NPGetUniversalName function (npapi.h)

Retrieves the universal name of a network resource. The NPGetUniversalName function can retrieve this universal name in UNC format or in the older, remote-name format.


DWORD NPGetUniversalName(
  [in]      LPCWSTR lpLocalPath,
  [in]      DWORD   dwInfoLevel,
  [out]     LPVOID  lpBuffer,
  [in, out] LPDWORD lpBufferSize


[in] lpLocalPath

Pointer to the local path of an object on a network resource. This is a drive-based path.

[in] dwInfoLevel

The level of detail of information the caller is interested in. This can be one of the following values.

Value Meaning
Retrieves the UNC form of the name, for example: "file:\\server\share"

If this value is set, the data returned in lpBuffer is stored as a UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO structure.

Retrieves the remote form of the name, for example: "\\server\share"

If this value is set, the data returned in lpBuffer is stored as a REMOTE_NAME_INFO structure.

[out] lpBuffer

Pointer to a buffer to receive the information the user has requested. The specific structure returned depends on the information level specified in dwInfoLevel.

[in, out] lpBufferSize

Pointer to the size, in bytes, of the lpBuffer buffer. If the call fails because the buffer is not big enough, this location will be used to return the required buffer size.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it should return WN_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it should return an error code, which may be one of the following.

Return code Description
The value passed into lpLocalPath is not valid.
The value passed into lpLocalPath is not a redirected device.
The buffer is too small.
The network is not present.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header npapi.h