EVENT_INFO_CLASS enumeration (evntprov.h)
The EVENT_INFO_CLASS enumeration type is used with the EventSetInformation function to specify the configuration operation to be performed on an ETW event provider registration.
typedef enum _EVENT_INFO_CLASS {
EventProviderBinaryTrackInfo Adds binary tracking information from this provider to each session that collects events from this event provider. The binary tracking data includes the full path to the binary containing the callback that was specified when registering the event provider. This information is useful if the binary contains mc.exe-generated decoding resources but is not globally registered. Decoding tools can use the path in the trace to locate the binary and extract the decoding resources. The EventInformation buffer is not used with this configuration operation. The ETW runtime will automatically use the full path of the caller's module (the full path to the DLL or EXE that contains the callback function specified in the call to EventRegister). For this operation to be useful, the same DLL or EXE file must contain the mc.exe -generated decoding resources. |
EventProviderSetReserved1 Not used. |
EventProviderSetTraits Sets traits for the provider such as the provider's name. Indicates that ETW should recognize the Type field ofEVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR structures used with this provider. Requires the provider to initialize all fields of the EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR structures, including the Reserved field. (Theprovider should usually set dataDescriptor.Reserved = 0 , as is done byEventDataDescCreate.) Note that the EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR structure contains a Type field in asection of the structure that was previously the Reserved field. To avoidcompatibility issues with providers that leave the Reserved field uninitialized, ETW will ignore the Type field (treat it as 0) unless the provider has usedEventProviderSetTraits or EventProviderUseDescriptorType in a call to EventSetInformation. The EventInformation buffer should contain the provider traits to be used for the provider. |
EventProviderUseDescriptorType Specifies whether ETW should recognize the Type field ofEVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR structures used with this provider. If TRUE , requires the provider to initialize all fields ofthe EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR structures, including the Reserved field. (Theprovider should usually set dataDescriptor.Reserved = 0 , as is done byEventDataDescCreate.) Note that the EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR structure contains a Type field in asection of the structure that was previously the Reserved field. To avoidcompatibility issues with providers that leave the Reserved field uninitialized, ETW will ignore the Type field (treat it as 0) unless the provider has usedEventProviderSetTraits or EventProviderUseDescriptorType in a call to EventSetInformation. The EventInformation buffer should contain a BOOLEAN value (1 byte, value FALSE or TRUE ). |
MaxEventInfo The first invalid operation code. This value may change in subsequent versions of the Windows SDK. |
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows 8 [desktop apps | UWP apps] |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps | UWP apps] |
Header | evntprov.h |