Present Validation (WoW64)
This automated test makes sure that the video card can perform Idirect3Ddevice8::Present() calls correctly in all situations, including stretching, shrinking, and destination window overrides. The test uses a reference image that Microsoft® Direct3DX uses for comparison.
This topic applies to the following test jobs:
Present Validation 2
Present Validation 2 (WoW64)
Present Validation 2 - ColorConverting
Present Validation 2 - ColorConverting (WoW64)
Present Validation 2 - GammaPresent
Present Validation 2 - GammaPresent (WoW64)
Present Validation 2 - Present
Present Validation 2 - Present (WoW64)
Test details
Specifications |
Platforms |
Supported Releases |
Expected run time (in minutes) | 15 |
Category | Compatibility |
Timeout (in minutes) | 900 |
Requires reboot | false |
Requires special configuration | false |
Type | automatic |
Additional documentation
Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):
Running the test
Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Graphic Adapter or Chipset Testing Prerequisites.
For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.
For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Graphics Testing.
More information
This section provides information that is not required for running the test but may be helpful.
Command syntax
Command option | Description |
Present2.exe -M:1 -dx9 -whql -logclean |
Runs the Present Validation 2 test job. |
Present.exe -M:1 -whql -logclean |
Runs the Present Validation 2 (WoW64)test job. |
Present2.exe -ColorConverting -src:ref -M:1 -whql -logclean |
Runs the Present Validation 2 - ColorConverting test job and the Present Validation 2 - ColorConverting (WoW64) test job. |
Present2.exe -GammaPresent -src:ref -M:1 -whql -logclean |
Runs the Present Validation 2 - GammaPresent test job and the Present Validation 2 - GammaPresent (WoW64) test job. |
Present2.exe -Present -src:ref -M:1 -whql -logclean |
Runs the Present Validation 2 - Present test job and the Present Validation 2 - Present (WoW64) test job. |
For command-line help for this test binary, type /?.
File list
File | Location |
Configdisplay.exe |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\tools\ |
D3d10ref.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\graphics\d3d\support\ |
D3d11ref.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\support\ |
D3dcompiler_test.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\support\ |
D3dref.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\support |
D3dref8.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\support\ |
D3dref9.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\support\ |
D3dx10_test.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\support\ |
D3dx11_TEST.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\support\ |
D3dx8d.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\support\ |
D3dx9_TEST.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\support\ |
Fpstate.dll |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\utility\ |
Present2.exe |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\ |
Present.exe |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\ |
TDRWatch.exe |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\ |
Vbswap.x |
<[testbinroot]>\nttest\windowstest\graphics\d3d\conf\ |
Parameter name | Parameter description |
MODIFIEDCMDLINE | Additional command line arguments for test executable |
LLU_NetAccessOnly | LLU Name of net user |
MONITOR | Display device to test |
ConfigDisplayCommandLine | Custom Command Line for ConfigDisplay. Default: logo |
TDRArgs | /get or /set |