Grouping API Functions

The Grouping API uses the following functions:

Group Initialization and Cleanup Functions

Function Description
PeerGroupShutdown Closes a peer group created with PeerGroupStartup and disposes of any allocated resources.
PeerGroupStartup Initiates a peer group by using a requested version of the Peer infrastructure.


Group Creation and Access Functions

Function Description
PeerGroupClose Invalidates the peer group handle obtained by a previous call to the PeerGroupCreate, PeerGroupJoin, or PeerGroupOpen function.
PeerGroupConnect Initiates a PNRP search for a peer group and attempts to connect to it. After this function is called successfully, a peer can communicate with other members of the peer group.
PeerGroupConnectByAddress Attempts to connect to the peer group that other peers with known IPv6 addresses are participating in.
PeerGroupCreate Creates a new peer group.
PeerGroupCreateInvitation Returns an XML string that can be used by the specified peer to join a group.
PeerGroupCreatePasswordInvitation Returns an XML string that can be used by the specified peer to join a group with a matching password.
PeerGroupDelete Deletes the local data and certificate associated with a peer group.
PeerGroupGetStatus Retrieves the current status of a group.
PeerGroupIssueCredentials Issues credentials, including a GMC, to a specific identity, and optionally returns an invitation XML string the invited peer can use to join a peer group.
PeerGroupJoin Allows a peer with an invitation to join an existing peer group.
PeerGroupOpen Opens a peer group that a peer has created or joined.
PeerGroupParseInvitation Returns a PEER_INVITATION_INFO structure with the details of a specific invitation.
PeerGroupPasswordJoin Allows a peer with an invitation and the correct password to join a password-protected peer group.


Group and Member Information Functions

Function Description
PeerGroupEnumMembers Creates an enumeration of available peer group members and the associated membership information.
PeerGroupGetProperties Retrieves information on the properties of a specified group.
PeerGroupSetProperties Sets the current peer group properties. In version 1.0 of this API, only the creator of the peer group can perform this operation.


Records and Record Management Functions

Function Description
PeerGroupAddRecord Adds a new record to the peer group, which is propagated to all participating peers.
PeerGroupDeleteRecord Deletes a record from a peer group. Only the creator of a record can delete it.
PeerGroupEnumRecords Creates an enumeration of peer group records.
PeerGroupGetRecord Retrieves a specific group record.
PeerGroupSearchRecords Searches the local peer group database for records that match the supplied criteria.
PeerGroupUpdateRecord Updates a record within a specific peer group.


Group Database Import/Export Functions

Function Description
PeerGroupExportDatabase Exports a peer group database to a specific file, which can be transported to another computer and imported with the PeerGroupImportDatabase function.
PeerGroupImportDatabase Imports a peer group database from a local file.


Direct Connection Functions

Function Description
PeerGroupCloseDirectConnection Closes a specific direct connection between two peers.
PeerGroupEnumConnections Creates an enumeration of connections currently active on the peer.
PeerGroupOpenDirectConnection Establishes a direct connection with another peer in a peer group.
PeerGroupSendData Sends data to a member over a neighbor or direct connection.


Group Events Infrastructure

Function Description
PeerGroupGetEventData Allows an application to retrieve the data returned by a grouping event.
PeerGroupRegisterEvent Registers a peer for specific peer group events.
PeerGroupUnregisterEvent Unregisters a peer from notification of peer events associated with the supplied event handle.


Group Time Conversion Functions

Function Description
PeerGroupPeerTimeToUniversalTime Converts the peer group-maintained reference time value to a localized time value appropriate for display on a peer computer.
PeerGroupUniversalTimeToPeerTime Converts a local time value from a peer's computer to a common peer group time value.


Group Configuration Functions

Function Description
PeerGroupExportConfig Exports the group configuration for a peer as an XML string that contains the identity, group name, and the GMC for the identity.
PeerGroupImportConfig Imports a peer group configuration for an identity based on the specific settings in a supplied XML configuration string.