DevGen Examples
This page provides examples on how to use the DevGen tool.
Create a software device
devgen /add
Create a software device with a custom instance ID
devgen /add /instanceid "TESTDEVICE"
Create a software device with specific hardware and compatible IDs
devgen /add /hardwareid "USB\VID_1234&PID_ABCD" /compatibleid "USB\DevClass_FF&SubClass_FF"
Create a software device under a parent and unplug after user prompt
devgen /add /parent "ACPI\PNP0A03\0" /wait /unplug
Create a software device and remove it after 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds)
devgen /add /wait 5000
Create a root enumerated device
devgen /add /bus ROOT
Create a root enumerated device with a custom instance ID
devgen /add /bus ROOT /instanceid 1
Create a root enumerated device and remove after user prompt
devgen /add /bus ROOT /wait
Remove a device
devgen /remove "SWD\DEVGEN\0000"
Remove a device and any children
devgen /remove "SWD\DEVGEN\0000" /subtree