ddrawint.h header
This header is used by Display Devices Reference. For more information, see:
ddrawint.h contains the following programming interfaces:
Callback functions
PDD_CANCREATESURFACE The CanCreateD3DBuffer callback function determines whether the driver can create a driver-level command or vertex buffer of the specified description. |
PDD_COLORCB_COLORCONTROL The DdControlColor callback function controls the luminance and brightness controls of an overlay surface. |
PDD_CREATEPALETTE The DdCreatePalette callback function creates a DirectDrawPalette object for the specified DirectDraw object. |
PDD_CREATESURFACE The CreateD3DBuffer callback function is used to create a driver-level command or vertex buffer of the specified description. |
PDD_CREATESURFACEEX The D3dCreateSurfaceEx function notifies about the association of a Microsoft DirectDraw surface and a Microsoft Direct3D handle value to enable setting up the surface for Direct3D rendering. |
PDD_DESTROYDDLOCAL The D3dDestroyDDLocal function destroys all the Microsoft Direct3D surfaces previously created by the D3dCreateSurfaceEx function that belong to the same given local Microsoft DirectDraw object. |
PDD_FLIPTOGDISURFACE The DdFlipToGDISurface callback function notifies the driver when DirectDraw is flipping to or from a GDI surface. |
PDD_FREEDRIVERMEMORY The DdFreeDriverMemory callback function frees offscreen or nonlocal display memory to satisfy a new allocation request. |
PDD_GETAVAILDRIVERMEMORY The DdGetAvailDriverMemory callback function queries the amount of free memory in the driver-managed memory heap. |
PDD_GETDRIVERINFO The DdGetDriverInfo function queries the driver for additional DirectDraw and Direct3D functionality that the driver supports. |
PDD_GETDRIVERSTATE The D3dGetDriverState function is used by both the Microsoft DirectDraw and Microsoft Direct3D runtimes to obtain information from the driver about its current state. |
PDD_GETSCANLINE The DdGetScanLine callback function returns the number of the current physical scan line. |
PDD_KERNELCB_SYNCSURFACE The DdSyncSurfaceData callback function sets and modifies surface data before it is passed to the video miniport driver. |
PDD_KERNELCB_SYNCVIDEOPORT The DdSyncVideoPortData callback function sets and modifies VPE object data before it is passed to the video miniport driver. |
PDD_MAPMEMORY The DdMapMemory callback function maps application-modifiable portions of the frame buffer into the user-mode address space of the specified process, or unmaps memory. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_BEGINFRAME The DdMoCompBeginFrame callback function starts decoding a new frame. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_CREATE The DdMoCompCreate callback function notifies the driver that a software decoder will start using motion compensation with the specified GUID. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_DESTROY The DdMoCompDestroy callback function notifies the driver that this motion compensation object will no longer be used. The driver now needs to perform any necessary cleanup. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_ENDFRAME The DdMoCompEndFrame callback function completes a decoded frame. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_GETCOMPBUFFINFO The DDMoCompGetBuffInfo callback function allows the driver to specify how many interim surfaces are required to support the specified GUID, and the size, location, and format of each of these surfaces. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_GETFORMATS The DdMoCompGetFormats callback function indicates the uncompressed formats to which the hardware can decode the data. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_GETGUIDS The DdMoCompGetGuids callback function retrieves the number of GUIDs the driver supports. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_GETINTERNALINFO The DdMoCompGetInternalInfo callback function allows the driver to report that it internally allocates display memory to perform motion compensation. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_QUERYSTATUS The DdMoCompQueryStatus callback function queries the status of the most recent rendering operation to the specified surface. |
