Method Attributes

For Windows 7, Windows Portable Devices supports the following attributes for methods of a device service. These attributes are returned by the IPortableDeviceServiceCapabilities::GetMethodAttributes method.

Attribute VarType Description
WPD_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS VT_CLSID The required method access.
WPD_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_ASSOCIATED_FORMAT VT_CLSID The format associated with the method, or GUID_NULL if there is no associated format.
WPD_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME VT_LPWSTR A string that specifies the script-friendly name of the method. Valid characters are alphanumeric [a-zA-Z0-9] and '_'.
WPD_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PARAMETERS VT_UNKNOWN An IPortableDeviceKeyCollection interface that contains the method parameters.


Requirement Value

See also

Properties and Attributes