Function pointer type of the entry point in the service that you call to update the dynamic keyword address with the input ID.


A pointer type for this free function is published via NetFw.h, but a static-link library isn't published. Use the LoadLibraryExW/GetProcAddress pattern for calling this function.

When you call GetProcAddress, pass a handle to the firewallapi.dll module, and pass FWFreeDynamicKeywordAddressData0 as the lpProcName argument.

For more info, and code examples, see Firewall dynamic keywords.


PFN_FWUPDATEDYNAMICKEYWORDADDRESS0 PfnFwupdatedynamickeywordaddress0;

DWORD PfnFwupdatedynamickeywordaddress0(
  GUID dynamicKeywordAddressId,
  PCWSTR updatedAddresses,
  BOOL append



Type: GUID

The id of the dynamic keyword address object to update.



A comma-separated list of IP addresses, subnets, or ranges to update the object with.


Type: BOOL

Set to TRUE, and the updatedAddresses will be appended to the object's current list of addresses. Set to FALSE, and the updatedAddresses will replace the object's current list of addresses.

Return value


If the function succeeds (the object was successfully updated), then it returns ERROR_SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns one of the following values.

Return value Description
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED The caller doesn't have proper permissions to operate on the object with the specified ID. This error occurs when this API is called on non-AutoResolve objects managed by MDM.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Common error conditions include: No object with the specified ID exists; the addresses are in an invalid format.


If append is TRUE, then the input addresses will be appended to the object's current list of addresses. If the input parameter is a duplicate of an address already set in the object, then it will be discarded, and ERROR_SUCCESS will be returned.

The firewall service treats an address as a duplicate if the address is exactly equivalent to a value in the dynamic keyword address's existing addresses field. Duplicate values are considered on an individual element basis, so an update with a list of IP addresses might have only a subset of duplicate input discarded. For example, if the dynamic keyword address object contains, then any input of or would be discarded. However, an input such as would not be discarded, since that is a subset, and not a direct duplicate.

If append is FALSE, then the object's current list of addresses will be overwritten by the input.

Non-AutoResolve objects that originated from MDM will result in ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.

Non-AutoResolve objects that were locally created (through API or PowerShell) are updated via this API.

AutoResolve objects of any origin are updateable via this API.

To clear the addresses for an object, pass in NULL for the updatedAddresses value.

Valid format for the updatedAddresses parameter is a comma-separated list of IP address tokens. Tokens can be individual IP addresses, ranges, or subnets. Valid token formats include:

  • A valid IPv4 address (for example,
  • A valid IPv6 address (for example, 2620:1ec:c11::200)
  • An IPv4 address range in the format <start address>-<end address>, with no spaces included (for example,
  • An IPv6 address range in the format <start address>-<end address>, with no spaces included (for example, 2001:db8:abcd:12::-2001:db8:abcd:12:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff)
  • A valid IPv4 subnet specified using the network prefix notation (for example,
  • A valid IPv6 subnet specified using the prefix length notation (for example, 2001:db8:abcd:0012::0/64)


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 Build 20348
Minimum supported server Windows 10 Build 20348
Target Platform Windows
Header netfw.h
DLL firewallapi.dll

See also