PDD_MOCOMPCB_RENDER The DdMoCompRender callback function tells the driver what macroblocks to render by specifying the surfaces containing the macroblocks, the offsets in each surface where the macroblocks exist, and the size of the macroblock data to be rendered. |
PDD_PALCB_DESTROYPALETTE The DdDestroyPalette callback function destroys the specified palette. |
PDD_PALCB_SETENTRIES The DdSetEntries callback function updates the palette entries in the specified palette. |
PDD_SETEXCLUSIVEMODE The DdSetExclusiveMode callback function notifies the driver when a DirectDraw application is switching to or from exclusive mode. |
PDD_SURFCB_ADDATTACHEDSURFACE The DdAddAttachedSurface callback function attaches a surface to another surface. |
PDD_SURFCB_BLT The DdBlt callback function performs a bit-block transfer. |
PDD_SURFCB_DESTROYSURFACE The DdDestroySurface callback function destroys a DirectDraw surface. |
PDD_SURFCB_FLIP The DdFlip callback function causes the surface memory associated with the target surface to become the primary surface, and the current surface to become the nonprimary surface. |
PDD_SURFCB_GETBLTSTATUS The DdGetBltStatus callback function queries the blit status of the specified surface. |
PDD_SURFCB_GETFLIPSTATUS The DdGetFlipStatus callback function determines whether the most recently requested flip on a surface has occurred. |
PDD_SURFCB_LOCK The DdLock callback function locks a specified area of surface memory and provides a valid pointer to a block of memory associated with a surface. |
PDD_SURFCB_SETCOLORKEY The DdSetColorKey callback function sets the color key value for the specified surface. |
PDD_SURFCB_SETOVERLAYPOSITION The DdSetOverlayPosition callback function sets the position for an overlay. |
PDD_SURFCB_SETPALETTE The DdSetPalette callback function attaches a palette to the specified surface. |
PDD_SURFCB_UNLOCK The DdUnLock callback function releases the lock held on the specified surface. |
PDD_SURFCB_UPDATEOVERLAY The DdUpdateOverlay callback function repositions or modifies the visual attributes of an overlay surface. |
PDD_VPORTCB_CANCREATEVIDEOPORT The DdVideoPortCanCreate callback function determines whether the driver can support a DirectDraw VPE object of the specified description. |
PDD_VPORTCB_COLORCONTROL The DdVideoPortColorControl callback function gets or sets the VPE object color controls. |
PDD_VPORTCB_CREATEVIDEOPORT The DdVideoPortCreate callback function notifies the driver that DirectDraw has created a VPE object. |
PDD_VPORTCB_DESTROYVPORT The DdVideoPortDestroy callback function notifies the driver that DirectDraw has destroyed the specified VPE object. |
PDD_VPORTCB_FLIP The DdVideoPortFlip callback function performs a physical flip, causing the VPE object to start writing data to the new surface. |
PDD_VPORTCB_GETBANDWIDTH The DdVideoPortGetBandwidth callback function reports the bandwidth limitations of the device's frame buffer memory based the specified VPE object output format. |
PDD_VPORTCB_GETFIELD The DdVideoPortGetField callback function determines whether the current field of an interlaced signal is even or odd. |
PDD_VPORTCB_GETFLIPSTATUS The DdVideoPortGetFlipStatus callback function determines whether the most recently requested flip on a surface has occurred. |
PDD_VPORTCB_GETINPUTFORMATS The DdVideoPortGetInputFormats callback function determines the input formats that the DirectDraw VPE object can accept. |
PDD_VPORTCB_GETLINE The DdVideoPortGetLine callback function returns the current line number of the hardware video port. |
PDD_VPORTCB_GETOUTPUTFORMATS The DdVideoPortGetOutputFormats callback function determines the output formats that the VPE object supports. |
PDD_VPORTCB_GETSIGNALSTATUS The DdVideoPortGetSignalStatus callback function retrieves the status of the video signal currently being presented to the hardware video port. |
PDD_VPORTCB_GETVPORTCONNECT The DdVideoPortGetConnectInfo callback function returns the connections supported by the specified VPE object. |
PDD_VPORTCB_UPDATE The DdVideoPortUpdate callback function starts and stops the VPE object, and modifies the VPE object data stream. |
