ImmEnumInputContext function (imm.h)

Retrieves the input context for the specified thread.


BOOL ImmEnumInputContext(
  [in] DWORD       idThread,
  [in] IMCENUMPROC lpfn,
  [in] LPARAM      lParam


[in] idThread

Identifier for the thread. This parameter can have one of the following values.

Value Meaning
Current thread.
Current process.
Thread ID
Identifier of the thread for which to enumerate the context. This thread identifier can belong to another process.

[in] lpfn

Pointer to the enumeration callback function. For more information, see EnumInputContext.

[in] lParam

Application-supplied data. The function passes this data to the callback function.

Return value

Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise.


This function calls the application callback function for each enumerated input context, and passes the specified lParam value.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only],East Asian language support installed.
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imm.h (include Immdev.h, Windows.h)
Library Imm32.lib
DLL Imm32.dll

See also


Input Method Manager

Input Method Manager Functions