logman create trace
Create an event trace data collector.
logman create trace <[-n] <name>> [options]
Parameter | Description |
-s <computer name> |
Performs the command on the specified remote computer. |
-config <value> |
Specifies the settings file containing command options. |
-ets | Sends commands to Event Trace Sessions directly without saving or scheduling. |
[-n] <name> |
Name of the target object. |
-f <bin|bincirc> |
Specifies the log format for the data collector. |
-[-]u <user [password]> |
Specifies the user to Run As. Entering an * for the password produces a prompt for the password. The password is not displayed when you type it at the password prompt. |
-m <[start] [stop] [[start] [stop] [...]]> |
Changes to manual start or stop instead of a scheduled begin or end time. |
-rf <[[hh:]mm:]ss> |
Runs the data collector for the specified period of time. |
-b <M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss[AM|PM]> |
Begins collecting data at the specified time. |
-e <M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss[AM|PM]> |
Ends data collection at the specified time. |
-o <path|dsn!log> |
Specifies the output log file or the DSN and log set name in a SQL database. |
-[-]r | Repeats the data collector daily at the specified begin and end times. |
-[-]a | Appends an existing log file. |
-[-]ow | Overwrites an existing log file. |
-[-]v <nnnnnn|mmddhhmm> |
Attaches file versioning information to the end of the log file name. |
-[-]rc <task> |
Runs the command specified each time the log is closed. |
-[-]max <value> |
Maximum log file size in MB or maximum number of records for SQL logs. |
-[-]cnf <[[hh:]mm:]ss> |
When time is specified, creates a new file when the specified time has elapsed. When time is not specified, creates a new file when the maximum size is exceeded. |
-y | Answers yes to all questions without prompting. |
-ct <perf|system|cycle> |
Specifies the Event Trace Session clock type. |
-ln <logger_name> |
Specifies the logger name for Event Trace Sessions. |
-ft <[[hh:]mm:]ss> |
Specifies the Event Trace Session flush timer. |
-[-]p <provider [flags [level]]> |
Specifies a single Event Trace provider to enable. |
-pf <filename> |
Specifies a file listing multiple Event Trace providers to enable. The file should be a text file containing one provider per line. |
-[-]rt | Runs the Event Trace Session in real-time mode. |
-[-]ul | Runs the Event Trace Session in user. |
-bs <value> |
Specifies the Event Trace Session buffer size in kb. |
-nb <min max> |
Specifies the number of Event Trace Session buffers. |
-mode <globalsequence|localsequence|pagedmemory> |
Specifies the event trace session logger mode, including:
/? | Displays context-sensitive help. |
- Where [-] is listed, adding an extra hyphen (-) negates the option.
To create an event trace data collector called trace_log, using no fewer than 16 and no more than 256 buffers, with each buffer being 64kb in size, putting the results in c:\logfile, type:
logman create trace trace_log -nb 16 256 -bs 64 -o c:\logfile