PDD_VPORTCB_WAITFORSYNC The DdVideoPortWaitForSync callback function waits until the next vertical synch occurs. |
PDD_WAITFORVERTICALBLANK The DdWaitForVerticalBlank callback function returns the vertical blank status of the device. |
DD_ADDATTACHEDSURFACEDATA The DD_ADDATTACHEDSURFACEDATA structure contains information necessary to attach a surface to another surface. |
DD_ATTACHLIST The DD_ATTACHLIST structure maintains a list of attached surfaces for Microsoft DirectDraw. |
DD_BEGINMOCOMPFRAMEDATA The DDHAL_BEGINMOCOMPFRAMEDATA structure contains the frame information required to start decoding. |
DD_BLTDATA The DD_BLTDATA structure contains the information relevant to the driver for doing bit block transfers. |
DD_CANCREATESURFACEDATA The DD_CANCREATESURFACEDATA structure contains information necessary to indicate whether a surface--in the case of CanCreateD3DBuffer, a buffer--can be created. |
DD_CANCREATEVPORTDATA The DD_CANCREATEVPORTDATA structure contains the information required for the driver to determine whether a video port extensions (VPE) object can be created. |
DD_CLIPPER_GLOBAL The DD_CLIPPER_GLOBAL structure contains the global DirectDrawClipper data that can be shared between object instances. |
DD_CLIPPER_LOCAL The DD_CLIPPER_LOCAL structure contains local data for each individual DirectDrawClipper object. |
DD_COLORCONTROLDATA The DD_COLORCONTROLDATA structure contains the color control information for the specified overlay. |
DD_CREATEMOCOMPDATA The DD_CREATEMOCOMPDATA structure contains the data required to begin using motion compensation. |
DD_CREATEPALETTEDATA The DD_CREATEPALETTEDATA structure contains information necessary to create a DirectDrawPalette object for this Microsoft DirectDraw object. |
DD_CREATESURFACEDATA The DD_CREATESURFACEDATA structure contains information necessary to create a surface--in the case of CreateD3DBuffer, a command or vertex buffer. |
DD_CREATESURFACEEXDATA The DD_CREATESURFACEEXDATA structure contains information required for the driver to create a surface and associate with it a supplied texture handle. |
DD_CREATEVPORTDATA The DD_CREATEVPORTDATA structure contains the information necessary to describe the video port extensions (VPE) object being created. |
DD_DESTROYMOCOMPDATA The DD_DESTROYMOCOMPDATA structure contains the information required to finish performing motion compensation. |
DD_DESTROYPALETTEDATA The DD_DESTROYPALETTEDATA structure contains information necessary to destroy the specified palette. |
DD_DESTROYSURFACEDATA The DD_DESTROYSURFACEDATA structure contains information necessary to destroy the specified surface--in the case of DestroyD3DBuffer, a command or vertex buffer. |
DD_DESTROYVPORTDATA The DD_DESTROYVPORTDATA structure contains the information necessary for the driver to clean up. |
DD_DIRECTDRAW_GLOBAL The DD_DIRECTDRAW_GLOBAL structure contains driver information that describes the driver's device. |
DD_DIRECTDRAW_LOCAL The DD_DIRECTDRAW_LOCAL structure contains driver information that is relevant to the current DirectDraw process only. |
DD_ENDMOCOMPFRAMEDATA The DD_ENDMOCOMPFRAMEDATA structure contains information required to complete a decoded frame. |
DD_FLIPDATA The DD_FLIPDATA structure contains information needed to do a flip. |
DD_FLIPTOGDISURFACEDATA The DD_FLIPTOGDISURFACEDATA structure contains the GDI surface notification information. |
DD_FLIPVPORTDATA The DD_FLIPVPORTDATA structure contains the information necessary for the video port extensions (VPE) object to perform a flip. |
DD_FREEDRIVERMEMORYDATA The DD_FREEDRIVERMEMORYDATA structure contains the details of the free request. |
DD_GETAVAILDRIVERMEMORYDATA The DD_GETAVAILDRIVERMEMORYDATA structure contains the information needed by the driver to query and return the amount of free memory. |
DD_GETBLTSTATUSDATA The DD_GETBLTSTATUSDATA structure returns the blit status information. |
DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA The DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA structure is used to pass data to and from the DdGetDriverInfo callback routine. |
DD_GETDRIVERSTATEDATA The DD_GETDRIVERSTATEDATA structure describes the state of the driver. |
