acmStreamUnprepareHeader function (msacm.h)

The acmStreamUnprepareHeader function cleans up the preparation performed by the acmStreamPrepareHeader function for an ACM stream. This function must be called after the ACM is finished with the given buffers. An application must call this function before freeing the source and destination buffers.


MMRESULT ACMAPI acmStreamUnprepareHeader(
  HACMSTREAM        has,
  DWORD             fdwUnprepare



Handle to the conversion steam.


Pointer to an ACMSTREAMHEADER structure that identifies the source and destination buffers to be unprepared.


Reserved; must be zero.

Return value

Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise. Possible error values include the following.

Return code Description
The stream header specified in pash is currently in use and cannot be unprepared.
The stream header specified in pash is currently not prepared by the acmStreamPrepareHeader function.
At least one flag is invalid.
The specified handle is invalid.
At least one parameter is invalid.


Unpreparing a stream header that has already been unprepared is an error. An application must specify the source and destination buffer lengths (cbSrcLength and cbDstLength, respectively) that were used during a call to the corresponding acmStreamPrepareHeader. Failing to reset these member values will cause acmStreamUnprepareHeader to fail with an MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM error.

The ACM can recover from some errors. The ACM will return a nonzero error, yet the stream header will be properly unprepared. To determine whether the stream header was actually unprepared, an application can examine the ACMSTREAMHEADER_STATUSF_PREPARED flag. If acmStreamUnprepareHeader returns success, the header will always be unprepared.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header msacm.h
Library Msacm32.lib
DLL Msacm32.dll

See also

Audio Compression Functions

Audio Compression Manager