IRealTimeStylus::AddStylusSyncPlugin method (rtscom.h)

Adds an IStylusSyncPlugin to the synchronous plug-in collection at the specified index.


HRESULT AddStylusSyncPlugin(
  [in] ULONG             iIndex,
  [in] IStylusSyncPlugin *piPlugin


[in] iIndex

The index of the synchronous plug-in collection where the plug-in is added.

[in] piPlugin

The plug-in that is added.

Return value

For a description of the return values, see RealTimeStylus Classes and Interfaces.


Use this to dynamically add a plug-in to the synchronous plug-in collection.

The synchronous and asynchronous plug-in collections on the RealTimeStylus Class object can be modified without disabling and then re-enabling the RealTimeStylus Class object.

Plugins must aggregate the free threaded marshaler and must not be single threaded apartment objects.


The following C++ code example implements an event handler for a CheckBox Control (Windows Forms). Depending on the checked state of the control, represented by the m_btnPacketFilter member variable, the function either adds or removes the plug-in represented by the global g_pPacketModifier variable.

void CCOMRTSDlg::OnBnClickedCheckPacketFilter()
	IStylusSyncPlugin* pSyncPlugin;

	hr = g_pPacketModifier->QueryInterface(IID_IStylusSyncPlugin, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pSyncPlugin));

	if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
		if (m_btnPacketFilter.GetCheck())
			// If the checkbox is checked, add the 
			// Packet Modifier plugin to the RealTimeStylus
			hr = g_pRealTimeStylus->AddStylusSyncPlugin(0, pSyncPlugin);
			// If the checkbox is not checked, remove the 
			// Packet Modifier plugin from the RealTimeStylus
			hr = g_pRealTimeStylus->RemoveStylusSyncPlugin(0, &pSyncPlugin);


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header rtscom.h
DLL RTSCom.dll

See also


IRealTimeStylus::AddStylusAsyncPlugin Method

RealTimeStylus Class