CALL_COMPLETE The ProtocolClCloseCallComplete function is used by connection-oriented NDIS clients. |
PROTOCOL_CL_DEREGISTER_SAP_COMPLETE The ProtocolClDeregisterSapComplete function is used by connection-oriented NDIS clients. |
PROTOCOL_CL_DROP_PARTY_COMPLETE The ProtocolClDropPartyComplete function is used by connection-oriented NDIS clients that set up multipoint connections. |
PROTOCOL_CL_INCOMING_CALL The ProtocolClIncomingCall function is used by connection-oriented clients that accept incoming calls. |
PROTOCOL_CL_INCOMING_CALL_QOS_CHANGE The ProtocolClIncomingCallQoSChange function is used by connection-oriented clients on networks that support dynamic quality-of-service. |
PROTOCOL_CL_INCOMING_CLOSE_CALL The ProtocolClIncomingCloseCall function is used by all connection-oriented NDIS clients. |
PROTOCOL_CL_INCOMING_DROP_PARTY The ProtocolClIncomingDropParty function is used by connection-oriented NDIS clients that set up multipoint connections. |
PROTOCOL_CL_MAKE_CALL_COMPLETE The ProtocolClMakeCallComplete function is used by connection-oriented NDIS clients that make outgoing calls. |
PROTOCOL_CL_MODIFY_CALL_QOS_COMPLETE The ProtocolClModifyCallQoSComplete function is used by connection-oriented NDIS clients that can modify the quality of service on a connection dynamically. |
PROTOCOL_CL_NOTIFY_CLOSE_AF The ProtocolClNotifyCloseAf function notifies a CoNDIS client that the client should close the associated address family (AF).Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CL_NOTIFY_CLOSE_AF type. |
PROTOCOL_CL_OPEN_AF_COMPLETE_EX The ProtocolClOpenAfCompleteEx function completes the opening of an address family (AF) that was started when a CoNDIS client called the NdisClOpenAddressFamilyEx function.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CL_OPEN_AF_COMPLETE_EX type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_CL_REGISTER_SAP_COMPLETE A connection-oriented NDIS client that accepts incoming calls must have a ProtocolClRegisterSapComplete function to complete the asynchronous operations that it initiates with NdisClRegisterSap. |
PROTOCOL_CLOSE_ADAPTER_COMPLETE_EX NDIS calls a protocol driver's ProtocolCloseAdapterCompleteEx function to complete a close adapter operation for which the NdisCloseAdapterEx function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CLOSE_ADAPTER_COMPLETE_EX type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_CM_ACTIVATE_VC_COMPLETE The ProtocolCmActivateVcComplete function is required. |
PROTOCOL_CM_ADD_PARTY The ProtocolCmAddParty function is a required function. |
PROTOCOL_CM_CLOSE_AF The ProtocolCmCloseAf function is a required function that releases per-open resources for an address family that a call manager supports.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CM_CLOSE_AF type. |
PROTOCOL_CM_CLOSE_CALL The ProtocolCmCloseCall function is a required function that terminates an existing call and releases any resources that the call manager allocated for the call.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CM_CLOSE_CALL type. |
PROTOCOL_CM_DEACTIVATE_VC_COMPLETE The ProtocolCmDeactivateVcComplete function is a required function. |
PROTOCOL_CM_DEREGISTER_SAP The ProtocolCmDeregisterSap function is required. |
PROTOCOL_CM_DROP_PARTY The ProtocolCmDropParty function is required. |
PROTOCOL_CM_INCOMING_CALL_COMPLETE The ProtocolCmIncomingCallComplete function is required. |
PROTOCOL_CM_MAKE_CALL The ProtocolCmMakeCall function is a required function that sets up media specific parameters for a virtual connection (VC) and activates the virtual connection.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CM_MAKE_CALL type. |
PROTOCOL_CM_MODIFY_QOS_CALL The ProtocolCmModifyCallQoS function is required. |
PROTOCOL_CM_NOTIFY_CLOSE_AF_COMPLETE The ProtocolCmNotifyCloseAfComplete function indicates that a client has completed the closing of an address family (AF) that a stand-alone call manager or miniport call manager (MCM) started by calling the NdisCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily or NdisMCmNotifyCloseAddressFamily function, respectively.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CM_NOTIFY_CLOSE_AF_COMPLETE type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_CM_OPEN_AF The ProtocolCmOpenAf function is required. |
PROTOCOL_CM_REG_SAP The ProtocolCmRegisterSap function is a required function that is called by NDIS to request that a call manager register a SAP (service access point) on behalf of a connection-oriented client.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CM_REG_SAP type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_CO_AF_REGISTER_NOTIFY The ProtocolCoAfRegisterNotify function is used by connection-oriented NDIS clients. |
