ITStream::StopStream method (tapi3if.h)

The StopStream method stops the stream.


HRESULT StopStream();

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Value Meaning
Method succeeded.
Method not implemented.
The provider does not support this operation.


An application can call this method to stop a stream. The difference between pausing a stream and stopping a stream depends on the type of transport used for the call.

This call generates events that the application can retrieve if it has registered. Please see the Events overview for information on receiving events.

If the stream stops successfully, the application receives a CALL_MEDIA_EVENT with a value of CME_STREAM_INACTIVE event and CALL_MEDIA_EVENT_CAUSE equaling CMC_LOCAL_REQUEST.

If the stream fails to pause, the application receives a CME_STREAM_FAIL event with cause CMC_LOCAL_REQUEST.

To subsequently restart the stream, the application must call StartStream.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header tapi3if.h (include Tapi3.h)

See also


Media Service Provider Interface (MSPI)