CWbemProviderGlue::GetInstancesByQuery(LPCWSTR,TRefPointerCollection<CInstance>*,MethodContext*,LPCWSTR) method (wbemglue.h)

[The CWbemProviderGlue class is part of the WMI Provider Framework which is now considered in final state, and no further development, enhancements, or updates will be available for non-security related issues affecting these libraries. The MI APIs should be used for all new development.]

The GetInstancesByQuery method retrieves a list of instances that match a particular query.


HRESULT GetInstancesByQuery(
  LPCWSTR                          query,
  TRefPointerCollection<CInstance> *pList,
  MethodContext                    *pMethodContext,
  LPCWSTR                          pszNamespace



Query to be executed.


Linked list of instances that match the query specified by Query.


Pointer to the current context. A context must be provided to prevent deadlocks. Either use the context passed into the provider by Provider::EnumerateInstances or Provider::ExecQuery, or else obtain it from the instance using CInstance::GetMethodContext. This parameter must not be NULL.


Pointer to the namespace that contains the instances. If NULL, the default namespace, root\cimv2, is used.

Return value

The method returns WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if the operation was successful, WBEM_E_FAILED if the operation failed, or any other HRESULT error code.


The GetInstancesByQuery method allows framework providers to access data from other providers without having to make a WMI API call. Framework providers pass a query to GetInstancesByQuery, which returns the appropriate instances.

For performance reasons, when calling this function, specify only the properties you need (for example, specify "SELECT name" instead of "SELECT *").


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header wbemglue.h (include FwCommon.h)
Library FrameDyn.lib
DLL FrameDynOS.dll; FrameDyn.dll