IAppxFactory::CreatePackageReader method (appxpackaging.h)

Creates a read-only package reader from the contents provided by an IStream. This method does not validate the digital signature.


HRESULT CreatePackageReader(
  [in]          IStream            *inputStream,
  [out, retval] IAppxPackageReader **packageReader


[in] inputStream

Type: IStream*

The input stream that delivers the content of the package for reading. The stream must support Read, Seek, and Stat. If these methods fail, their error codes might be passed to and returned by this method.

[out, retval] packageReader

Type: IAppxPackageReader**

A package reader.

Return value


If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an error code that includes, but is not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The ZIP file delivered by inputStream is an interleaved OPC package.
The OPC package delivered by inputStream contains OPC package/part relationships.
The OPC package delivered by inputStream does not have a manifest, or a block map, or a signature file when a CI catalog is present.
The package manifest is not valid.
The package block map is not valid, the list of files in the ZIP central directory does not match the list of files in the block map, or the size of files listed in the ZIP central directory does not match the file and block sizes listed in the block map.


The CreatePackageReader method immediately retrieves footprint elements of the app package through the stream and validates their content. This method succeeds only if the OPC package and all footprint elements (including ZIP central directory, manifest, [Content_Types].xml, and block map) are valid.


For an example, see Quickstart: Extract app package contents and Quickstart: Read app package manifest info.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header appxpackaging.h

See also
