mergemod.h header

This header is used by Application Installation and Servicing. For more information, see:

mergemod.h contains the following programming interfaces:



The IMsmConfigurableItem interface manages a single row from the ModuleConfiguration table. This is a single configurable "attribute" from the module. The interface consists of read-only properties, one for each column in the ModuleConfiguration table.

The IMsmConfigureModule interface is a callback interface; it enables the client to provide merge configuration information during the merge process.

The IMsmDependency interface retrieves details for a single module dependency.

The IMsmError interface retrieves details about a single merge error.

The IMsmGetFiles interface enables the client to retrieve the files needed in a particular language of the module.

The IMsmMerge interface and the IMsmMerge2 interface provide interfaces to the Merge object.

The IMsmMerge interface and the IMsmMerge2 interface provide interfaces to the Merge object.The IMsmMerge2 interface provides a way for the client merge tool to utilize the new configurable-module functionality.