INetworkCostManager::GetDataPlanStatus method (netlistmgr.h)

The GetDataPlanStatus retrieves the data plan status for either a machine-wide internet connection , or the first-hop of routing to a specific destination on a connection. If an IPv4/IPv6 address is not specified, this method returns the data plan status of the connection used for machine-wide Internet connectivity.


HRESULT GetDataPlanStatus(
  [out] NLM_DATAPLAN_STATUS *pDataPlanStatus,
  [in]  NLM_SOCKADDR        *pDestIPAddr


[out] pDataPlanStatus

Pointer to an NLM_DATAPLAN_STATUS structure that describes the data plan status associated with a connection used to route to a destination. If destIPAddr specifies a tunnel address, the first available data plan status in the interface stack is returned.

[in] pDestIPAddr

An NLM_SOCKADDR structure containing the destination IPv4/IPv6 or tunnel address. If NULL, this method returns the cost associated with the preferred connection used for machine Internet connectivity.

Return value

Returns S_OK on success, otherwise an HRESULT error code is returned.

Return code Description
pDataPlanStatus is NULL.
Determining the interface used to route to the destination
The destination address specified by destIPAddr is invalid.
The request is not supported. This error is returned if either an IPv4 or IPv6 stack is not present on the local computer but either an IPv4 or IPv6 address was specified by destIPAddr.
Network connectivity is currently unavailable.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header netlistmgr.h

See also
