ITPhone::GetPhoneCapsBuffer method (tapi3if.h)

The GetPhoneCapsBuffer method gets a buffer capability/information about the phone, based on the PHONECAPS_BUFFER enum passed in.

This method is intended for C/C++ applications. Visual Basic and scripting applications must use the get_PhoneCapsBuffer method.


HRESULT GetPhoneCapsBuffer(
  [in]  PHONECAPS_BUFFER pcbCaps,
  [out] DWORD            *pdwSize,
  [out] BYTE             **ppPhoneCapsBuffer


[in] pcbCaps

The PHONECAPS_BUFFER descriptor for the phone capability.

[out] pdwSize

Size of the buffer, in bytes.

[out] ppPhoneCapsBuffer

Pointer to the buffer containing the values.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header tapi3if.h (include Tapi3.h)
Library Uuid.lib
DLL Tapi3.dll

See also
