IMultisessionSequential interface (imapi2.h)

Use this interface to retrieve information about the previous import session on a sequentially recorded media, if the media contains a previous session.

The following methods return a collection of IMultisession interfaces representing all supported multisession types.

The IMultisession::QueryInterface method can be called on each element in the collection to query for the IMultisessionSequential interface.


The IMultisessionSequential interface inherits from IMultisession. IMultisessionSequential also has these types of members:


The IMultisessionSequential interface has these methods.


Retrieves the number of free sectors available on the media.

Determines if this session is the first data session on the media.

Retrieves the last sector written in the previous session on the media.

Retrieves the next writable address on the media, including used sectors.

Retrieves the first sector written in the previous session on the media.


If more than one multi-session interface exist, the application can let IFileSystemImage choose a compatible multi-session interface to use or the application can specify the multi-session interface to use by setting the put_InUse property to VARIANT_TRUE.

A file system creator would use the address properties to import the content of the previous session on the disc and to compute the position of the next session it will create. These properties will return the same values as the properties of the same name of the IDiscFormat2Data interface.

This is a MsftMultisessionSequential object in script.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imapi2.h

See also