PROTOCOL_CO_CREATE_VC The ProtocolCoCreateVc function is a required function that allocates resources necessary for a call manager or client to activate and maintain a virtual connection (VC).Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CO_CREATE_VC type. |
PROTOCOL_CO_DELETE_VC The ProtocolCoDeleteVc function is required. |
PROTOCOL_CO_OID_REQUEST The ProtocolCoOidRequest function handles OID requests that CoNDIS clients or stand-alone call managers initiate by calls to the NdisCoOidRequest function or that a miniport call manager (MCM) driver initiates by calls to the NdisMCmOidRequest function.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CO_OID_REQUEST type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_CO_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE The ProtocolCoOidRequestComplete function completes the processing of an asynchronous CoNDIS OID request.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CO_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE type. |
PROTOCOL_CO_RECEIVE_NET_BUFFER_LISTS The ProtocolCoReceiveNetBufferLists function processes receive indications from underlying drivers.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CO_RECEIVE_NET_BUFFER_LISTS type. |
PROTOCOL_CO_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS_COMPLETE The ProtocolCoSendNetBufferListsComplete function completes a send operation that the protocol driver initiated with a call to the NdisCoSendNetBufferLists function.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CO_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS_COMPLETE type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_CO_STATUS_EX The ProtocolCoStatusEx function indicates status changes from underlying connection-oriented drivers or from NDIS.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_CO_STATUS_EX type. |
PROTOCOL_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE The ProtocolDirectOidRequestComplete function completes the processing of a protocol driver-initiated direct OID request for which the NdisDirectOidRequest function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_DIRECT_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_NET_PNP_EVENT NDIS calls the ProtocolNetPnPEvent function to indicate a network Plug and Play event, an NDIS PnP event, or a power management event to a protocol driver.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_NET_PNP_EVENT type. |
PROTOCOL_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE The ProtocolOidRequestComplete function completes the processing of a protocol driver-initiated OID request for which the NdisOidRequest function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_OID_REQUEST_COMPLETE type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_OPEN_ADAPTER_COMPLETE_EX NDIS calls a protocol driver's ProtocolOpenAdapterCompleteEx function to complete an open adapter operation for which the NdisOpenAdapterEx function returned NDIS_STATUS_PENDING.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_OPEN_ADAPTER_COMPLETE_EX type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_RECEIVE_NET_BUFFER_LISTS The ProtocolReceiveNetBufferLists function processes receive indications from underlying drivers.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_RECEIVE_NET_BUFFER_LISTS type. |
PROTOCOL_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS_COMPLETE The ProtocolSendNetBufferListsComplete function completes a send operation that the protocol driver initiated with a call to the NdisSendNetBufferLists function.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_SEND_NET_BUFFER_LISTS_COMPLETE type. For more information, see the following Examples section. |
PROTOCOL_STATUS_EX The ProtocolStatusEx function indicates status-changes from underlying connectionless drivers or NDIS.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_STATUS_EX type. |
PROTOCOL_UNBIND_ADAPTER_EX NDIS calls a protocol driver's ProtocolUnbindAdapterEx function to request the driver to unbind from an underlying miniport adapter.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_UNBIND_ADAPTER_EX type. |
PROTOCOL_UNINSTALL NDIS calls a protocol driver's ProtocolUninstall function to perform cleanup operations before a protocol driver is uninstalled.Note You must declare the function by using the PROTOCOL_UNINSTALL type. |
SET_OPTIONS NDIS calls a driver's XxxSetOptions function to allow the driver to register optional services. |
