DrawDibProfileDisplay function (vfw.h)

The DrawDibProfileDisplay function determines settings for the display system when using DrawDib functions.


LRESULT VFWAPI DrawDibProfileDisplay(



Pointer to a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure that contains bitmap information. You can also specify NULL to verify that the profile information is current. If the profile information is not current, DrawDib will rerun the profile tests to obtain a current set of information. When you call DrawDibProfileDisplay with this parameter set to NULL, the return value is meaningless.

Return value

Returns a value that indicates the fastest drawing and stretching capabilities of the display system. This value can be zero if the bitmap format is not supported or one or more of the following values.

Return code Description
DrawDib can draw images using this format. Stretching might or might not also be supported.
DrawDib can stretch and draw images using this format.

StretchDIBits draws unstretched images using this format faster than an alternative method.


StretchDIBits draws stretched images (in a 1:2 ratio) using this format faster than an alternative method.


StretchDIBits draws stretched images (in a 1:N ratio) using this format faster than an alternative method.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header vfw.h
Library Vfw32.lib
DLL Msvfw32.dll

See also

DrawDib Functions