Custom operators
The Windows Machine Learning custom operator Win32 APIs are located in MLOperatorAuthor.h.
The following is a list of the custom operator APIs with their syntax and descriptions.
Name | Description |
MLOperatorAttributeType | Specifies the type of an attribute. Each attribute type numerically matches the corresponding ONNX type. |
MLOperatorEdgeType | Specifies the types of an input or output edge of an operator. |
MLOperatorExecutionType | Specifies whether a kernel uses the CPU or GPU for computation. |
MLOperatorKernelOptions | Specifies options used when registering custom operator kernels. |
MLOperatorParameterOptions | Specifies option flags of input and output edges of operators. |
MLOperatorSchemaEdgeTypeFormat | Specifies the manner in which types of input and output edges are described. |
MLOperatorTensorDataType | Specifies the data type of a tensor. Each data type numerically matches the corresponding ONNX type. |
Name | Description |
MLCreateOperatorRegistry | Creates an instance of IMLOperatorRegistry which may be used to register a custom operator kernel and custom operator schema. |
Name | Description |
IMLOperatorAttributes | Represents the values of an operator's attributes, as determined by a model using the operator. |
IMLOperatorKernel | Implemented by custom operator kernels. |
IMLOperatorKernelContext | Provides information about an operator's usage while kernels are being computed. |
IMLOperatorKernelCreationContext | Provides information about an operator's usage while kernels are being created. |
IMLOperatorKernelFactory | Implemented by the author of a custom operator kernel to create instances of that kernel. |
IMLOperatorRegistry | Represents an instance of a registry for the custom operator kernel and schema. |
IMLOperatorShapeInferenceContext | Provides information about an operator's usage while shape inferrers are being invoked. |
IMLOperatorShapeInferrer | Implemented by shape inferrers to infer shapes of an operator's output tensor edges. |
IMLOperatorTensor | Representation of a tensor used during computation of custom operator kernels. |
IMLOperatorTensorShapeDescription | Represents the set of input and output tensor shapes of an operator. |
IMLOperatorTypeInferenceContext | Provides information about an operator's usage while type inferrers are being invoked. |
IMLOperatorTypeInferrer | Implemented by type inferrers to infer the types of an operator's output edges. |
Name | Description |
MLOperatorAttribute | Specifies the name and properties of an attribute of a custom operator. |
MLOperatorAttributeNameValue | Specifies the name and value(s) of an attribute of a custom operator. |
MLOperatorEdgeDescription | Specifies the properties of an input or output edge of an operator. |
MLOperatorEdgeTypeConstraint | Specifies constraints upon the types of edges supported in custom operator kernels and schema. |
MLOperatorKernelDescription | Description of a custom operator kernel used to register that schema. |
MLOperatorSchemaDescription | Description of a custom operator schema used to register that schema. |
MLOperatorSchemaEdgeDescription | Specifies information about an input or output edge of an operator. |
MLOperatorSetId | Specifies the identity of an operator set. |
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- To ask or answer technical questions about Windows ML, please use the windows-machine-learning tag on Stack Overflow.
- To report a bug, please file an issue on our GitHub.