EditStreamPaste function (vfw.h)

The EditStreamPaste function copies a stream (or a portion of it) from one stream and pastes it within another stream at a specified location.


HRESULT EditStreamPaste(
  LONG       *plPos,
  LONG       *plLength,
  PAVISTREAM pstream,
  LONG       lStart,
  LONG       lEnd



Handle to an editable stream that will receive the copied stream data.


Starting position to paste the data within the destination stream (referenced by pavi).


Pointer to a buffer that receives the amount of data pasted in the stream.


Handle to a stream supplying the data to paste. This stream does not need to be an editable stream.


Starting position of the data to copy within the source stream.


Amount of data to copy from the source stream. If lLength is -1, the entire stream referenced by pstream is pasted in the other stream.

Return value

Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise.


The stream referenced by pavi must have been created by the CreateEditableStream function or one of the stream editing functions.

This function inserts data into the specified stream as a continuous block of data. It opens the specified data stream at the insertion point, pastes the specified stream segment at the insertion point, and appends the stream segment that trails the insertion point to the end of pasted segment.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header vfw.h
Library Vfw32.lib
DLL Avifil32.dll

See also

AVIFile Functions

AVIFile Functions and Macros

Positioning in Streams