ISCSI_Supported_LB_Policies WMI Class

The ISCSI_Supported_LB_Policies WMI class contains information about the supported load balance policy for a multi connection iSCSI session. This class is defined as follows in Mgmt.mof.

class ISCSI_Supported_LB_Policies {

     description("Id that is unique to this session within this adapter. ") : amended
    uint64 UniqueSessionId;

     Description("Load Balance policy supported by the iSCSI Initiator") : amended,
     Values{"Fail Over Only",
            "Round Robin",
            "Round Robin with Subset",
            "Dynamic Least Queue Depth",
            "Weighted Paths",
            "Vendor Specific"} : amended,
     ValueMap{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}
    uint32 LoadBalancePolicy;
    // If load balance policy is MSiSCSI_LB_VENDOR_SPECIFIC then 
    // the following properties are not used. Instead the caller would 
    // need to provide data for setting the vendor specific
    // Load Balance policy.
     Description("Number of entries in MSiSCSI_Paths array") : amended

    uint32 iSCSI_PathCount;

     Description("Describes iSCSI Initiator Paths") : amended
    ISCSI_Path iSCSI_Paths[];

When the WMI tool suite compiles the preceding class definition, it produces the ISCSI_Supported_LB_Policies data structure.