ISpatialAudioMetadataClient::ActivateSpatialAudioMetadataWriter method (spatialaudiometadata.h)

Creates an ISpatialAudioMetadataWriter object for writing spatial audio metadata items to an ISpatialAudioMetadataItems object.


HRESULT ActivateSpatialAudioMetadataWriter(
  [in]  SpatialAudioMetadataWriterOverflowMode overflowMode,
  [out] ISpatialAudioMetadataWriter            **metadataWriter


[in] overflowMode

A value that specifies the behavior when attempting to write more metadata items to the ISpatialAudioMetadataItems than the maximum number of items specified when calling ActivateSpatialAudioMetadataItems.

[out] metadataWriter

Receives a pointer to an instance of ISpatialAudioMetadataWriter.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, possible return codes include, but are not limited to, the values shown in the following table.

Return code Description
The provided pointer is not valid.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header spatialaudiometadata.h

See also