BINARY_DATA The BINARY_DATA structure contains the binary data of a named entry in the registry. |
IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_ADD_SA The IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_ADD_SA structure defines information about a security association (SA) that a miniport driver should add to a NIC. |
IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_ADD_SA_EX The IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_ADD_SA_EX structure defines information about a security association (SA) that a miniport driver should add to a NIC. |
IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_ALGORITHM_INFO The IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_ALGORITHM_INFO structure specifies an algorithm that is used for a security association (SA). |
IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_DELETE_SA The IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_DELETE_SA structure specifies a security association (SA) that should be deleted from a NIC and a pointer to the next IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_DELETE_SA structure in a linked list. |
IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION The IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION structure specifies a single security association (SA). |
IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_UPDATE_SA The IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_UPDATE_SA structure updates information about security associations (SAs) that a miniport driver previously added to a NIC and a pointer to the next IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_UPDATE_SA structure in a linked list. |
LOCK_STATE The LOCK_STATE structure tracks the state of a read/write lock. |
LOCK_STATE_EX The LOCK_STATE_EX structure tracks the state of a read/write lock. |
NDIS_BIND_FAILED_NOTIFICATION The NDIS_BIND_FAILED_NOTIFICATION structure describes a binding event failure. |
NDIS_BIND_PARAMETERS NDIS initializes an NDIS_BIND_PARAMETERS structure with information that defines the characteristics of a binding and passes it to a protocol driver. |
NDIS_CO_CALL_MANAGER_OPTIONAL_HANDLERS The NDIS_CO_CALL_MANAGER_OPTIONAL_HANDLERS structure specifies CoNDIS call manager ProtocolXxx functions for the driver that passes this structure to the NdisSetOptionalHandlers function. |
NDIS_CO_CLIENT_OPTIONAL_HANDLERS The NDIS_CO_CLIENT_OPTIONAL_HANDLERS structure specifies entry points for CoNDIS client ProtocolXxx functions for the protocol driver that passes this structure to the NdisSetOptionalHandlers function. |
NDIS_CONFIGURATION_OBJECT The NDIS_CONFIGURATION_OBJECT structure defines the attributes of a configuration object that an NDIS driver can pass to the NdisOpenConfigurationEx function. |
NDIS_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER The NDIS_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER structure contains the data and type of a named entry in the registry. |
NDIS_DEVICE_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES The NDIS_DEVICE_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure defines the attributes of a device that an NDIS filter or miniport driver can pass to the NdisRegisterDeviceEx function. |
NDIS_ENUM_FILTERS The NDIS_ENUM_FILTERS structure is returned from the call to the NdisEnumerateFilterModules function to provide filter information for a filter stack. |
NDIS_FILTER_ATTACH_PARAMETERS The NDIS_FILTER_ATTACH_PARAMETERS structure defines the initialization parameters for the filter module. |
NDIS_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES The NDIS_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES structure defines the attributes of a filter module. |
NDIS_FILTER_DRIVER_CHARACTERISTICS To specify its driver characteristics, a filter driver initializes an NDIS_FILTER_DRIVER_CHARACTERISTICS structure and passes it to NDIS. |
NDIS_FILTER_INTERFACE The NDIS_FILTER_INTERFACE structure defines the attributes for an NDIS filter. |
NDIS_FILTER_PARTIAL_CHARACTERISTICS To specify optional entry points for a filter module, a filter driver initializes an NDIS_FILTER_PARTIAL_CHARACTERISTICS structure and passes it to the NdisSetOptionalHandlers function. |
NDIS_FILTER_PAUSE_PARAMETERS The NDIS_FILTER_PAUSE_PARAMETERS structure defines the pause parameters for the filter module. |
NDIS_FILTER_RESTART_PARAMETERS The NDIS_FILTER_RESTART_PARAMETERS structure defines the restart parameters for the filter module. |
NDIS_GENERIC_OBJECT The NDIS_GENERIC_OBJECT structure defines a generic object which a software component can use to obtain an NDIS handle. |
