General x64 directives
This topic describes the changes that are needed to properly decorate the INF for use on 64-bit Windows.
For example:
DefaultDestDir = 11
R200.Miniport = 12 ; drivers
R200.Display = 11 ; system32
R200.DispWow = 10, SysWow64
%ATI% = ATI.Mfg, NTamd64
CopyFiles=R200.Miniport, R200.Display, R200.DispWow
AddReg = R200_SoftwareDeviceSettings
AddReg = R200_RV200_SoftwareDeviceSettings
DelReg = R200_RemoveDeviceSettings
; File sections
r200umd.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME
r2umd32.dll,,,0x00004000 ; COPYFLG_IN_USE_TRY_RENAME