ITPhone::get_Terminals method (tapi3if.h)

The get_Terminals method retrieves a collection of terminals that are associated with the phone. The application does not have to call ITPhone::Open before executing this method.


HRESULT get_Terminals(
  [in]  ITAddress *pAddress,
  [out] VARIANT   *pTerminals


[in] pAddress

Pointer to the ITAddress interface.

[out] pTerminals

Pointer to a VARIANT containing an ITCollection of ITTerminal interface pointers.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


If no terminals are associated with the phone, this method produces an empty collection and returns S_OK.

The application does not have to call the ITPhone::Open method before calling get_Terminals. This is because the implementation of the phone object can open the phone and call phoneGetID during TAPI initialization or when a new phone object appears.

TAPI calls the AddRef method on the ITAddress interface returned by ITPhone::get_Terminals. The application must call Release on the ITAddress interface to free resources associated with it.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header tapi3if.h (include Tapi3.h)
Library Uuid.lib
DLL Tapi3.dll

See also



