MSiSCSI_LUNMappingInformation WMI Class

The MSiSCSI_LUNMappingInformation class exposes the SCSI address information that the operating system assigns to a particular logical unit. The SCSI address information must be consistent with the information that the MSiSCSI_TargetMappings WMI class reports.

Miniport drivers must create one instance of the MSiSCSI_LUNMappingInformation WMI class for each physical device object (PDO) that is associated with a logical unit.

Because this class is associated with a particular LUN, the miniport driver that manages the HBA must register this class using the name of the PDO for the LUN.

The MSiSCSI_LUNMappingInformation class is unpublished and is defined in Operations.mof.

When the WMI tool suite compiles this class definition, it produces the MSiSCSI_LUNMappingInformation data structure.

The SCSI address information that MSiSCSI_LUNMappingInformation exposes must be consistent with the information that the initiator's miniport driver provided to the port driver during enumeration of the logical unit.

Initiators are required to implement the MSiSCSI_LUNMappingInformation class.

Initiators must register the MSiSCSI_LUNMappingInformation class using the name of the PDO for the logical unit.

Initiators must create one instance of the MSiSCSI_LUNMappingInformation class for each logical unit that it enumerates.