NDIS_HD_SPLIT_ATTRIBUTES The NDIS_HD_SPLIT_ATTRIBUTES structure defines header-data split attributes, if any, that are associated with a miniport adapter. |
NDIS_IF_PROVIDER_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_IF_PROVIDER_CHARACTERISTICS structure defines NDIS network interface provider entry points and other provider characteristics. |
NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V1_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO The NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V1_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO structure specifies information that is used in offloading Internet protocol security (IPsec) tasks from the TCP/IP transport to a miniport driver. |
NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_HEADER_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO The NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_HEADER_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO structure specifies IPsec header information in the OOB data of a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO The NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO structure specifies information that is used in offloading Internet protocol security offload version 2 (IPsecOV2) tasks from the TCP/IP transport to a NIC. |
NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_TUNNEL_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO The NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_TUNNEL_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO structure specifies the security association (SA) offload handle to the tunnel portion of a send packet. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_GENERAL_ATTRIBUTES An NDIS miniport driver sets up an NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_GENERAL_ATTRIBUTES structure to define the general miniport driver attributes that are associated with a miniport adapter. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_HARDWARE_ASSIST_ATTRIBUTES The NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_HARDWARE_ASSIST_ATTRIBUTES structure specifies the hardware-assisted attributes of the network adapter. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_NATIVE_802_11_ATTRIBUTES Important The Native 802.11 Wireless LAN interface is deprecated in Windows 10 and later. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_NDK_ATTRIBUTES The NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_NDK_ATTRIBUTES structure specifies the NDK-capabilities of a miniport adapter. This structure is used in the NDKAttributes member of the NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_ATTRIBUTES union. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_OFFLOAD_ATTRIBUTES An NDIS miniport driver sets up an NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_OFFLOAD_ATTRIBUTES structure to define task offload and connection offload attributes, if any, that are associated with a miniport adapter. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_REGISTRATION_ATTRIBUTES An NDIS miniport driver sets up an NDIS_MINIPORT_ADAPTER_REGISTRATION_ATTRIBUTES structure to define registration attributes that are associated with a miniport adapter. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_ADD_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_ATTRIBUTES The NDIS_MINIPORT_ADD_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_ATTRIBUTES structure specifies a driver-defined context area for an added device. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_CO_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_MINIPORT_CO_CHARACTERISTICS structure specifies the CoNDIS entry points for a CoNDIS miniport driver. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_DRIVER_CHARACTERISTICS An NDIS driver initializes an NDIS_MINIPORT_DRIVER_CHARACTERISTICS structure to define its miniport driver characteristics, including the entry points for its MiniportXxx functions. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_INIT_PARAMETERS The NDIS_MINIPORT_INIT_PARAMETERS structure defines the initialization parameters for a miniport adapter. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_INTERRUPT_CHARACTERISTICS An NDIS miniport driver defines its interrupt characteristics in an NDIS_MINIPORT_INTERRUPT_CHARACTERISTICS structure and passes the structure to the NdisMRegisterInterruptEx function. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_PAUSE_PARAMETERS The NDIS_MINIPORT_PAUSE_PARAMETERS structure defines pause parameters for miniport adapters. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_PNP_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_MINIPORT_PNP_CHARACTERISTICS structure specifies entry points for functions that allow a miniport driver to process some Plug and Play (PnP) I/O request packets (IRPs). |
