mergemod.h header
This header is used by Application Installation and Servicing. For more information, see:
mergemod.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IMsmConfigurableItem The IMsmConfigurableItem interface manages a single row from the ModuleConfiguration table. This is a single configurable "attribute" from the module. The interface consists of read-only properties, one for each column in the ModuleConfiguration table. |
IMsmConfigureModule The IMsmConfigureModule interface is a callback interface; it enables the client to provide merge configuration information during the merge process. |
IMsmDependency The IMsmDependency interface retrieves details for a single module dependency. |
IMsmError The IMsmError interface retrieves details about a single merge error. |
IMsmGetFiles The IMsmGetFiles interface enables the client to retrieve the files needed in a particular language of the module. |
IMsmMerge The IMsmMerge interface and the IMsmMerge2 interface provide interfaces to the Merge object. |
IMsmMerge2 The IMsmMerge interface and the IMsmMerge2 interface provide interfaces to the Merge object.The IMsmMerge2 interface provides a way for the client merge tool to utilize the new configurable-module functionality. |