DD_GETFLIPSTATUSDATA The DD_GETFLIPSTATUSDATA structure returns the flip status information. |
DD_GETINTERNALMOCOMPDATA The DD_GETINTERNALMOCOMPDATA structure contains the internal memory requirements. |
DD_GETMOCOMPCOMPBUFFDATA The DD_GETMOCOMPCOMPBUFFDATA structure contains the compressed buffer information. |
DD_GETMOCOMPFORMATSDATA The DD_GETMOCOMPFORMATSDATA structure contains the uncompressed format information. |
DD_GETMOCOMPGUIDSDATA The DD_GETMOCOMPGUIDSDATA structure contains the motion compensation GUID information. |
DD_GETSCANLINEDATA The DD_GETSCANLINEDATA structure contains the members required to query and return the number of the current scan line. |
DD_GETVPORTBANDWIDTHDATA The DD_GETVPORTBANDWIDTHDATA structure contains the bandwidth information for any specified format. |
DD_GETVPORTCONNECTDATA The DD_GETVPORTCONNECTDATA structure contains the connection combinations supported by the specified video port extensions (VPE) object. |
DD_GETVPORTFIELDDATA The DD_GETVPORTFIELDDATA structure contains the information required for the driver to determine whether the current field of an interlaced signal is even or odd. |
DD_GETVPORTFLIPSTATUSDATA The DD_GETVPORTFLIPSTATUSDATA structure contains the flip status information for the specified surface. |
DD_GETVPORTINPUTFORMATDATA The DD_GETVPORTINPUTFORMATDATA structure contains the information required for the driver to return the input formats that the video port extensions (VPE) object can accept. |
DD_GETVPORTLINEDATA The DD_GETVPORTLINEDATA structure contains the current line number of the hardware video port. |
DD_GETVPORTOUTPUTFORMATDATA The DD_GETVPORTOUTPUTFORMATDATA structure contains the information required for the driver to return all of the output formats that the video port extensions (VPE) object supports for a given input format. |
DD_GETVPORTSIGNALDATA The DD_GETVPORTSIGNALDATA structure contains the signal status of the hardware video port. |
DD_LOCKDATA The DD_LOCKDATA structure contains information necessary to do a lock as defined by the Microsoft DirectDraw parameter structures. |
DD_MAPMEMORYDATA The DD_MAPMEMORYDATA structure contains the information necessary to map or unmap a frame buffer into user-mode memory. |
DD_MORESURFACECAPS The DD_MORESURFACECAPS structure defines more driver surface capabilities in addition to those described in DDCORECAPS. |
DD_MOTIONCOMP_LOCAL The DD_MOTIONCOMP_LOCAL structure contains local data for each individual Microsoft DirectDraw motion compensation object. |
DD_PALETTE_GLOBAL The DD_PALETTE_GLOBAL structure contains the global DirectDrawPalette data that can be shared between object instances. |
DD_PALETTE_LOCAL The DD_PALETTE_LOCAL structure contains palette-related data that is unique to an individual palette object. |
DD_QUERYMOCOMPSTATUSDATA The DD_QUERYMOCOMPSTATUSDATA structure contains information required to query the status of the previous frame. |
DD_RENDERMOCOMPDATA The DD_RENDERMOCOMPDATA structure contains the information required to render a frame. |
DD_SETCOLORKEYDATA The DD_SETCOLORKEYDATA structure contains information necessary to set the color key value for the specified surface. |
DD_SETENTRIESDATA The DD_SETENTRIESDATA structure contains information necessary to set palette entries. |
DD_SETEXCLUSIVEMODEDATA The DD_SETEXCLUSIVEMODEDATA structure contains the exclusive mode notification information. |
DD_SETOVERLAYPOSITIONDATA The DD_SETOVERLAYPOSITIONDATA structure contains information necessary to change the display coordinates of an overlay surface. |
DD_SETPALETTEDATA The DD_SETPALETTEDATA structure contains information necessary to set a palette for a specific surface. |
DD_STEREOMODE The DD_STEREOMODE structure is used by the runtime with GUID_DDStereoMode in a DdGetDriverInfo call to query whether the driver supports stereo for a given video display mode. |
DD_SURFACE_GLOBAL The DD_SURFACE_GLOBAL structure contains global surface-related data that can be shared between multiple surfaces. |
DD_SURFACE_INT The DD_SURFACE_INT structure contains the DirectDrawSurface object's interface information. |