NDIS_MINIPORT_RESTART_PARAMETERS The NDIS_MINIPORT_RESTART_PARAMETERS structure defines the restart parameters for a miniport adapter. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_SS_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_MINIPORT_SS_CHARACTERISTICS structure specifies the pointers to a miniport driver's NDIS selective suspend handler functions. These functions are called by NDIS to issue idle notifications to the driver during a selective suspend operation. |
NDIS_MSIX_CONFIG_PARAMETERS The NDIS_MSIX_CONFIG_PARAMETERS structure defines a requested configuration operation and specifies the parameters that are required for that particular operation. |
NDIS_NBL_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFORMATION The NDIS_NBL_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFORMATION structure specifies media-specific data that is associated with a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_NBL_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFORMATION_EX The NDIS_NBL_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFORMATION_EX structure defines media-specific information that is associated with a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_FILTERING_INFO The NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_FILTERING_INFO structure defines filtering information that is associated with a NET_BUFFER_LIST structure. |
NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO The NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO structure specifies media-specific information that is reserved for system use with native 802.11 drivers. Do not use this structure. |
NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_VIRTUAL_SUBNET_INFO Defines the group network virtualization information for a network buffer list (NBL). |
NDIS_OPEN_PARAMETERS The NDIS_OPEN_PARAMETERS structure defines the open parameters when a protocol driver calls the NdisOpenAdapterEx function. |
NDIS_PD_CLOSE_PROVIDER_PARAMETERS This structure represents the parameters that are used when calling the OID_PD_CLOSE_PROVIDER OID. |
NDIS_PD_COUNTER_PARAMETERS This structure holds parameters for the provider counter. |
NDIS_PD_COUNTER_VALUE This structure is used to hold a counter value for a queue or filter counter. |
NDIS_PD_FILTER_COUNTER This structure is used to hold counter information for a filter. |
NDIS_PD_FILTER_PARAMETERS This structure holds metadata for a packet filter. |
NDIS_PD_OPEN_PROVIDER_PARAMETERS This structure is used as a buffer for parameters in the OID_PD_OPEN_PROVIDER OID. |
NDIS_PD_PROVIDER_DISPATCH This structure is used as input for the OID_PD_OPEN_PROVIDER and serves as a container for all the provider's driver routines. |
NDIS_PD_QUEUE This structure represents a provider's receive or transmit queue. |
NDIS_PD_QUEUE_DISPATCH This structure contains a provider's driver routines for receive or transmit queues. |
NDIS_PD_QUEUE_PARAMETERS This structure is used to hold parameters for a transmit or receive queue when calling any of the queue routines. |
NDIS_PD_RECEIVE_QUEUE_COUNTER This structure is used to hold counter information for a receive queue. |
NDIS_PD_TRANSMIT_QUEUE_COUNTER This structure is used to hold counter information for a transmit queue. |
NDIS_PROCESSOR_INFO The NDIS_PROCESSOR_INFO structure specifies information about a processor in the local computer. |
NDIS_PROTOCOL_CO_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_PROTOCOL_CO_CHARACTERISTICS structure specifies CoNDIS entry points for CoNDIS protocol drivers. |
NDIS_PROTOCOL_DRIVER_CHARACTERISTICS To specify its driver characteristics, a protocol driver initializes an NDIS_PROTOCOL_DRIVER_CHARACTERISTICS structure and passes it to NDIS. |
NDIS_PROTOCOL_PAUSE_PARAMETERS NDIS passes an NDIS_PROTOCOL_PAUSE_PARAMETERS structure to a protocol driver when it calls the ProtocolNetPnPEvent function to indicate a NetEventPause event. |
NDIS_PROTOCOL_RESTART_PARAMETERS The NDIS_PROTOCOL_RESTART_PARAMETERS structure defines restart parameters for a protocol driver when NDIS calls the ProtocolNetPnPEvent function to indicate a NetEventRestart event. |
NDIS_RECEIVE_QUEUE_STATE The NDIS_RECEIVE_QUEUE_STATE structure contains information about the operational state of a receive queue. |
NDIS_RECEIVE_THROTTLE_PARAMETERS The NDIS_RECEIVE_THROTTLE_PARAMETERS structure specifies the maximum number of NET_BUFFER_LIST structures that a miniport driver should indicate in a deferred procedure call (DPC). |
