ITAutomatedPhoneControl::put_PhoneHandlingEnabled method (tapi3if.h)

The put_PhoneHandlingEnabled method sets the PhoneHandlingEnabled property. Setting the property enables or disables all the automatic phone interaction features for this phone. Features include automated control of a phone's tones and rings, and automated call handling based on a phone's hookswitch state.


HRESULT put_PhoneHandlingEnabled(
  [in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnabled


[in] fEnabled

If VARIANT_TRUE, phone handling is enabled. If VARIANT_FALSE, phone handling is disabled. The default value is VARIANT_FALSE.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an error value.


Typically, an application sets other properties on the ITAutomatedPhoneControl interface (to configure the details of the automatic phone interaction features required) before setting the PhoneHandlingEnabled property to VARIANT_TRUE. However, you can also adjust the properties after you call the put_PhoneHandlingEnabled method to enable the features.

When the phone is closed with a call to the ITPhone::Close method, the PhoneHandlingEnabled property is automatically reset to VARIANT_FALSE.

If you set the PhoneHandlingEnabled property to VARIANT_TRUE, and the phone doesn't have a ringer device, the ringing sound plays on the default audio device for the system; for example, on sound card speakers. For more information, see PHONECAPS_LONG.

For a list of property methods that get and set the automatic phone interaction features, see ITAutomatedPhoneControl.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header tapi3if.h (include Tapi3.h)
Library Uuid.lib
DLL Tapi3.dll

See also


