effective processor type
The processor type the debugger uses when dealing with the target computer. The effective processor type affects how the debugger sets breakpoints, accesses registers, gets stack traces, and performs other processor-specific actions.
See debugger engine.
The debugger engine monitors some of the events that occur in its targets. These include a breakpoint being triggered, an exception, thread and process creation, module loading, and internal debugger engine changes.
event filter
A collection of rules that influence how the debugger engine proceeds after an event has occurred in a target. There are three types of event filters: specific event filters, specific exception filters, and arbitrary exception filters.
event callback objects
Instances of the IDebugEventCallbacks interface which have been registered with a client. The engine notifies the event callbacks whenever an event occurs.
event callbacks
See event callback objects.
event process
The process for which the last event occurred.
event target
The target for which the last event occurred.
event thread
The thread for which the last event occurred.
executing processor type
The type of the processor in the current processor context.
An error condition resulting from the execution of a particular machine instruction or from the target indicating that it has encountered an error. Exceptions can be hardware or software-related errors.
An exception is an and is identified by its .
exception code
An identifier which determines the type of an exception event.
exception filter
An event filter for an exception event specified by exception code.
See debugger extension.
extension command
See debugger extension.