NDIS_RESTART_ATTRIBUTES The NDIS_RESTART_ATTRIBUTES structure identifies an attributes entry in a linked list of restart attributes. |
NDIS_RESTART_GENERAL_ATTRIBUTES The NDIS_RESTART_GENERAL_ATTRIBUTES structure defines the general restart attributes that are associated with a miniport adapter. |
NDIS_RW_LOCK The NDIS_RW_LOCK structure defines the attributes of a read/write lock. |
NDIS_RW_LOCK_REFCOUNT The NDIS_RW_LOCK_REFCOUNT union defines attributes of a read/write lock. |
NDIS_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST_PARAMETERS The NDIS_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST_PARAMETERS structure specifies parameters that NDIS uses to build a scatter/gather list for a buffer. |
NDIS_SHARED_MEMORY_PARAMETERS The NDIS_SHARED_MEMORY_PARAMETERS structure specifies the shared memory parameters for a shared memory allocation request. |
NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION NDIS and underlying drivers use the NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure to provide status indications to overlying protocol drivers. |
NDIS_SWITCH_FORWARDING_DESTINATION_ARRAY The NDIS_SWITCH_FORWARDING_DESTINATION_ARRAY structure specifies an array of Hyper-V extensible switch destination ports for a packet. |
NDIS_SWITCH_FORWARDING_DETAIL_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO The NDIS_SWITCH_FORWARDING_DETAIL_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO union specifies the information for forwarding a packet to one or more Hyper-V extensible switch ports. |
NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_STATUS_INDICATION The NDIS_SWITCH_NIC_STATUS_INDICATION structure specifies the information that is required to forward or originate an NDIS status indication from an underlying physical network adapter. |
NDIS_SWITCH_OPTIONAL_HANDLERS The NDIS_SWITCH_OPTIONAL_HANDLERS structure specifies the pointers to the Hyper-V extensible switch handler functions. These functions can be called by an extensible switch extension. |
NDIS_SWITCH_PORT_DESTINATION The NDIS_SWITCH_PORT_DESTINATION structure specifies the Hyper-V extensible switch destination port to which a packet will be delivered. |
NDIS_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_INFO The NDIS_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_INFO structure specifies information about the CPU topology of the local computer and the receive side scaling (RSS) processor set. |
NDIS_TCP_SEND_OFFLOADS_SUPPLEMENTAL_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO The NDIS_TCP_SEND_OFFLOADS_SUPPLEMENTAL_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO structure contains additional out-of-band information for encapsulated packets. |
NDIS_TIMER_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_TIMER_CHARACTERISTICS structure defines characteristics of a one-shot or periodic timer. |
NET_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT The NET_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT structure defines device plug and play (PnP) events for miniport adapters. |
NET_IF_INFORMATION The NET_IF_INFORMATION structure provides NDIS with information about a registered network interface. |
NET_PNP_EVENT_NOTIFICATION The NET_PNP_EVENT_NOTIFICATION structure describes a network Plug and Play (PnP) event, an NDIS PnP event, or a power management event. |
PD_BUFFER This structure represents a PacketDirect (PD) packet, or a portion of a PD packet in a queue. |
PD_BUFFER_8021Q_INFO This structure contains the IEEE 802.1Q information. |
PD_BUFFER_VIRTUAL_SUBNET_INFO This structure contains the virtual subnet information. |
IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_OPERATION The IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_OPERATION enumeration specifies the IPsec operation for which a security association (SA) is used. |
NDIS_MSIX_TABLE_OPERATION The NDIS_MSIX_TABLE_OPERATION enumeration identifies the type of MSI-X configuration operation. |
NDIS_PARAMETER_TYPE The NDIS_PARAMETER_TYPE enumeration type identifies the type of a registry entry. |
NDIS_PD_COUNTER_TYPE The NDIS_PD_COUNTER_TYPE enumeration defines types of PacketDirect Provider Interface (PDPI) counters. Its enumeration values are used in the Type member of the NDIS_PD_COUNTER_PARAMETERS structure. |
NDIS_PD_QUEUE_TYPE The NDIS_PD_QUEUE_TYPE enumeration defines types of PacketDirect Provider Interface (PDPI) queues. Its enumeration values are used in the QueueType member of the NDIS_PD_QUEUE_PARAMETERS structure. |
NDIS_SHARED_MEMORY_USAGE The NDIS_SHARED_MEMORY_USAGE enumeration specifies how shared memory is used. |