DD_SURFACE_LOCAL The DD_SURFACE_LOCAL structure contains surface-related data that is unique to an individual surface object. |
DD_SURFACE_MORE The DD_SURFACE_MORE structure contains additional local data for each individual DirectDrawSurface object. |
DD_SYNCSURFACEDATA The DD_SYNCSURFACEDATA structure contains the surface information. |
DD_SYNCVIDEOPORTDATA The DD_SYNCVIDEOPORTDATA structure contains the video port extensions (VPE) object information. |
DD_UNLOCKDATA The DD_UNLOCKDATA structure contains information necessary to do an unlock as defined by Microsoft DirectDraw parameter structures. |
DD_UPDATENONLOCALHEAPDATA The DD_UPDATENONLOCALHEAPDATA structure contains the required heap information. |
DD_UPDATEOVERLAYDATA The DD_UPDATEOVERLAYDATA structure contains information necessary for updating an overlay surface. |
DD_UPDATEVPORTDATA The DD_UPDATEVPORTDATA structure contains the information required to start, stop, and change the video port extensions (VPE) object. |
DD_VIDEOPORT_LOCAL The DD_VIDEOPORT_LOCAL structure contains video port extensions (VPE)-related data that is unique to an individual Microsoft DirectDraw VPE object. |
DD_VPORTCOLORDATA The DD_VPORTCOLORDATA structure contains the video port extensions (VPE) object color control information. |
DD_WAITFORVERTICALBLANKDATA The DD_WAITFORVERTICALBLANKDATA structure contains information necessary to obtain the monitor's vertical blank information.D |
DD_WAITFORVPORTSYNCDATA The DD_WAITFORVPORTSYNCDATA structure contains the information required for the driver to synchronize the video port extensions (VPE) object. |
DD_CALLBACKS The DD_CALLBACKS structure contains entry pointers to the callback functions that a device driver supports. |
DD_COLORCONTROLCALLBACKS The DD_COLORCONTROLCALLBACKS structure contains an entry pointer to the Microsoft DirectDraw color control callback that a device driver supports. |
DD_D3DBUFCALLBACKS The DD_D3DBUFCALLBACKS structure is used only by drivers that implement driver level allocation of command and vertex buffers. |
DD_HALINFO The DD_HALINFO structure describes the capabilities of the hardware and driver. |
DD_KERNELCALLBACKS The DD_KERNELCALLBACKS structure contains entry pointers to the DirectDraw kernel-mode callback functions that the driver supports. |
DD_MISCELLANEOUS2CALLBACKS The DD_MISCELLANEOUS2CALLBACKS structure is used to return the addresses of miscellaneous callback routines. |
DD_MISCELLANEOUSCALLBACKS The DD_MISCELLANEOUSCALLBACKS structure contains an entry pointer to the memory query callback that a device driver supports. |
DD_MOTIONCOMPCALLBACKS The DD_MOTIONCOMPCALLBACKS structure contains entry pointers to the motion compensation callback functions that a device driver supports. |
DD_NONLOCALVIDMEMCAPS The DD_NONLOCALVIDMEMCAPS structure contains the capabilities for nonlocal display memory. |
DD_NTCALLBACKS The DD_NTCALLBACKS structure contains entry pointers to Microsoft Windows 2000 and later Microsoft DirectDraw callback functions that a device driver supports. |
DD_NTPRIVATEDRIVERCAPS The DD_NTPRIVATEDRIVERCAPS structure enables the driver to change the behavior of Microsoft DirectDraw when DirectDraw is creating surfaces. |
DD_PALETTECALLBACKS The DD_PALETTECALLBACKS structure contains entry pointers to the DirectDraw palette callback functions that a device driver supports. |
DD_SURFACECALLBACKS The DD_SURFACECALLBACKS structure contains entry pointers to the Microsoft DirectDraw surface callback functions that a device driver supports. |
DD_VIDEOPORTCALLBACKS The DD_VIDEOPORTCALLBACKS structure contains entry pointers to Microsoft DirectDraw video port extensions (VPE) callback functions that a device driver supports. |
DDCOMPBUFFERINFO The DDCOMPBUFFERINFO structure contains driver-supplied information regarding compression buffers. |
DDMOCOMPBUFFERINFO The DDMOCOMPBUFFERINFO structure contains the macro block information required to render a frame and passes this information to the DD_RENDERMOCOMPDATA structure. |
VIDEOMEMORY The VIDEOMEMORY structure allows the driver to manage its display memory into heaps. |
VIDEOMEMORYINFO The VIDEOMEMORYINFO structure describes the general format of the display's memory. |