PathGradientBrush class (gdipluspath.h)

A PathGradientBrush object stores the attributes of a color gradient that you can use to fill the interior of a path with a gradually changing color. A path gradient brush has a boundary path, a boundary color, a center point, and a center color. When you paint an area with a path gradient brush, the color changes gradually from the boundary color to the center color as you move from the boundary path to the center point.


The PathGradientBrush class implements Brush.


The PathGradientBrush class has these methods.


The PathGradientBrush::GetBlend method gets the blend factors and the corresponding blend positions currently set for this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetBlendCount method gets the number of blend factors currently set for this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetCenterColor method gets the color of the center point of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetCenterPoint method gets the center point of this path gradient brush. (overload 1/2)

The PathGradientBrush::GetCenterPoint method gets the center point of this path gradient brush. (overload 2/2)

The PathGradientBrush::GetFocusScales method gets the focus scales of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetGammaCorrection method determines whether gamma correction is enabled for this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetGraphicsPath method is not implemented in Windows GDI+ version 1.0.

The PathGradientBrush::GetInterpolationColorCount method gets the number of preset colors currently specified for this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetInterpolationColors method gets the preset colors and blend positions currently specified for this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetPointCount method gets the number of points in the array of points that defines this brush's boundary path.

The PathGradientBrush::GetRectangle method gets the smallest rectangle that encloses the boundary path of this path gradient brush. (overload 1/2)

The PathGradientBrush::GetRectangle method gets the smallest rectangle that encloses the boundary path of this path gradient brush. (overload 2/2)

The PathGradientBrush::GetSurroundColorCount method gets the number of colors that have been specified for the boundary path of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetSurroundColors method gets the surround colors currently specified for this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetTransform method gets transformation matrix of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::GetWrapMode method gets the wrap mode currently set for this path gradient brush.

ThePathGradientBrush::MultiplyTransform method updates the brush's transformation matrix with the product of itself and another matrix.

Creates a PathGradientBrush::PathGradientBrush object based on a GraphicsPath object.

The PathGradientBrush::PathGradientBrush(const PathGradientBrush &) constructor (gdipluspath.h) lists the constructors of the PathGradientBrush class.

Creates a PathGradientBrush::PathGradientBrush object based on an array of points. Initializes the wrap mode of the path gradient brush.

Creates a PathGradientBrush object based on an array of points. Initializes the wrap mode of the path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::PathGradientBrush~r5 constructor (gdipluspath.h) lists the constructors of the PathGradientBrush class.

The PathGradientBrush::ResetTransform method resets the transformation matrix of this path gradient brush to the identity matrix. This means that no transformation will take place.

The PathGradientBrush::RotateTransform method updates this brush's current transformation matrix with the product of itself and a rotation matrix.

The PathGradientBrush::ScaleTransform method updates this brush's current transformation matrix with the product of itself and a scaling matrix.

The PathGradientBrush::SetBlend method sets the blend factors and the blend positions of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::SetBlendBellShape method sets the blend shape of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::SetBlendTriangularShape method sets the blend shape of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::SetCenterColor method sets the center color of this path gradient brush. The center color is the color that appears at the brush's center point.

The PathGradientBrush::SetCenterPoint method sets the center point of this path gradient brush. By default, the center point is at the centroid of the brush's boundary path, but you can set the center point to any location inside or outside the path.

The PathGradientBrush::SetCenterPoint method sets the center point of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::SetFocusScales method sets the focus scales of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::SetGammaCorrection method specifies whether gamma correction is enabled for this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::SetGraphicsPath method is not implemented in Windows GDI+ version 1.0.

The PathGradientBrush::SetInterpolationColors method sets the preset colors and the blend positions of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::SetSurroundColors method sets the surround colors of this path gradient brush. The surround colors are colors specified for discrete points on the brush's boundary path.

The PathGradientBrush::SetTransform method sets the transformation matrix of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::SetWrapMode method sets the wrap mode of this path gradient brush.

The PathGradientBrush::TranslateTransform method updates this brush's current transformation matrix with the product of itself and a translation matrix.


By default, the center point of a path gradient brush is the centroid of the boundary path, but you can set the center point to any location, inside or outside the path, by calling PathGradientBrush::SetCenterPoint Methods.

The boundary path can be a polygon specified by an array of points, and each of those points along the boundary can have a different color.

By default, the color is linearly related to the distance as you move from a point on the boundary to the center point. You can customize the relationship between color and distance by calling PathGradientBrush::SetBlend.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header gdipluspath.h