PeerCollabExportContact function (p2p.h)

The PeerCollabExportContact function exports the contact data associated with a peer name to a string buffer. The buffer contains contact data in XML format.

The PeerCollabAddContact function allows this XML string to be utilized by other peers.


  [in, optional]  PCWSTR pwzPeerName,
  [out, optional] PWSTR  *ppwzContactData


[in, optional] pwzPeerName

Pointer to zero-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the peer contact for which to export.

If this parameter is NULL, the "Me" contact information for the calling peer is exported.

[out, optional] ppwzContactData

Pointer to a zero-terminated string buffer that contains peer contact XML data where the peer names match the string supplied in pwzPeerName.

The memory returned here can be freed by calling PeerFreeData.

Return value

Returns S_OK if the function succeeds. Otherwise, the function returns one of the following values.

Return code Description
There is not enough memory to support this operation.
One of the arguments is invalid.
The Windows Peer infrastructure is not initialized. Calling the relevant initialization function is required.
One of the arguments is invalid.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header p2p.h
Library P2P.lib
DLL P2P.dll

See also

Peer Collaboration API Functions