PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTIES structure (p2p.h)

The PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTIES structure contains data about the policy of a peer graph, ID, scope, and other information.


typedef struct peer_graph_properties_tag {
  DWORD dwSize;
  DWORD dwFlags;
  DWORD dwScope;
  DWORD dwMaxRecordSize;
  PWSTR pwzGraphId;
  PWSTR pwzCreatorId;
  PWSTR pwzFriendlyName;
  PWSTR pwzComment;
  ULONG ulPresenceLifetime;
  ULONG cPresenceMax;



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure. The dwSize member must be set to the size of PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTIES before calling PeerGraphCreate. This member is required. There is not a default value.


Flags that control the behavior of a peer in a graph. The default is does not have flags set. The valid value is identified in the following table.

Value Description
PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTY_DEFER_EXPIRATION Specifies when to expire a graph record. When a graph is not connected and this flag is set, expiration does not occur until the graph connects to at least one other member.


Specifies the scope in which the peer graph ID is published. The default value is global. Valid values are identified in the following table.

Value Description
PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE_GLOBAL Scope includes the Internet.
PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE_LINK_LOCAL Scope is restricted to a local subnet.
PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE_SITE_LOCAL Scope is restricted to a site, for example, a corporation intranet.


Specifies the value that indicates the largest record that can be added to a peer graph. A valid value is zero (0), which indicates that the default maximum record size is used (60 megabytes), and any value between 1024 bytes and 60 megabytes.


Specifies the unique identifier for a peer graph. This ID must be unique for the computer/user pair. This member is required and has no default value. If the string value is greater than 256 characters (including the null terminator), an error is returned.


Specifies the unique identifier for the creator of a peer graph. This member is required and has no default value. If the string value is greater than 256 characters (including the null terminator), an error is returned.


Specifies the friendly name of a peer graph. This member is optional and can be NULL. The default value is NULL. The maximum length of this string is 256 characters, including the null terminator.


Specifies the comment used to describe a peer graph. This member is optional and can be NULL. The default value is NULL. The maximum length of this string is 512 characters, including the null terminator.


Specifies the number of seconds before a presence record expires. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Do not set the value of ulPresenceLifetime to less than 300 seconds. If this member is set less than the 300 (5 minutes) default value, then undefined behavior can occur.


Specifies how many presence records the Peer Infrastructure keeps in a peer graph at one time. A node that has its presence published can be enumerated by all other nodes with PeerGraphEnumNodes. Specify how presence records for users are published by specifying one of the values identified in the following table.

Value Description
-1 Presence records are automatically published for all users.
0 Presence records are not automatically published.
1-N Up to N number of presence records are published at one time. The presence records that are published are randomly chosen by the Peer Graphing Infrastructure.


An application can force the Peer Graphing Infrastructure to publish presence information by using PeerGraphSetPresence.

Only specific fields in the PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTIES can be updated when calling PeerGraphSetProperties. The following members can be updated:

  • pwzFriendlyName
  • pwzComment
  • ulPresenceLifetime
  • cPresenceMax
The remaining members cannot be modified.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only],Windows XP with SP1 with the Advanced Networking Pack forWindows XP
Minimum supported server None supported
Header p2p.h

See also


