PeerGroupExportDatabase function (p2p.h)

The PeerGroupExportDatabase function exports a peer group database to a specific file, which can be transported to another computer and imported with the PeerGroupImportDatabase function.


  [in] HGROUP hGroup,
  [in] PCWSTR pwzFilePath


[in] hGroup

Handle to the peer group whose database is exported to a local file on the peer. This handle is returned by the PeerGroupCreate, PeerGroupOpen, or PeerGroupJoin function. This parameter is required.

[in] pwzFilePath

Pointer to a Unicode string that contains the absolute file system path and file name where the exported database is stored. For example, "C:\backup\p2pdb.db". If this file already exists at the specified location, the older file is overwritten. This parameter is required.

Return value

Returns S_OK if the operation succeeds. Otherwise, the function returns one of the following values.

Note  If an export fails due to a file system error, the appropriate file system error, defined in winerror.h, is returned.
Return code Description
One of the parameters is not valid.
There is not enough memory to perform the specified operation.

Cryptography-specific errors can be returned from the Microsoft RSA Base Provider. These errors are prefixed with CRYPT_* and defined in Winerror.h.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only],Windows XP with SP1 with the Advanced Networking Pack forWindows XP
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header p2p.h
Library P2P.lib
DLL P2P.dll

See also
